Are gays misrepresented in vidya ?

My 32nd birthday is in a couple months.


that sounds pretty straight user

thank you for the compliment user
but I guess it makes it more difficult for me to get a boi

It's incredible that society gives so much of the soapbox to these demographics when logically - based on their population - nobody should give a shit about them (both the bad and good implications of "giving a shit"), and whatever changes are made to affect them (again, good or bad) are not going to benefit the other 90% in any way at all.

Tbdesu anyone who conforms to or identifies with any social label is a subhuman. Is it really so hard to just be your own person?

if you're a top it shouldn't be too difficult at all desu

>not knowing about Calvin and Hobbes

Only in western games. Japan and Korea have characters that are gay as fuck without being flamboyant or looking like faggots (mostly), or more often than not characters attracted to males in an obsessive way (Jin from blazblue) that would make people think they are gay without it being stated.

I guarantee you most people who know me don't know I'm a faggot even though I'm not that secretive about it, but for some reason just because I don't act like a mentally damaged lunatic/shove my cocklust in people's faces people assume I'm straight.

>too difficult at all
I'm a top yeah
I guess my complexion is not good looking for them
(I'm 6,2 tall, have wide shoulders and strong complexion)