Is DFO good?

Is DFO good?


Yeah. Dying tho

Haven't played it but I heard the devs shat on the player base with the 2nd anniversary event.

It's fun, but casuals hate it.

Yes but it's still a Korean MMO so I hope you don't mind grinding.

It's ok, you run around and punch monsters to death

>korean game
name 1



Infinite patch when? Just want sader revamp already haven't played since christmas epic grind fest.

It died after Nexon cut the game.

Other than you know its back.

It's fun I guess

holy fuck he got you

Yeah, with barely any promotion or anything. The community numbers probably less than a few thousand.

Pretty fun for an online generic beat em up. I had some fun summers with it

it's an unfun grind and the publisher is holding back content

Doubtful Dfo cant run if its just a few 1000 players.
There are 200 employees on a small island litterally working on global dfo. for 3 years now. if they made no profits they have no job

It's one of the very small number of MMOs that is genuinely good. Though end game is grindy but what MMO ISN'T a loot grind train at the end? The gameplay while doing the loot train is solid unlike many other MMOs out there.

lol no

anyone who says otherwise is an addict and can't face facts the game is shit

you don't even like video games. Have a (you) for trying.