Who the fuck is Sen, anyways?

Who the fuck is Sen, anyways?

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He owns the fortress

its the gollum on top

It doesn't matter who he is. What matters was his plan.

What was his end game when he had the fortress built?

That's a big gollem

Some think it's Nameless King/The First Born.

one of the gods lackeys
he built the fortress to test the chosen undead, then his gaygoyles carry you to anor londo

It's short for Senator.

>Some think it's Nameless King


it is a mistranslation. in japanese the name is literally fort of a thousand traps

Bad translation. It was supposed to be fortress of 1000 traps or something like that.

Was Sen's Fortress really the only way into Anor Londo from the ground?

Like how did regular people get in and out?

cant believe shit like this never got fixed

they didn't
that's the whole point

For no other reason than
>long neck snake people in sen's fortress
>long neck snake people in dragon aerie

>Traps rely on surprising their victims, catching them off guard.
>Advertising that a building is full of them in the name of the location.

Mistranslation or not I feel like Sen's is a better name.

>In a Souls game

Mistake or not, Sen's Fortress is an infinitely better name than "The Fortress of 1000 traps"

there's like 2 dozen traps, tops

Not that it matters since "time is convoluted" that hack Miyazaki can claim whatever the fuck he wants to be canon whenever the fuck he wants. The games are built to be retcon'd and to make it not matter. Its the perfect plan to put low effort in something and make the people go crazy about the non existant lore. Its so fucking dumb that its brilliant

desu item descriptions reveal quite a lot at times

Couldn't they just call it "Thousand's Fortress"?

>1000 traps

yes pls

Same. I put it in the "this works out" pile alongside
>samus's "varia" suit was actually "barrier" suit
>final fantasy tactic's ability known as "stop bracelet" was actually "stop breath"
There's something fun about getting 10 minutes in Sen's Fortress and thinking "this sen dude is a fucking dick"

it's "Toussad's Fortrés" in the french version

I think this is tied to a Japanese legend as well

it was a great place

so much this
I've been trying to explain this to soulsfags who think that low effort in creating a story and hence the only available story being in item description is hardcore because hurr durr it's deep and hardcore because it doesn't spoonfeed u the story xd hurr durr.

these wannabe prepare to die gaymurs killed the series

Anor Londo is like Olympus of DS setting. Only Lords and their servants live there, only ones who ever have a reason to leave are knights on quests.

>these wannabe prepare to die gaymurs killed the series
>Demons Souls killed the series before it was released
You are fucking retarded my man

Afaik sen's fortress is a misstranslation.
The real translation would be something like fortress of hundred/thousand traps.
So there is no sen character.

yes they did.
by killing the scope for future improvements by drowning constructive criticism in a large sea of "git gud" and "ur just a casul xd"

For some reason I thought the thumbnail of this was a picture of fucking Mouse Trap

git gud.

Not an inaccurate comparison.

*titanite demon insta-kills you through a 2m thick wall with a polearm*

i would only accept that if the wall got destroyed. But they were too lazy to fix these things after 5 games. Not only that but to add insult to injury they only coded the player weapons to bounce off the walls

It's fortress #1000
As in there are 999 similar forts across the land.

Sen means a Thousand in Japanese, they just didn't translate it.

The name in Japanese is センの古城 (sen's old castle). Thousand is written like 千. "Sen" in this case is a name.

The Japanese text is センの古城 which translates to "Sen's old castle" It isn't that hard to double check this but all of you didn't bother.

Not necessarily.

It's an allegory for Trump's presidency. The player is Trump and the fortress is the liberal media. The snakes are the mindless liberals themselves. The Iron Golem is Hillary Clinton.

Iron Tarkus is we, the people whose inalienable rights shall not be infringed!

Yes necessarily. No one writes セン if they mean 千.

>Nameless King
>has a name

Sen might be the one who designed it, probably as a training ground for Silver Knights, considering how many statues of them there are and how its layout full of traps makes no sense for a real fortress. The Iron Golem was meant to be the final trial and some people speculate that since its core was made from an ancient dragon soul and thus, technically not alive, the trial could be reset just simply putting the core back into another armor.

Nevermind the lore, it's still the area I hate the most.

>not blighttown
>not catacombs


There's no hard rule to the use of katakana, it can mean just about anything really.

Yes necessarily.

It's called a pun and it does not translate into English so it was just left as "Sen".

Sen is the Japanese word for thousand.

