>playing rpg
>not high enough a certain stat to continue
>immediately quit the game and never play it again
Am I the only one who does this?
>playing rpg
>not high enough a certain stat to continue
>immediately quit the game and never play it again
Am I the only one who does this?
Probably, yeah.
I do it. I don't actually play any games though.
New Vegas had the best dialogue options
>Get Boone to kill Manny
>"Why'd you do that?!"
>"I thought it'd be funny."
Yes, but I'd agree on Bethesda being retarded. Why would the game tell you in your face that your skill isn't enough to do something instead of hiding these options?
well thats the point of role playing
you excel in some areas and not in others
you eventually get everythimg up anyways
you should just away from games
limited carry weight is what gets me
having to stop in the middle of exploring to dump your shit in a bin is annoying as fuck and feels like an artificial time extender.
>be 1 point below the threshold
>character shits himself and starts drooling
I like it, especially NV's version of you not being skilled enough in a category to comment on it.
The ones I hate are percentage chance to say the option that gives you a thing and alignment ones where you have to be good or evil enough to pick a dialogue option
being able to carry everything in the wasteland on had just seems a little silly to me
there are mods for that though
You really should be able to use a magazine while in dialogue, is there a mod for that?
You know there are things that temporally increase such skills...just quicksave before taking to anybody important and see what you need boosted.
There are skill magazines for that.
Is this the RPG thread? I bought Risen on steam because it was on sale and it always interested me and I'm really enjoying it. When the fuck do I get armor though? I bought the shield from the smith at the bandit camp but some of the mobs I can reasonably handle still really fuck my shit up if they hit me.
I sure hope so because you sure are one dumb motherfucker.
Probably, but most of the time you can exit dialogue, use the magazine and initiate the dialogue again.
> not setting all stats to max so you can avoid that bullshit
cmon bruh
>Hardcore new vegas
>Ammo weighs you down but not caps, shell cases, stims, etc. So I can carry 10000 stims but not 10000 308 rounds, gotca.
Is the average IQ in this board literally african tier?
Bethesda didn't do this, Obsidian did
reading the skill book meant courier had a more confident tone when asking the question
Really? The fact that you can't carry infinity weight is what breaks immersion to you?
You can buy armor when you get to the seaside town, but you don't get good armor until you join a faction. Such is the life of a guy shipwrecked on a weird island.
What are drugs, clothing, skill books
Guess I gotta keep doing quests for the bandit camp then since when I tried to go the back way into Harbour Town I was warned I'd be locked in.
I think you can get some decent starting armor from the bandits after doing some questing. It's been a long ass time since I've played Risen though.
Yeah one of the guys said he'd sell me some clothing or something if I helped him so I figure that is some basic cloth armor.
Post great-tier WRPGs
stims have weight in hardcore
They do not.
its what makes me not want to continue. Its just not fun.
Maybe. I always look at it like a puzzle to be solved. I loved designing my FO3 & NV flawless character runs and after only an hour or so of gameplay you had all the stats and perks set up so that you could see any encounter and have all the options available to you. FO3 was a bit longer because it included the survival guide .
I love how New Vegas gave you different speech lines for failed stat checks and you could still attempt the statchecks even though you would you would obviously fail.
No they don't. The effect is changed to a HoT and they can't heal crippled limbs.
Hardcore was a fucking joke. There isn't enough scarcity for any item to have it matter and there is so much free food that you still never need to craft anything.
No one's talking about immersion here. Infinite carry weight is just an annoyance that does nothing but force you to dump/sell your shit from time to time.
All of the games i got immersed in, as in i play it from start to finish and forget anything's even happening outside of that, weren't even that hard on realism. They were just very enjoyable and clicked with me so i don't understand why people always link immersion to realism as if you can't get invested in a game that is too crazy.
So just do a console command just like me. Wow, that was fucking hard.
>>not high enough a certain stat to continue
This was rarely a problem in NV, quests nearly always had alternate ways to progress.
That's why it's called a roleplaying game, doofus.
In JSawyer mod they do, you probably played that and forgot it wasn't vanilla behavior
Playing NV with a 1 int character was the most fun I've had in the game.
I wish there was more retardo-roleplaying, some of the options were pretty amusing, especially when it was unique skill successes for being an idiot.
I'm glad that tumblr screenshots always include the comments at the bottom otherwise I wouldn't know how I'm supposed to feel about the content.
Way to miss the point
>I wish there was more retardo-roleplaying
Just join a RP chatroom
Is there a video of all the failed speech checks anywhere?
They shouldn't show you that it's a skill check.
Hidden skill checks are retarded. Why would you want the game to obscure important information from the player?
You would be locked in but there are at least two spots where you can jump out if you can survive the fall. Acrobatics, levitation, etc. help.
Same goes for the Volcano Keep. If they get you and it seems like all is lost, but you really don't want to be an Inquisition warrior, you can make a rush for the balcony and jump. As long as you are not officially recruited you are a free man.
You should be able to use your common sense. Especially if the game gives different dialog options for failed and successful skill check attempts.