You play vidya with your significant other, right Sup Forums?

You play vidya with your significant other, right Sup Forums?

What games are even good for this purpose?
I don't have a gf, but I'm struggling to think of stuff to play when I next meet one, if they even are interested


Mario Kart
bitches love mario kart

She doesn't want to because I absolutely destroy her in every game.

Kind of hard to play without my hand, OP. So yes.

Yea, too bad couch co-op has gone out of style

girls trying to impress me with vidya does nothing for me no homo(much)

That's a pretty good game really cause even if you have high skill, there's still a lot of RNG that could allow them to stand a chance of winning

>significant other
Leafs go and stay go

sometimes i jack off while playing so yes

>Oh look it's THIS image again

I didn't know taking pictures of your girlfriend holding a controller in front of a paused screen you were playing on constitutes playing them.

Theres a metric fuckton of 2 player coop games I want to play through with some faggot one day.

You can only play those with friends when they broke up with their gfs, otherwise its always more than two of us.

Um, I don't have a boyfriend right now... I'd love one though!

I played through FF 5 and 6 back when I had one, shame 2-player RPGs are so rare since they're good for that.

Kinda hard when you destroy everyone you play with

I play Mario Kart, Puyo Tetris, Mario Party, Warioware and soon Street Fighter with my gf.

She's awful at all of them.

My bf doesn't often play video games with other people. I'm okay with that since I hardly play games to begin with.

We discuss them however.

if you count liru and rondo duo games then yes, I do play with my onahole

No because we just broke up a few days ago ;_;


We did but broke up a week ago



nah, faggot needing to take a picture shows its not a normal situation for him and its like he just discovered that shit and needs to share it with the world

>not letting her win every once a while
>exaggerate the sadness of said loss and she tackles you, tells you not to be like that, proceed to make out and get your dick sucked

Was it because you were unable to satisfy her sexually?


I don't even game that much (CSGO, hollow knight, FTL to name a few) so it wouldn't really even be me sharing a large part of my life.

Relationships work best if you both still maintain private hobbies for yourselves and gaming is one of mine.

How's single life treating you?
Don't worry you'll find someone eventually.

>All these Chad Thundercocks suddenly on Sup Forums

>significant other
Right. You, you can fuck right off. And where you get there, you can fuck off a bit more.


But I'm a beta bitch boy.

I never thought I'd be a 27 year old kissless virgin. What's the fastest most painless way to die? Asking for a friend.

>bf only lets me play vidya when im dressed up as a girl
It usually ends in him fugging me...

you are so dumb I knew I'll be one and now I am

>not being extremely excited that your 3 years away from wizardship

Your body shouldn't be flooded with hormones anymore and you should realize that sex isn't anymore enjoyable than masturbation and that women aren't worth literally any attention.

>falling for the vaginal jew

I used to be a 26 year old virgin but then I adopted the Chad Stride into my walking retinue and pussy started clinging to me like the opposing poles of a magnet.

No reason to be mad, friend. Just get outside your comfort zone and things will click by itself


disgusting filth

No, it was because I took the opportunity for the dream job of my life abroad and we figured it would suck for both of us to cling thousands of kilometers apart.

we play pokemon go together, it's fun since she got really into it and we go around town booting people from gyms and farming items/pogeys

>does not read stupid shit drawn by Quentin

Give it three years and you'll be able to use a spell to kill yourself.

Sometimes, when her boyfriend lets me.

>your significant other
Do you have multiple personalities or something?

> Xbox
End yourselves

I haven't played anything with my bf for awhile but I'm playing HOTS with my gf right now

I want a gf to suck my cock while I play vidya.

My SO's main in TTT2 is Zafina. We often play Pair Play mode. The cool thing about this is that they're even a bit similar. So I get to bang Zafina look a like later.

>Sometimes, when her boyfriend lets me.
>when her boyfriend lets me
>her boyfriend
holy shit no way

I've sucked dick once while watching speedruns but never while he was actually playing


Poly relationships are getting pretty common

My wife and I play vidja together all the time.

Yep. Terraria, Don't Starve Together, and Smite are the biggest ones, even though she knows I'm leery of Smite I'll play it because she loves it. We don't have a problem playing single player games when the other is around, but it's a pain when we're both playing the same game
and don't want to be spoiled

The one on the right in the very front is cute.

Are you a girl?
How does sucking cock feel?

No they are not.

yeah, me and the wife have been playing vidya together since we were 10.

Warm, firm and slightly squishy.
I've learned I have a terrible gag reflex too so I'm trying to train my way out of it.

>love me or else

Why do so many """men""" nowadays know nothing about romancing a woman?

I personally know at least 8 people in one

Why not? She says she likes us both and doesn't want to choose, it's only fair. The guy's a bit bossy but definitely not unreasonable, and if I do a good job sometimes he'll even buy me stuff.

So you are a man.
Did you swallow?
How much of a slut do you feel?

You should probably stop visiting then. It's not good for your health.

>She says she likes us both and doesn't want to choose
Exactly how I got in a poly relationship desu, I couldn't decide between the two people trying to date me.

The only person who would know that many is someone obviously looking for these people.


Jesus Christ you're pathetic.

>and if I do a good job sometimes he'll even buy me stuff

Finally a real cuck.

So two years then?

On the subject of sucking dick, any anons here that sucked their own?
I'm asking because I don't know of any good exercises for back flexibility, and just trying to reach it over and over might not be the best idea

>if I do a good job

Of sucking his dick I guess.

>significant other
its a boyfriend or girlfriend, reddit. you have to go back.

He is the bull, sir.

i really shouldn't have laughed. thanks user.

Nah, she prefers to cook comfy meals and sit beside me while I play Lisa. I'm gonna marry that woman.

Fuck that bulge is huge!

The bull's bitch, yes

What's a "significant other"? Some kind of new controller?

21/m male looking for gamer girl between 15 and 30 to have crazy adventures and play TF2 every night

Nope, I'm so emotionally fucked up I rather not bring someone in my downward spiral with me, maybe once I feel happy again I'll try.

I'm a girl (male), and of course I swallow.

>I'm a girl (male)

>lowest graphic settings

I'm getting trolled hard right now arent I? You might as well fucking kill yourself now, you're never escaping the hell you live in.

>t. virgin faggot

you need to put women in their place. if you let them beat you at a videogame you aren't showing your dominance and she will leave you for someone better

Do you even look lie a girl or just another femenine cocksucker?

Source please?

why do you have to read so hard into a picture? holy autism i just thought it was funny

I don't think so but people have always called me by female pronouns even before hormones so I must have something going on

She only plays RPG in bed


It's stupid to just assume that, I often take pictures of everyday situations iwht my phone or with any camera at hand, some are cool and I keep them, some are cooler and I share them

It's a thing some photographers do.

Besides everytime more two or more people hang out together in my group of friends there's always a shit load of pics taken without warning just for shtis and giggles, been that way since smartphones got popular.

someone needs to make a webm of himself doing the chad stride

Honest question: Do you work? Do you have a fulltime job?

>equally benefit from the relationship
Whatever, man. If anything I actually gain more from this than someone in a normal relationship. I was sceptical at first too but after meeting the guy I changed my mind pretty quick.

Nah, household chores, mostly. Why would I suck his dick when we have a girlfriend, user? He got me a polka dot apron for Christmas as a joke gift, which I ironically wear, that's about it.

>I'm a girl (male)
So you're a male. Just say that you retard.

I love Sylvie!

Yeah, think of this post the next time you feel the taste of his cum after kissing your "girlfriend".

>bought him an apron
haha yeah j-joke, so funny I ironically wear it