Final Fantasy VII Remake

Will you buy it even if Tifa get's nerf'd

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Looks like a Thai hooker. HD was a mistake.

Some idioit will think that this is legit.

Not legit.

There hasn't been sexual censorship in japan.

Friendly reminder Tifa is an asian, therefore Aeris is the bestgirl by default.

At least this model have nipples.
What porn game?

What does that have to do with game models in Japan?

>will you buy it even if

I will not buy it. At all.
They WILL ruin it just like they have ruined every FF since and including XIII

It'll have XV garbage wannabe action combat and changed story and scenes because of SJW shit

>that face

>cute face
>nipples showing through top
>dirt over skin
>thicc legs
this is way better than what we'll be getting. Prepare for a very sexless version of Tifa.

Didn't they reduce her boob size later anyway? Like the movie. I don't care anyway that shit is not important at all.


White women are nasty.

>cute face

If you're into lifeless sex-doll faces, which you must be. Virgin.

It's not a look I'd go for but it's going to be better than the official version which most likely will be on crack like they did to Cloud.

Only western censorships nowadays.

Americans love thisr hyper violence over sexual stuff.

you DO realize that'll it'll be coming to both the PC and other undisclosed consoles

mods on the former will undoubtedly bring back some "classic" elements

I want spats
>pounds table

it looks pretty good actually

Cloud is supposed to look like that early on, you retard.

Some people will come up with any excuses...
I imagined a tough but wartorn looking Cloud, not some bitch.

I'm sorely tempted not to buy it as it is, what with the episodic games and including the extended universe.
If they completely fuck the character models as well, I might just leave it

he was sitting inside a MAKO TANK (TM) for years m8!

Try playing the game retard. He had been in a mall tank for years just before the events of the start of the game

nope to much sjw and censoring shit in media as is

Yeah that really affecting Cidney's design in XV.

do you think they've learned anything from that abortion of a combat system in ff15 and will make sure the remake doesnt turn out that bad?

it'll be more like a hybrid of what KH was m8

>play it first on Playstation 4
>play it first

thats not much better, but ill take it i guess.

he meant that 'never ever' had long lasting repercussions

it means it's either coming to


>tits repel each other

>Looks like a Thai hooker.
does that mean she has a dick?

She'll be as big as she was in Dissidia.
What will decide whether or not I buy it depends on how badly they fuck it up with this episodic shit.

I didn't said it was for japan you retard.

I said if this was a western game it would be a fat ugly purple hair bisexual pill popping feminist piece of dog shit like you.

>Buying Final Fantasy after the year 2000

I'll pirate it just to see what the new localization's like though. Or just watch videos on Youtube.

>Will you buy it

No I've learned not to trust Square though I will probably cave when it goes on sale for >$20 on Steam

let's say for charity's sake each "episode" is around 30-35 hours.will it be enough tie to properly develop cloud & the rest?

If Tifa gets nerfed or if Tifa's Tifas gets nerfed?

My answer is I'll want it more if her Tifas get nerfed.

>live action combat
nope it's shit


There are nasty women in every demographic, dummy

Tifa was always trash, so I don't care about her. They better not fuck up Aeris however.

Fig 1.

That's fair and makes sense tho. Tifas back would otherwise get rekt with those watermelons.


That wouldn't be too bad, but what I'm really REALLY hoping is that maybe by being episodic like XIII they meant that each episode would be one of the games in the compilation of FFVII.

I'd gladly accept some boob shrinkage if it meant some THICC thighs

each FF has a radically different combat system with each installment though?


>There hasn't been sexual censorship in japan.
Witcher 3 got its tits censored because Nips can't handle exposed nipples.


gonna need the code fampaichi

I was in akihabara the other day

Yuffie is the only Asian one.
Tifa and Aerith only look Asian in shitty Advent Children because it's shit.


Tifa thread?

Why do you faggots insist on calling her Aeris? That was obviously a translation error.

no discuss how'll they change the FMVs

>White women
Make sure Tyrone JR has enough food before your girl goes out to fuck Jamal tonight

i want to suck on Tifa's tongue

square know that if they give tifa a mastectomy, they can kiss goodbye to any interest in this game

and thats after they fucked it up by announcing episodic bullshit and ADHD-level gameplay

Will aeris live in the remake?

please go back again and send me a full picture to my email
also any other neat things you see I'm very interested
[email protected]

>buying anything made by enix
>buying anything remade by enix
lmao nope

If the gameplay is like 15 then fuck this game
They could make her breasts even bigger than CG Tifa from the original game and I wouldn't buy it

Goddamn, that huge ass.

Nah it got banned because the game is shit like your life.

aeris was ugly as shit in advent children

it won't be see this

Aeris is never ugly.

I don't buy garbage just because someone might polish it later.

Its the only tifuta pic i saw

I only have 1 requirement to purchase this game(s): Boob physics

I wonder when Nomura will be taken off the project. Lord knows SE is a mismanaged pos.

KH2 Tifa is best Tifa.

he didn't even know he was the directer until he saw the reveal trailer in 2015

Honestly looking forward to this.

The revamped battle system is enough but I sort of hope they do an alternate universe so I don't know literally every single part of the plot beforehand.

That'll be a huge fucking red flag. I mean, say what you will about him, at least he was originally a part of it, and seems genuinely enthusiastic.

If Dissidia on the PSP can have boob physics then so should a PS4 game.

Aranea has bigger tits than Tifa so who cares about Tifa?


thats nice

DASD. I don't know the exact number.


Is that the dick size?

Do they really have porn out in the open like that or were you in some adult shop?

Here is a reminder that Tifa is Asian.

Why are Asian traps the best? Literally the only kind of trap I'd ever consider fucking.

Aranea also has only 30 minutes of screen time.

No joke she does look like a thai go go girl now, and whats with her gumby lack of knees

That's Asian with facial reconstructive surgery to.have western female face features/

no but I'm looking forward to playing Final Fantasy 12: Improved abs edition

Aeris is canon slut, keep the slum bicycle away from my cock pls


someone show him the gif you know the one

>Weeb telling me Aerith is the real translation
>Tells me it's because th sounds like s in Japspeak

So if you pronounce it Aeris anyway, how the fuck is Aeris not the right translation?

Aeris and Aerith are both valid. Fuck Aerith tho.
