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Video Games #3777
Video Games
Games where you can be black?
Even Japan fell for the roastie meme
There is NO WAY people are still mad at ponies!
Utawarerumono 2 is out in English today
H-hey user, you don't think about buying tekken, do you? You should play with us instead
Red pill me on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
What went right
Games that make me question reality and feel utterly depressed?
Discuss about elves in vidya
Theunis Botha was leading a group of hunters when they happened upon a herd of breeding elephants near Hwange National...
What's the most you've paid for a game? Was it worth it?
Is there any way to hide games in your Steam library? I bought Bloody Boobs a while ago...
Is it a good game?
Rising Storm 2 hype
Dirty Bomb
What's that Zach? We're going on another adventure?
After struggling for a while in this game
So what's Sup Forums's equivalent of this?
Final Fantasy 14 General
Dragon's Dogma Dark Arise announced for PS4/Xbone
Decent base building
I heard Primm has a new Vegas thread, that should keep the powder gangers away
Red Dead 2 delayed to 2018
Kojima is actually very aware, more than fans. Getting rid of pic related was a good move
So this is the power of the PC
Wolfenstein 2017
Are we really getting this or it's just pure speculations and shitty articles for click bait?
2017 first half round up
What are some games like Dead Space or Alien?
Is there anything worse than people that play Japanese games?
How does your physical PS4 game collection look like, Sup Forums?
Prototype series
What is a 3D RPG I can play that has the depth and freedom of a CRPG?
Hottest new items are mantis and k2
Did you remember to thank your healer today, Sup Forums?
We're going to sit down and discuss the 1 million sales and 60 million in expenses
Post games you still regret buying
Over 400 hours played so far
Why are modern games so shit?
Star Ocean
ARMS thread
I like the english dub. But is anyone else annoyed by the personality changes for some characters?
El Shaddai director announces turn-based RPG The Lost Child for PS4, PS Vita
Can someone explain to me why all the characters in this game are so fucking ugly?
Piracy is 100% dead on consoles
Endless Space 2
Why do you "straight" guys still to this day insist that the modern street fighter iv Poison is female when she is in...
I've never played any turn based RPGs but I'm contemplating P5
What are some games (Besides Undertale) that get slowly darker as you go along?
Who is the most fucked up character in vidya?
You treat people like animals for long enough, they start acting like it
Filename thread
Bazztek in full force in comments, enjoy
Disgaea 5 Complete rated for PC
Botw made me realize that graphics and fps are not important
Thoughts on far cry 5?
Stop playing your favorite games
I'm unironically going to the buy this for Skyrim (and yes I have the pc version)
What is the most phyisically painful video game?
Supports his friends
PS4 Go
The games which saved gaming
What is the Bubblegum Crisis of video games?
What race/class should I play, Sup Forums?
ITT: your video game jokes
Fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity, it's called Xbox 360
What games let me stop the spread of Islam?
My 1440p machine arrives tomorrow, what am I in for
ITT: vidya characters who had really shitty lives
Buy my game on PS4 or else
How come people forgot about this game already?
Spend 10 hours playing a game I genuinely love and enjoy
Post your guilty pleasures
It's impossible to find switch for the 299 Euro anywhere
Are you enjoying your Switch Sup Forums?
User plays csgo
About to play this for the first time and hear it's bugged out the ass. Any mandatory fixes and shit needed?
Hi, I'm low-key the best 3D Mario game
Overwatch Jeff Kaplan is a higher ranking than me
Why is the SRPG genre dead while JRPG is one of the biggest living and breathing ones still?
What's up with Disgaea and shit female protagonists? Like I like Etna and Beryl but Fuuka almost made me drop the game...
According to dice the russian army in ww1 was comprised with black women
The fuck is going on in the video game industry when a story better told by fucking ADVENTURE TIME is considered the...
Why does Sup Forums consider things like pic related "SJW"...
Easiest decision ever?
Anyone else found the finale lame as fuck?
Girl joins your group/friends/community
Which fan base did Smash 4 destroy the most utterly?
I'm really enjoying my hacked 3DS, but after playing the heavy hitters there isn't much else...
Fallout 3 and New Vegas are millions of times better than the absolute trash that is Fallout 1 and 2
Last game to "scratch your itch"
Now that the dust has settled NEVER EVER what went wrong why is she so perfect shill bros who was in the wrong here...
Better than P5, discuss
Deus Ex Mankind Divided
Do you save scum?
What are some unjustified nerfs in games?
Mfw PCfats will never, EVER get RDR 2
Game comes out
How and when did Nintendo become irrelevant?
