Why don't they make one of these for PS4 and Xbone? Every MGS game in 1080p 60fps would be amazing
Konami's all about the money and this would give them a shitload, plus Xboners would finally be able to play Guns of the Patriots
They could even throw in Twin Snakes since they don't have to deal with Kojima's autism any more
Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection
That's honestly how I first started the Metal Gear series. I just found it in the bargain bin for $5 at Gamestop. I never heard of it before.
>Why don't they make one of these for PS4 and Xbone?
-Konami does not care about videogames nor MGS.
-Can't have Sony-exclusive content on competitor's machine. That includes MGS1 and 4, especially.
-Licensing issues of numerous items seen in the games.
-Kojima's name, everywhere.
>They could even throw in Twin Snakes since they don't have to deal with Kojima's autism any more
Neck yourself. Twin Snake's awful.
For the past X years, that and/or the HD Collection + emulation has been THE way everyone and their mothers have told you to start the series!
Better idea, why not make a pachislot machine out of that?
Because it was a no-effort repackaging of the previous HD Collection (that had MGS2, 3 and PW) with an MGS4 disc also included. MGS1 was was just a download code for PSN, so the only thing it really offered was those shitty motion comics.
Porting MGS1-4 and PW to current-gen consoles and PC would probably take more effort than Konami is willing to put into. MGS4 in particular filled with lots of Sony product placement that would probably take a lot of work to remove.
I'm a bargain bin guy. I buy one game a year. Last game I bought was Mech Warrior 4 Vengeance
I played MGS on release but hardly played MGS2 cos we rented it. Played a friend's copy of MGS4 a few years back and only got around to playing GZ and TPP earlier this month.
Enjoyed the hell outta those even if TPP did shit the bed so decided to go through the legacy collection in release order.
MG+2 were pretty fun to go through albeit unnecessary for the overal story.
MGS was even better than I remembered.
On MGS2 atm and Christ is it turning into a chore. Just got to the naked Raiden part. I've started skipping all dialogue with Rose she does my head in so much.
I played the series backwards. Start at MGS5 on the PS4. End with the original 2D game.
Took me a while to figure what the hell was happening.
>playing MGS4 before finishing 1-3
jesus christ...
and yeah, no matter how Raiden fangirls & "post modern art" fags praise MGS2, the entire Raiden part can be quite a chore. But just push through it so you get to MGS3.
Only reason they didn't release MGS4 on X360 was because the game was fuckhuge and needed blu ray to be playable, which the 360 didn't have
Xbone on the other hand should be more than capable of running it
If you're going to skip the Dialogue in MGS2 you might as well quit the game and skip to 3. You've already wasted it. Come back to it in a year to two.
Wasn't of MGS4's disc space take up by uncompressed video and audio?
I'd finished MGS on PS1 but never even touched 3 when I played 4 and it's been so long 4 will be mostly new to me again after forgetting most of it.
Is the dialogue with Rose that important though? I only skip the segments you get after saving.
>"Snake you have to change discs. Oh wait, we're on Blu-Ray now."
>installing data takes 20 minutes
>Is the dialogue with Rose that important though? I only skip the segments you get after saving.
Nah, you're only missing flavor text -tier backstory bits and pieces like that. Nothing big.
Don't skip the actual cutscenes and CALLS, and you're alright.
I personally love spamming Codec at every single new event and item and thing, but Rose was just... annoying.
Because Konami is a Yakuza shell company. They don't give a fuck about games and hate Kojima.
>Is the dialogue with Rose that important though? I only skip the segments you get after saving.
Its extra characterization, why miss out on that?
is 2 the patrician's choice?
3 is great but the AI is too stupid to handle open environments
No, 2 is a total meme.
3's gameplay and AI are superb, unless you play on Beginner. In fact, the guards' longer line of sight and tendency to blend into environments has caused lots of problems to (modern) rookies.
Because she does my head in. Everything else about the game I'm enjoying. Well besides Vamp. He's an edgy bellend.
And for an underwater escort segment it wasn't that bad either. I remember my brother getting seriously fucked off with that back in the day.
>need rent
>decide that I can sell ps3 bc all the games I play are just HD ports of PS2 games
>3 weeks ago
>play MGS2 because it's big shell day
>the ps2 laser is fucked beyond anything, nothing loads
should I buy a ps3 or a ps2 now boyos
>All those buzzwords
>MGS2 being memorable
All the bossfights were cartoon villian tier except for Solidus and Big Shell was as forgettable of a map as it gets, very little vsriety between rooms and it all just kinda blends together after a while of not playing it.
I barely even remember anything about the game that wasn't Pliskin or Solidus
That's not to say MGS2 is a bad game, but it's certainly not some flawless perfect masterpiece of gameplay and story design
I skipped most of the post-saving conversations in each of the games, and for many I just quickly read through the dialogue with the audio off. You aren't missing out on much.
Might as well get a PS3
the optional rose bits are worth listening to imo
she foreshadows quite a bit if you let her
>We will never get a PC/PS4/Xbox port of MGS HD Collection
>Or a Rare Replay-like collection which includes all the Solid games, Ghost Babel, Revengeance, and the Acid titles
>the bossfights were cartoon villian tier
as opposed to any other MGS game?
>very little vsriety between rooms
maybe not visually but every strut was its own tightly constructed puzzle