Call me a masochist fag, but I actually like Blighttown... The vertical level design, the challenge that implies going there and conquering that adversity is one of my fondest memories of Dark Souls.

As for the Catacombs, its similar I guess, plus I enjoy the little details in the area, like the pots full of skeletons and the statues hidden in plain sight inside dark rooms.

I don't know... Sen just feels like plain artificial difficulty while Catacombs and Blighttown have a bit more thougt put to them. And no mimics. Fuck that first mimic so deep in the ass that it bleeds.

Shit teisto

Then educate the world about your fine preferences, my friend. Please, share with us your patrician level wisdom.


Curious, is the trap maker's art.

was anyone else let down by the fact that it didn't really feel like a fortress, more like a videogame booby trap castle

settings are much better if they seem like they had some use, it helps immersion

who sets up swinging guillotines in their own fortress, really

Nice picture, got more for other levels?

Rally makes we want to play a board game called Sen's Funhouse of murder.

His efficacy unwitnessed by his own eyes

i always considered blight town to be one of the easier places when entered through the valley route. depths route is a little more annoying

I used to always try to Master Key that way too. But on the playthrough I actually beat the game on I did not take that as my starting gift because I wanted to see the whole game and actually be ready for each area. That was when I found Blighttown really isn't so bad. Neither is Sen's Fortress. The shit that comes after that makes it all look like nothing anyway.

I'm not sure if it was on purpose but theres a spot inside where you can fall down into darkness. Almost jumped down because it reminded me of the tarpit in Sens Fortress

I always almost forget Sen's Funhouse is part of the game. I always think of the major areas as 'You ring the bell in the Undead Parish, then the one in Blighttown, and then it's off to Anal Rodeo.

Oh no wait, there's this fortress...

Who would slash a man before throwing him in oil?

The real trap is telling people there's a trap.

Who would try to lightning a man before he reaches the axe bridge?

You're a bad guy

Four kings

If i summon Iron Tarkus, will you die?

It's always been a big part of the game for me. It's my favorite spot to invade.

I like to watch people doing their first run in sen's fortress
they always think all the traps are now behind them

It's almost sad that I come close to forgetting it. For fucks sake when you reach the first blacksmith it's right there, before you've even rang one of the bells.

The Iron Golem? Or the guy throwing firebombs? Or the guy rolling the balls?

You can damage things through walls too user. Get good

these are both wrong and based on some idiots beginner jap course from years ago when the game first came out

native speakers and much more versed translators have both said this makes no sense grammatically

Why did they call it BlightTown?

It wasn't a town at all, just a bunch of mosquitoes and wooden platforms

I would assume it's more the infested ghouls and barbarians and snipers. But then, they don't even have huts or anything. So they somehow live there, but have no living spaces

Supposedly it was a last-minute town built with scraps by poor people and refugees who had to live under the main outskirts of Lordran; the lack of direct sunlight, the scarse hygiene conditions and the proximity to demon territory is what made it a poison swamp.

they live in the pots

No, stop regurgitating shitty Youtuber's theories.
The Japanese name is センの古樹, literally "Sen's fortress".
While "Sen" can mean "thousand" in Japanese, it wouldn't have been written in katakana, which is used mostly for foreign loanwords or names.
So, saying that it means "fort of a thousand traps" is as arbitrary as saying it means "bottle cap fortress" or "line fortress", since they are both pronounced "sen"

I remember people always losing parts for this.


it's a rinky-dink shantytown built by the poorest of the poor in Lordran. The conditions were perfect for creating a cessspit of non-stop disease and gross monsters.

Sen's Funhouse is the best area in the Souls franchise. Discuss.

There is not much to discuss, it's actually true

I loved that game

I liked the Duke's Archives bit more

>Nameless King build fun houses before he start fucking dragon and turning ornstein into his fuck buddy

really makes you think

Tower of Latria

Laughed way harder than I should have

what's the japanese word for ham-fisted political analogies?


Sen was a real person, you plebs


> hating sen's fortress

But running through it a second time avoiding all the traps like a boss in a fluid single run is one of the most satisfying moments of a ng+

Is DaS online dead nowdays? I'd love to reply it but I get a feeling it'll be barren

i got stuck there and put the game down for almost a year before picking it back up and going through it
i have the whole place memorized
was easily the most annoying part of the game for me

Is this what redditors find funny? No wonder filename threads have been shit for two solid years