People say a game has a good story
When did you realize he's a literal jew?
Sup Forums, do you have that game, "Miney Crafta"? Penny was telling me she was playing it on her computer book
Who's your favorite command grappler in fighting games, Sup Forums?
Why the huge bezels?
Post your
ITT: We post casual filters
Is there a single game that deals with space worth playing?
XIV Stormblood
Actually, this was the pinnacle of the series
Yooka Lamelee was shit
Post your oldest/most recent screenshot
The FFVII remake should have aimed to look exactly like the cutscenes of the original game instead of this gay...
Anyone here gonna get the new WipEout?
Whats the John Wick of video games?
Was this the most depressing boss battle in video game history?
U jelly Sup Forums?
Recently finished persona 5
When is Persona 5 getting a PC port? It'd be a retarded business decision to not do that
*cool your path*
Boss gives you a power up to make the fight more interesting
Are MGS fanboys who dislike Twin Snakes the most autistic people in the world?
This guy slaps your gf's ass
Read Dead Redemption 2 pushed to 2018
So Sup Forums, what's your favorite mobile games? I personally like Final Fantasy Brave Exvius...
Ask the monolith anything
Nobuo Uematsu
Injustice Thread
What are your thoughts on the Shantae games?
These three had such high hopes
Why do all MMOs fucking suck?
Here's that gameboy you wanted son!
Boogie is trying to change himself. Is he /ourguy/ now and a good representation for gamers worldwide?
I didn't even want to play this at first, but this is actually pretty good
Did you buy my game, user?
Risk of Rain
I've been rewatching Medabots as of late, what are some good Medabots games?
Enemy gets 2 attacks instead of 1
Women in video games should have larger breasts
Finally, a game where I can play as one of the MANY black women who fought in WW1
Now that the dust has settled
Why is it called the Master Race if PC's first party output consists of the usual rehashed franchises...
Recommend a book based on vidya
Remember To Boycott/Pirate Tekken 7
All the nostalgiafags on here who unironically think Oblivion is better than Skyrim
If Geralt wanted to fuck, would she be up for it?
Still the best battle simulator
Persona 6 Predictions
So Sup Forums, tell me what's been bothering you
There will be Gundam Versus trial/demo thing for all, or at least for those who applied but didn't get in beta...
A cute boy robot
A or B?
Trails/Kiseki thread
What's the biggest "fuck you" to a it's fan base that a game has ever done?
How do you prefer to play videogames?
Name a single (1) western video game with good boss fights
1.5k hours of dota forever stamped onto my profile
How do you beat these assholes?
How exactly does a 300$ keyboard grant you more skill?
See trailer for new, upcoming game LawBreakers
User user I just finished all the laundry now we can play Titanfall 2 together!!!!
"Teacher, user forgot to do his homework and bring his copy of fallout 4 and skyrim to class today"
Why does Valve think they own DotA?
Games like HL2
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time just released on the ps4 store. What's stopping you from picking it up, user?
Not maining one shot johnny
A little messy atm
Shantae is a mediocre series with only good music and cute girls to fap to
Meanwhile on the USG Sup Forumsshimura
I just watched Howl's Moving Castle as my first Ghibli film
Vidya Dreams
None of us will ever get to BE Samurai Jack
Battle station thread
So this is the power of Rockstar
How pissed off will sonybros be when they find out Bloodborne 2 is also on PC and Switch?
Dark souls 1 and 3 are the only games to play in the franchise
Game has invisible enemies
Who wins?
Why are they only porting anime and last gen games to Switch?
Which video game series am I describing?
Thoughts? Opinion? Feels?
What does /v think of hotline miami?
How's your game going, user?
Filename thread
Everytime I attack the other player gets their attack first
How does Sup Forums feel about elves in video games?
Let's have a comfy Skyrim thread, Sup Forums. I'm thinking of booting this up for the first time in a while...
Star Trek VR
Overwatch sucks
Paper Mario
TFW you genuinely enjoyed P5 over 3 and 4 (Ignoring 1 and 2) but can't say it without getting chased by an angry mob
What went wrong?
Finally beat Persona 5 with about 100 hours total
Why is it that western games can have nudity...
21 million views on the trailer
Insecure to start a new game with max difficulty
What do we got here?
This is a Japanese hero
Keep a party member in your party throughout the whole game
ITT: Times when celebs suddenly and without warning exploded onto the video game scene only to never be involved with...
ITT: We discuss our true opinions on games not contrarian shit-posts
Could you guys please give me links to (or just explanations or summaries of) EvaXephon / YandereDev's biggest blunders...
