>sonybros will NEVER EVER get ARMS
Sonybros will NEVER EVER get ARMS
where is your bloodborn ? I nvm nintendofags only play underage crap
>no platform apart from PC will EVER get a truly relevant game
I am ok with this
I don't even like fighters
>thx for the info now I no
I sure love microtransaction cocks!
all those shitty games
more rehashed from Wii era
why does mt the Switch have anything original besides port - remastered- sequel - mario from wii, wii u
1 2 switch
>wanting switch games on ps4
but to fair i wouldn't mind trying breath of the wild, anything else? Not worried about it
try harder man though seriously this thread is literally -6 / 10
That's fine, I hope it's a lot of fun!
Tfw I have to buy a switch now
What the fuck is up with that Playerunknowns battlegrounds game. It looks like a generic military shooter but everyone is going absolutely crazy over it. And who the fuck is playerunknown?
Twitch bait pc exclusive multiplayer survival game.
Player unknown is a modder who made it. Putting his name in the title is a bit edgy but whatever
But I have arms. Are you saying Nintendo fans are cripples?
>they will never get Ape Escape 4
>wii boxing with some waifus
When will wagglers learn?
>"console A owners won't get console B exclusives!"
My world is crashing down, OP.
more like
>poorfags will NEVER EVER get all consoles
I don't understand this console wars thing, because i own every consoles/handheld for recent gen.
The only time i owned only 1 console is during PS1 and PS2 because i was a kid and have no job....
NOW i Know who's having console wars.
babies and jobless neet
literally how will they ever recover from this?
I already got a gun tho
Why would I want a switch game I'm not interested in? I don't even care about Zeldas other than the gameboy ones
>It's a "Another shitty game gets released on a nintendo console so everyone pretends it's really great, even though it's just 5$ PSN/Xlive/SteamSale tier" episode
>it's sonybros pretend all Nintendo games are bad episode
This, its incredible how it always work with them. Same thing happened with W101.
Shut the hell up, nintenigger.
its not fair
>s-shut up
why would sonybros want it, its not like you can watch arms you have to play it and they're not into that anymore not since post ps2 era.
Pretendo64 neva4gets
haha what
haha i dunno
I'm going to buy a PS4 rather than a Switch. I can get both, but I'm only getting one right now and PS4 seems like the better buy. Is that true?
Only if you really want a handheld, switch is better
>making platform war threads
You have to be 18 to post here.
I have a 3ds.
so is lolishitposter confirmed sonybro
Then you might want to get a PS4 first. Wait until Christmas for a switch
They may never get arms but at least they have a leg to stand on.