>me ooga
>team booga
>we lose
Me ooga
Other urls found in this thread:
>We all lose
>me ooga
>team booga
>I win
>partying up with friends that aren't dog shit
>tfw friends are all 2k trash
tfw im 1k trash
>tfw they always invite that one guy that flames everyone
do you play with your feet
>tfw my friends are pretty good
>7.04 onwards have had this
The problem was I went into ranked as early as I could and tried to support, but I didn't understand what supporting was so I ended up just doing nothing.
I'm climbing up really fast now because I played a few hundred more normal games and figured out how to play support properly. In ranked solo I play sven or AM so I can carry even with a bad team.
>me booga
>team booga
>we lose
>have no friends that play
everyone i play with i met in the game. you gotta get a mic desu
>friends are not only bad but pick so as to lose at the drafting phase
I have a mic, and try to communicate with it. My skill level just doesn't go up cause I hop from game to game because boredom. Plus, I rarely care about making friends or trying to party with Randies cause reasons.
>mfw playing invoker
>mfw this always happens
>the dickhead that instalocks voker, feeds mid, then yells at his team in tongues
post em
7.00 is basically a different game with all the monkey teamfight you have to do constantly
>Get in loser, we're going warding
>that one mega creep defending game lost because of fucking respawn time talents got me this many records
you are all like children
>tfw invoker is my favorite hero but people flame
Feels bad man
>Most friends are dogshit except for one
>He picks techies every time it's not banned
that losing streak
sorry user
>ranked got introduced
>every single friend got 3k
>I'm the only one with 4k
NOt him and I'm on a 12 game losing streak right now.
Whenever the Compendium comes out, people start tryharding with their stacks and I have 0 friends that play Dota 2, so it's straight losses.
I learned to stop playing around that time last year, dunno why I fucked up this year.
try doing all random
whats the meaning of life?
>not playing battlerite
You faggots don't know misery
When there's no randomness or other factors to blame and the true extent of your lack of skill becomes apparent is when despair flourishes
Also it's fun
Go away and make your own thread.
Give me (You)'s please.
It doesn't have enough players for a proper thread so I'll have to hijack yours
I guess I like how you have at least one support in your list.
The killsteal hat is KotL or Zeos?
>Be 5.2k
>Want to learn invoker
>Make new acc for it since there is no way in hell I can just play voker at 5k level out of the blue
>Voker gets banned half of the time
>The other half it's firstpicked by the enemy team
On the bright side I'm getting pretty good at playing ss/sf/tinker woods
Everyone in this board is pretty bad.
>most hero healing
>lycan 41753
What happened there?
I have two if you count undying.
I was really surprised alchemist isn't my highest gold amount.
Thanks user
im not proud of what ive done
Howl counts as healing
>three posts have matches upwards of two hours
seriously how did you not just kill yourself after an hour
mega creeps are fun to defend
It is like playing X-hero siege on insane difficulty
>he almost exclusively plays AM and Ember Spirit
I don't get these characters, what makes them so popular? Every time some faggot instapicks one of them or both are picked. Same with Legion Commander but she's trash.
>earth spirit
>last game was 2015
>that feel when you're the first one to shit on people for mistakes
>but you're also the best player in your group
Playing the 3-4 position is hell. I don't want all the glory but fucking god damn it I deserve it. Not because I'm cocky but because I have an average of 80+% kill participation. I purchase the most wards. I gank the most often to feed the lanes. I split push when needed. I stack every fucking camp I possibly can and we lose because my team just isn't fucking good enough. I carried their asses to 6.5k they dragged me down to 4k. Game after game is a loss. I try so fucking hard. They give up after 2 deaths.
It became a game of who abandoned first
no one wanted to lose
not confidant but the way sb their sb was talking i think he killed him self
AM and Ember are both heavy ricers capable of winning 1v5 without relying on your team.
LC is popular because she's fun to play I guess.
gotta move fast man
When are you going pro?
Currently the best offlaner. People jungle her (because of recent jungle changes), but they're missing the point of the hero.