Fire Emblem Echoes
ITT: Uncle who works at Nintendo
PC Gaming
Who else is excited to play Far Cry 5™ devoted and produced by a multicultural team of various faiths and beliefs...
ITT: we post our favorite Roblox games and our characters
Finally buy Overwatch
Beat the game on normal and with english dub
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Has a game ever made you cry?
Will he ever go, Sup Forums?
It's funny to think the best western games in 2017 are indies
ITT: Characters only you like
What can I expect? I loved Arcanum, Torment, and the Fallout games. Is there a funnest class...
Why is Sup Forums so devoid of speculation and original idea discussions? Everything needs to be a bait thread...
Why are the Resident Evil characters so memorable, Sup Forums?
What race & class should I pick lads?
People think naughty dog went to shit with uncharted when this game exists
New Metroid when?
Leave 2017 to me
Game reveals that you are the villain
Could it still happen?
DOA - Multicultural edition
Is Neptune, dare I say it, /ourgirl/?
So are you guys playing Battlegrounds...
When did motion control fatigue really set in? I came to Sup Forums in 2008 so I was already here for the waggle memes
What does Sup Forums think of The House of the Dead?
NIS finally makes a good game
ITT Game series that once had dignity
Fromsoft Souls game for Switch?
Greenhill me on this series
ITT problems that Sup Forums can't solve
ITT: Games that can no longer be played
Do you guys like Dragon Quest Builder?
Can we have a thread dedicated to the best JRPG ever made?
Will they edit this line for the remake?
What are some good Twin Peaks inspired games?
Reviews that piss you off
Which of the Souls games is your favorite? Bloodborne included
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on the Family Guy Freakin Mobile Game?
Our thoughts on Spyro 1?
Will the VR meme make an appearance at E3 this year, or is it already too dead to save?
Meanwhile in the Ta/v/ern
ITT: Godtier Voice Acting
How come Toobie is such a smol robogirl?
Predict their unannounced exclusives for e3
Theme Park design?
You can now play blood at 100 fps with good controls. what a time to be alive
The end of MGS3 is a far better bridge to MG than MGSV is
There's people that actually believed this
You still have your safe backup of AM2R in your PC don't you user?
Will this be kojimas true magnum opus?
3x3 Thread
What are some of the best "free" games to date, Sup Forums?
Give me some advice Sup Forums
How hype were you when Sir Arthur made it in?
What went wrong?
Why does Nanako like big bro so much?
I'm retarded, could someone explain to me why 2B said she killed 9s multiple times ?
Came for the skins
Disgaea 5 doesn't have the worst characters in the franchi-
The PS4 Roach story is now Mainstream
Gothic 2 thread
*slap bass kicks in*
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood
Today, nearly twenty years after it was released, I finally realized why they called it Apprehension
Fire Emblem Heroes
Name a harder video game enemy
Focusing on leveling certain party member
Ristar has had a hard life
A baby is drowning in the lake
Simmons, get the Warthog
What's the point in playing this game again if it's going to be a cakewalk for me even on merciless when I have a ton...
Fuck you, I liked it
Is SONY the most important company to ever grace videogames?
Where is the huge Yoshi that laid that giant egg?
Can video games give you that same 'war is hell' kind of feel like the movies do?
FF Type-0
You have ten seconds to prove to me that this isn't the best game in the past five years
ITT vidya predictions that seem funny in hindsight
Tfw 2017 was over before it began
Wow.... so this is the hardcore SMT Sup Forums keeps talking about
Are there any good "hybrid" video games out there...
Take any game concept
Nintendo Is Selling An Empty Splatoon 2 Box
ITT: Villains who did nothing wrong
ITT old mechanics you don't miss
Red Dead is delayed until Spring 2018
Tfw Animal Crossing was almost a series with no bad games
This is Saber Lily. She would really like you to be her master so you can go on exciting adventures together...
Will it be good?
Why do anime phone games exist
Shit graphics
Pour one out, for the ones we've lost
Anyone played open beta of Paragon yet? Had a look at some gameplay, looks pretty cool.. thoughts??
One Jungle Green please
Sup Forums plays Fire Emblem: Order of the crimson Arm
Massive update: SteamOS drops AMD drivers
Greetings. I am Oswald of Carim, the pardoner
I was checking out Dead Cells, looks pretty neat. Seems tight...
You are only allowed to play one console for the rest of your life. You cannot play re-releases on this console...
How do we fix the FGC (Fighting Game Community)?
Bunch of basement dwellers can do a better job than an international company FOR FREE
Who was more memorable?
What made this game so much worse than all the other 3D Marios?
