Would you ever get a vidya tattoo?
Would you ever get a vidya tattoo?
No. Tattoos are for attentionwhores and criminal scum.
No, going to get an evil morty tattoo though.
>Would you ever get a tattoo?
No. I will never get a tattoo period.
I've been laughing at that tattoo for years.
How are mine?
This is my arm. Leg coming up in next post
The best thing one can say about any tattoo is that it is a good design on a boring person.
>anime tattoos
You better cut those off.
And here is the one by best friend got
What happens when the now stop being now.
terrible choice but grade a quality there
This shit is really well made.
It's super easy to cover if you want to do a sleeve.
But it's still a stupid fucking tattoo.
On the off chance those are your tattoos, I think they look good. At least you didn't get the dumb ass numbers from Donnie Darko on your forearm like me.
It looks better than the show.
I showed this to two fucking friends, separately, and neither of them realised why I was showing it to them
Lurkin for more tattoos, I don't have any yet and I don't think I love any individual series, games, or vidya imagery enough to commit it to my skin but I'm not really against them if they're done well.
Characters and actor's faces are definitely more cringe in my opinion
No, fuck no. I would never get a tattoo in the first place.
I wish I was this dedicated to Stocking.
>Not getting the "Meat Box" in angelic script for a super subtle reference to NieR.
no, because I'm a grownup
I'd get a tattoo if they were free. I don't want one enough to pay but I don't take myself so seriously that I wouldn't get some dumb anime face plastered across my back.
Why would I ever get a tattoo?
What purpose do they serve?
If I ever get a tat it would be the symbol of torment from Ps:T.
Why do you continue to live?
What purpose does it serve?
I can't decide what tattoo to get
I'd probably get Amateresu's mirror disk, but kinda small. Or something for Mega Man Legends
They serve whatever purpose you want them to serve.
Fuck off you dumb nigger
I'd get a cheeky one on my ass cheek
I fucking hate the generic sleeve clusterfuck thats popular nowadays.
Oh and I thought about putting something under my lush mane of hair so I get a pick me up if I ever go bald or ID me after I get muerded.
Probably not any vidya though cmon
ok maybe a pixelstyle heart or something. Maybe.
There are worse tattoos than vidya tattoos. My gf has pic related tattooed on her fucking ankle.
Besides the fact they're anime tattoos, this is actually pretty good. Everything about those pieces scream a talented artist. It makes me look past the cringe and admire the beauty.
Must've been pretty expensive too. It's really the only way to go if you're going anime. fug now I want to invest in one
Very talented artists
I ended up getting the failforce as a tattoo around 2010 and I still don't regret it. call me a cancerous faggot all you want, but Sup Forums has changed my life for the better
Why not just get the clover, then?
just wear an eyepatch you edgy manchild
Eyepatches are uncomfortable, get sweaty and leave a mark on your skin.
I greatly prefer that over any vidya tattoo
as a reminder that we'll always be newfags at something
That's a 360 controller not an Xbone controller. Now has been not now for a while.
If it was free, it would have to be a shitty artist. If you pay good money, you won't look like too much of an embarrassment to others..
He meant Nier:Gestalt, I guess.
To take care of my family
Tattoos aint puttin food on the table
I have one.
Ask me about my Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! tattoo.
>you won't look like too much of an embarrassment to others..
This is what tattoo-fags actually think?
Tattoos are putting food on the tattoo artists table
I'm not sure.
I haven't played Nier
Beat her half an inch from death for not using the superior ( *`ω´)
cancerous faggot
Its [current year], "Now" hasnt been "Now" for nearly 5-6 years
>as a reminder that we'll always be newfags at something
Do you forget that often enough to need it marked permanently on your body? Get a brain scan user
If you're a Nier fan you can get the YoRHa logo on you. I'm considering getting it. :^)
Well, there you go. A label that accurately describes your body, with a subtle vidya reference.
No but I kinda like that one honestly. Simple and hardly flashy.
I have a pretty large set of tattos on my back that make a collage. Aku Aku from Crash Bandicoot is mixed in
>getting a tattoo of a character who we haven't seen the arc for
>don't even know if it's going to be shit
>don't even know if it's going to appear again
If someone paypals me 50 bucks I'll get a tattoo, just don't want to waste my own money
I sort of want something from Morrowind but the series overall is such shit and I know people will mistake it for something from the newest game unless it's really decidedly separate. I don't know how well these concept arts would go as tattoos but I wouldn't mind this
I bet you never worked a day in your life cuz it scraped youd delicate hands and you probably had two blisters in your entire life
I seriously ask you to reconsider!
You're getting something from Nier and you're going to like it asshole.
Enjoy your picture of the crudely drawn flower on your left forearm
I have this at the back of my neck
I like Emil's face, is that too pleb?
No I'm going with this on my palm
tattoos are shit.
You only got that tattoo to symbolize what you lost.
So what did you lose?
The dick that used to regularly fuck my ass.
The face could work. You might not have such sharp features and the hair is gonna be a pain to set up every morning but a gold face is very striking.
My sense
just got this a few months ago
Just the Hunter's Mark probably. Anything else would probably get me unwanted attention from aspies.
I don't work with my hands, I work with my mind.
That is one pathetic forearm
You should be embarrassed
Enjoy being gay I suppose
Just make sure you never suck a dick without a condom, if he don't like it he ain't worth it
That's why you get tattoos in places not visible to everyone. Like under your eyelids or on your genitals.
>leave a mark on your skin
And tattoos don't?
Do I wear the condom while I suck the dick?
Did I say they didn't?
bro did the guy run out during your berserk tattoo
My forearm is blank at the moment user
I got that off Google
A friend of mine got a crappy bioshock chain tattoo on his wrist
Those are way less bad since they're more discreet. Still bad, but you know, less bad.
It's the big shit that is just worrying.
wtf ur friend was in the holocaust???
That language looks a lot like hebrew
As someone who can read Hebrew - that is one of the least Hebrew-like character sets I have ever seen in my fucking life.
You may cringe at the anime, but pretty much everyone would marvel at the craftsmanship and how well done these are on a second look. Also they are easily identifyable as what they are.
And then you have these:
Some shitty black spots on your arms that nobody will ever recognize as anything more than some shitty black spots. And when they ask what these are about, prepare for a lecture on video games. Normies love lectures on video games.
Don't ever do this
>getting a tattoo
>making a permanent decision over an impulse to draw on your body
I guess you can always say you are learning German
nah I do have some junji ito tattoos though, can't find any pictures right now
What are you talking about? It's written from right to left and the letters are really similar
(From right to left) Shin-Ayin-Beit Sayin-Aleft-Khaf(?)-Khaf(?)-Ayin
This board's idea of bait or being funny has really declined over the years.
You cant find your own tattoos??