Rising Storm 2

Did anyone here manage to catch the Rising Storm 2 closed beta? How did you like it?

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Sound is absolutely fucked. Really lowered my enjoyment.

yeah, I did.
I've been enjoying it. It's RO2/RS in 'Nam. Blasting buttblasted yanks is awesome.

Loved it. Some shit they could of fixed but overall had fun.


I really enjoyed it, though i might wait a bit to buy unless the public beta fixes a bunch of the problems.

I liked it a lot, has some rough edges but overall it's gud.

Felt like the VC got all the coolshit. Only real thing I can think of is GI got flamethrower.


>How did you like it?

I give it a 0/10, my shill friend

It's pretty fucking shit. Annoys me that RO2 will die for this crap.

Map design is small and shit. Imagine playing Rising Storm 1 except everyone is running around with shittier MKBs.

I have good news

>Some other specific bugs we are working on fixing (or have already fixed) for the next beta are:
>Enemy Spotted indicator not saving the Z coordinates
>Many collision/geometry issues reported by the community in CB 7 (invisible walls, doors with no collision, hills that were not climbable that should have been and more)
>Smoke grenades not spreading on the ground properly
>A case where players would not hear the gunfire that killed them
>Bullet cracks have been found and returned
>Overhead maps (and some menus) overblown lighting is being looked into
>Players killed in the character customization menu have recovered their limbs
>Grenade impact sounds not attenuating close enough

Flamethrower and shotgun are great
If the pilots were better the Huey would be usable but I guess that how it's going to be until people git gud

Yeah, played for 3 days straight. Had a ton of fun, but it still needs a lot of work. Especially in the audio department.
Preordered it based on how much fun it is already (and that a key is only €10 on gray market sites).
Just went back to playing the first Rising Storm (cause I need my fix) and RS2 does seem to play a little faster. As expected with everyone having automatic weapons now.

I really liked it but it crashed about once an hour and the only support I got was "d-does your card s-support DX11?"

also the complete lack of swearing is really distracting.
>Darn it Charlie I'll get you!
>Charlie is fricking everywhere

>small maps
>automatic weapons everywhere
>no vehicles except a chopper no one knows how to use
>barebones as hell
>UE3, still has the same janky engine issues so many years later
>set in a boring war no one except americans and communists give a shit about

woah.... so this is the power of tripwire...


Holy fuck now that you mention it this game needs WAY more obscene swearing.
That retarded christfag TWI president needs to get his shit kicked in if it the final game doesn't have it.

>get excited for all the Vietnam era weapons that i'll get to use
>end up beating the Americans back with the coach gun every round it's available
I really hope they don't nerf it, I get flashbacks to bad company 2 every time get a kill at 100m away

I didn't realise it was some christcuck that was behind this. Fuck sake.
It's a game where you use napalm to burn rice farmers alive and shotguns can decimate their fucking bodies but using a naughty word is somehow going to upset the baby Jesus?

Christians can't into logic. Neither almost the entirety of the USA for that matter.
Sure I let my kids watch the most gruesomely violent movies, but A NIPPLE ON TV? OH NO CAN'T HAVE THAT GOTTA SUE THE TV STATION FOR OBSCENE IMAGERY

most fun i had in a long time.

This is why we need public chat back so you can cut out the middle man and shout obscenities at the Charlies yourself.


Does public chat work when the game is in lockdown or something? maybe it was just a server tweak but I was playing this one game as the Americans and somebody on the gooks started playing Hannah Hannoi propaganda soundboard over public chat whilst a couple of other guys were just shouting GI GO HOME and it was fucking hilarious


>Post the track that plays when your squad bails out of the Huey on a hot LZ


They will nerf it 100%, they have to, you can kill people past 100 meters just by shooting in their general direction.

Still fun tho, unless you are dying to it.

You can turn public chat on in the server settings but most servers have it off.

>helicopter pilots

nice strawman

At least the takeoff was good.

Nice straw hat.


How is flying helicopters in this game? I never tried it since the shotguns are too much fun.

I really wish I was still playing it

Pretty fun but not enough maps had helicopters. Controlling them is similar to battlefield games, except that the helicopters actually have weight in them.

>It's good, however.

Right now it's just difficult to distinguish the distance of shots fired, there aren't sound occlusion or interior muffled gunshots as far as I can tell. It's also quite hard to distinguish gunshots being fired toward you from the rest and their elevation.

>TL&DR you can't get enough useful information from sounds.

Suppression just don't work when in Hue for instance it doesn't matter if you're below ground or in the stair case, you'll get that suppression from bullet passing outside.

RO2 ADS slight zoom, and enhanced zoom with hold breath was good, why the fuck remove that and force you into a limited fov whenever you aim down sight.

Gun viewmodel fov is trash and needs to be adjustable.

Needs HBAO+ and better ppaa than fxaa

Godd damn bipods are as buggy as ever

Can't even use scoreboard to mute a piece of shit mic spimer, waste of time using the menus.

No numerical hints on those poor sliders...

I will never pilot a helicopter in this game, it's too much pressure. I spawned in as a helicopter gunner 3 times and we were pretty much immediately blown up each time and the team chat was not pleasant. My fees fees aren't strong enough.

>about to run headfirst into some VC
>this starts playing