Peacekeeper is for ________
Now that RDR2 has been delayed to 2018
Gore thread?
Western people will call this "plastic, not realistic and generic"
Xyz monsters when?
What's the most logical choice?
I dont get why Sup Forums has such a huge boner for this game...
Spoilers for Dragon's Dogma
Healer is best character
Video Games peaked with Skyrim
*walks toward you aggressively*
Why is Max Payne 3 so underrated, an amazing game
Post games that Sup Forums tricked you into thinking were good
Opinions on Rising Storm 2 Vietnam? I think it plays fairly different from Rising Storm or RO2...
E3 Thread. Post your E3 Report Cards
What are some good games where the good guy turns out to be the villain?
Skyrim archers OP
Skylar and Plux (Jack and Daxter)
At what point did you realize it was the best game ever, user?
What game needs to come to the Switch before you buy one ?
Wait, the PS4 version has extra content? Why? What the fuck?
Really makes you think
Who's your favorite koopaling?
Is Alm, dare I say it, the BEST FE protagonist?
How does Nintendo pull this shit off without getting caught?
Persona 5
So when does it get good? I'm going to fall asleep reading shit
The current gen has no memorable games. It's the most shit gen of all gens...
It took them two months to fix nier's problems
Does Sup Forums like the Advance series?
Explain why this game isn't shit
Should we black wash WW1 even more?
*blox your path*
Your friend is bed ridden with testicular cancer. He has 1-2 months to live. He's too weak to go out...
Well well well
Delayed 12 months for "extra polish"
Play Fire Emblem
It's just fucking Gaiden's maps
How do I stop dying so much in this game?
Have you ever BEEN REALLY FUCKING MAD at a videogame
Why has Sup Forums been so obsessed with anything "Lovecraftian" recently? What is the deal here?
Well, Sup Forums, PC or PS4?
Is hotline miami the most important indie game ever made?
Prey 2017
Hidetaka Miyazaki is back on Twitter! What world(s) does he have in store for us?
Lizzy just got engaged to Antonio on facebook
Does anyone think it's cool that Far Cry 5 and Outlast 2 are tackling religious extremism in games?
This guy was cast to play Nathan Drake
Are you going to buy a switch once Persona 5 Gold comes out?
Bought Digital Deluxe edition Rising Storm 2 because it's all that I could purchase
Just be Friends!
How do you like the update, Sup Forums?
Tfw you will never be a kid going to Blockbuster on a Friday night to rent a game and buy snacks ever again
Tekken 7 hype thread
Devs make a meta commentary in the middle of the game
It's a mages start weak as shit but are completely overpowered lategame episode
Bi-linear filtering yes or no?
What was even going on here?
Let's have one of these threads
What do you guys think of this current trend of "Walking" horror games? Games where you just walk and hide...
You have 10 seconds to come up with a Paper Mario partner
NASA Thread
Far Cry 5 Teaser
This year confirmed the worst year for western games since 2011?
Why do people like this game when Ike can solo it from start to finish? It's inferior to Radiant Dawn in every way
Minecraft Alpha with Sup Forums
Enemy attacks twice
Officially delayed to spring 2018
Why is there no shooter where there is only one hitscan weapon that everyone uses and that's it...
Guild falls apart because a girl gets promoted to GM
RDR2 Spring 2018
It's a switch exclusive
Is Smash a fighting game?
Post the most hype music only
FF tactics
Half Life 3
Confess your sins anonymously, my son
Will any other jokes ever compare to this?
What are your favorite gamecube games?
I bought this thing for $300
JAPANESE Gaming thread
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
This is Callie. She stole the Zapfish, kidnapped her grandpa...
Hello, we are the worst confidants in the game
Nintendo is Selling an Empty Splatoon 2 box
Sup Forums complains about retro hipster pixel art
Go to
Some fags implied that Sven Coop is fun, so I set up a server to try and prove them wrong once and for all
What do you want to see for the next Animal Crossing?
Video games dont require my whole attention anymore
Owo What's this ? Notices package
Too fucking late. Gaming is dead
Holy shiiiiiiiiiiit
You're playing your PS4 and you look down and see this
She's not bad at all, get over yourselves already
Play as Female
I hate mondays
Why is Geralt so hated by Sup Forums?
I still don't get why Sega doesn't put lewd fanservice in Sonic games. It would sell a lot
E3 2017
Why can't western games have good looking women like this anymore? when will this stop being taboo?
How do I pronounce "gamer" without it sounding like "gaymer"...
Free online games that can run on a toaster
Morrowind vs Gothic 2
Why does tumblr do this?