>play earth spirit
>have a good time
>hero is deleted from the game
>dont play him anymore
really activates the almonds
Have they reintroduced Solo MatchMaking yet?
they did for a weekend
Yes, in the patch before this one. If you search ranked alone you are put in an all solo game
Noobs have been jungling as LC since forever. They want to hit creeps but but don't want to go to lane and get contested.
yeah, only for ranked though
Maybe I should start playing again then, I haven't played it since 2013 though so I will be sucking ass.
LC jungle sucks in this patch, you get less gold and xp for jungle creeps and LC can't farm the entire jungle every 60 seconds so it's not worth it.
i don't really know dota too well, but from experience whenever im ready to move up in any sort of team game i get there spamming carry roles, not gankers or supporty type shit. unless it's league and whatever random role is broken for the next three weeks.
this also really got my almonds activated
>that feel when you're the first one to shit on people for mistakes
>I try so fucking hard. They give up after 2 deaths.
LC is still one of the most contested picks in high level plays. Her lategame talents are insane.
Dude are you a pro player yet? You should be.
>shit on people when they make mistakes
>wonder why people give up after 2 deaths
Morale is vital
>playing pudge support
>buying wards, dewarding
>buying smoke and constantly ganking mid
>carry makes a mistake in mid game and everything I did is ignored
>people flame each other and we lose
>playing axe
>people think they can kill axe
>axe kill people
>axe have a nice day
>team flame axe because axe dunk enemy
>axe fun axe loves
>playing spectre
>farming my safe lane with 8 tangos, life is good
>oh no I got ganked sufccessfully but no worries, comeback mechanic is my ult
>enemy team is constantly on timer, sweet sweet radiance
Why is playing as support so unfun guys?
>i carried them to 6.5k
>they dragged me down to 4k
>they boogad me 2000 points lower than I deserve to be there!
yeah this a fucking lie
there is no lack of mongoloids in 6k but you don't fall from 6.5k to 4k because of teammates
at an average of 25 MMR a loss that would take a 100 loss STREAK
you're either a liar or an emotional shit heel
>That one friend that gives up 10 mins in
>>axe fun axe loves
I wish axe finally got an axe that sounds like splitting a man in half, and not a smithing hammer.
>playing dota 2 and cs go in eu
not anymore
>someone calls mid, picks QoP, never ganks
>check his profile
I'd rather play with Russians desu.
>100% kill participation
>was 3k since 2012
>used to be like OP
>got good
>got from 3k to 5.5k in 2 1/2 months
>got to play with fear, waga, purge in last 2 weeks
>about ~20ish wins away from top 200 players in NA
literally all you have to do is get good
>installed dota 2 about 6 years ago
>quickly learned how to play because of hontrash experience
>loved the game like crazy
>climbed to 5.5k in 2013, loved supporting since it felt so meaningful, loved offlaning because my style of lane dominance had a lasting impact on games
>thought that there was no way they could fuck up dota 2
>then the memeback came
>slowly but surely, my playstyles were nerfed and everything i cared about was gradually taken out and replaced with constant brainless fighting
>no more allocating map resources and avoiding the enemy team, just find them and kill them with your 3 pick-off heroes
>no more pressuring the enemy team with early pushing, just farm 3 lanes and the jungle to get your carry to be the biggest fucker ever, then give him aegis and maybe you can push HG by 30 minutes
>only thing that's left is just constant fighting and comebacking that just feels exhausting because it has no lasting ramifications whatsoever until the game finally ends after an especially bad teamfight in the lategame
>and for what? to make esports more watchable and eventful
>in the process of trying to get more people to watch their pro dota, valve ruins their own game
>spend 3 years playing the game in spite of the memeback mechanics, hoping that valve will come around and realize how shit they are and take them out
>never happens, they just double down on them every patch
i used to be upset but i'm not anymore. i'm fine with dota dying. it's probably for the best. it had a very good run at the time. 3-4 years of being one of the best games on the market. that's not too bad
You can play forced solo ranked though.
I am using a sword on my axe but yeah, it sounds like a hammer drop when I dunk people
Still "you got blinked" is easily one of my favourite responses and the reason why I don't mute them
memeback is finally dead as of 7.05
also as of 3 days ago you can "win" a "lane" again instead of them instantly meme shrining to full health again.
Feels like old dota is coming back but better.
>says kotl on his rings
>tfw you climp 5.3k with tusk bane in the tusk patch
>tfw you lose 300 because you start doing retarded shit like omni offlane before it was meta
>memeback is finally dead as of 7.05
it most definitely isn't
you can't "fix" memeback at this point. it's ingrained to the game so deeply that you would have to roll the game back to 2013 to actually fix it.
if you think differently then you never experienced pub dota in 5k in 2013
I mean yes but no.
The offlaner doesn't automatically get a fuckload of regen for no reason, but he gets xp easier due to xp changes.
If i knew modding I'd have replaced the sounds, and used chinese lifestealer, because I'm annoyed by his fucked up teeth
>tfw doing the season matchmaking and winning every game despite feeding as support every game
Meanwhile when I play with friends I'm offlane or jungle 90% of the time because we have a dedicated mid and someone who's afraid to play anything but wardbitch
It's actually really easy to replace models user, just look up a guide on the web. I have skins I always wanted to have on my heroes so I only changed health bars (to see dunk points) and the rate at which the white damage from bar goes away. Dota 2 is quite flexible, except you can't do shit like range finder for blink dagger anymore
>I play togther with a 5k warden mainer, 3k, two 1k while being 4k myself
>got from 3k to 5.5k in 2 1/2 months
How many matches did you play to reach 5k? I have 1,207 in solo ranked, 1,790 games overall so I don't play unranked that much, and my peak was 3.5k, I am 3.2 after fucking around and dropping dota. I was tryharding to rice from 2k hell but ones reaching 3k I stopped. Hoverer I feel that after that much time wasted in this unholy game I am not 4k yet, but at the same time I keep seeing people with TWICE as many matches as me still being 3k shitters.
>tfw friends want to play
>won't queue with them in ranked or unranked because they are all sub 6k trash
>i'm 6.9k
>Always go to instalock Nature's Prophet
Why can't I quit? He's just too fun in being an annoying piece of shit.
I have a 70% winrate in ranked so every 10 games I play, I go up 100 MMR.
If you only have a 51% winrate you'll only win 20 games every 1000 games you play for +500 mmr every 1000 games. I get +500 MMR every 50 games.
Nice, thanks!
I also wish skillshots had a hitbox indicator instead of that shitty arrow.
Would clarify shit about pudge hook and mirana arrow for one.
which build? the rat or midas dagon?
I can understand not liking the horrors of sniper/troll memeback meta but seriously old dota was.
>carry boops creeps for 40 minutes not participating in 80% of the game, maximum trying to avoid ganks by rotating through jungle
>get any advantage and snowball to death, games decided in first 10 minutes akin to LoL with peak being TI4 memepush
>no one but carry gets farm, supports are cannon meat pass early midgame mark and do jack shit late game because they get blown up in 2 hits and never get to defensive items as all the farm is for carry
Also I don't agree with some of your points
>no more allocating map resources and avoiding the enemy team, just find them and kill them with your 3 pick-off heroes
>no more pressuring the enemy team with early pushing, just farm 3 lanes and the jungle to get your carry to be the biggest fucker ever, then give him aegis and maybe you can push HG by 30 minutes
There are bounty runes, jungle was unnerfed back to stacking. Pressuring enemy safe lane is a viable strat used by many team, before offlane was just a suicide/suffering lane with pressure potential much lover than now. Deathball is cancer and TI4 showed it. Because dota is balanced to pros it became much more team oriented, that is a natural way of things, it's a team game after all. Some aspects took on a weird spin like split pushing with summons being nerfed while at the same time illusion push getting cancerous, and early shrines were too imbalanced but old dota wasn't some candy land and had it's big share of problems as well.