Kirby Thread, Please
Which Zelda is the most overrated?
The blood-starved beast is the toughest boss for me. Finished the game and that shit was ridiculous
Ever sign one of these Sup Forums?
Endless Space
ARMS - Testpunch in 4 days
Did anyone else find that most the dungeon puzzles in Persona 5 were so insultingly easy that there was no point even...
How is he still employable
Is he one of us?
PC loses exclusive to PS4
Hey Geralt, can you help us kill this king?
Someones says they beat a game
Farcry 5 political playing field
Citizens of Earth, lend me your ears!
Welcome to Montana boy!
Superman's side is a retarded hyperbolic dictatorship taken to the extreme where obviously nobody is happy
Nepgear's game was pretty good actually
*fucks Clem*
You Know?
My 1440p machine arrives tomorrow, what am I in for
The Witcher
Game has a JoJo reference
What games feature practical female armor?
He doesn't main one punch jonny
What's the point of e3 if they're just gonna release the trailers on youtube before e3 hits?
ITT : Characters who should bare our children
Will the Switch be perfect?
How did video games ruin your life?
"Zoning" is the biggest load of bullshit in fighting games...
Can we agree that Ashley is cute....CUTE!!!!
Any chance of Save the Light getting a physical release?
Fell for the PC master race meme and built a PC
This is another AAA game made by a western developer
AAA walking sim
This man did nothing wrong
Glad everyone agrees
Disgaea 5 Complete? Nah, I'm not gonna get that ga-
Thanatos was clearly gay
Can we have a good vidya art thread?
Why is the 6v6 format set up so that heavy, pyro, and engie are unplayable...
Now that the dust has settled
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
What went wrong?
How come despite being one of the best IPs of the last 6 years no one on Sup Forums ever talks about Dishonored?
Tfw Bloodborne 2 is gonna happen
Why so expensive?
What fanbase is this
Bad far cry
The neo-Nazi game Zog's Nightmare, one of the most violent, anti-Semitic titles ever released...
WTF was his problem?
Leave fighting games to me
Friday the 13th game
Far Cry 5 Teaser
Both of these are examples of game publishers pandering to SJWs
15 hours in, holy shit, Japanese games are so bad and outdated
Best Ships in Vidya
Finally finished all Souls games
Game would be better with protag as a cute girl or youngster dude
Dark souls III
Name a flaw
Hey Sup Forums, Todd Howard here
Looking for Diablo thread?
How is your game going?
Its not a real game and you all fucking know it
Far Cry 5 looks to be set in Montana during Wild West times
What is your favourite Overwatch meme?
Next up are female soldiers
Good old (but new) point & click
Why did Atlus make one of the female party members so much better than the rest...
Nintendo Is Selling An Empty Splatoon 2 Box
What happened to gearbox?
What were they thinking?
ITT:We post underappreciated games
Stop buying japanese videogames for the "waifus"
"I'm pirating your son. Don't worry, I'm just gunna share him with all my friends...
Can we have a webm thread?
What games don't do this
So Sup Forums what makes the randos of overwatch so shit at the game?
60 fps: meme?
DS2>The Surge>DS3>Lords of the Fallen>Nioh>BB>DS1>Demon's
Spider-Man Homecoming’s Tom Holland To Play Young Nathan Drake
What are some games with ridicilous plotholes?
Path of Exile - The Fall of Oriath
Recently played
What went right?
What was the first time you found diamonds in Minecraft like?
What's the Sup Forumserdict?
[CoD: MW2] production budget between $40 million and $50 million...
ITT plot """""""""""""""twists"""""""""""""""
Is the Switch worth it? Or at least worth the cost?
Gaming channels that went downhill
*Wins E3 for the 9th time in a row*
*blocks your path
It's not quake, it's just a knockoff overwatch!
What was a point of paragon? Was there anyone who actually went with Paragon when Renegade shoots assholes in the BALLS...
80 hours of my life wasted on a unbeatable game because of lack of quality control
Do you prefer the games on the left or the games on the right more?
What are some games where I can play as a big booty black chick
Pick your weapon
Perfect girls don't exis-
>No Factorio Thread
Game has romance options
One of your friends sends you an old and outdated video game meme
FFXIV Letter from the Producer LIVE Part XXXVI
Can video games be art?
Smell that New Vegas thread! Couldn't you just drink it like booze?
Game accurately depicts women
Injustice 2 thread
Lets share steam keys
24 year old teacher (male) fucks his 17 year old student (female) for a spot on the volleyball team
Should I get DaS1 on PS3 or PC?
Why did people get suckered in to buying these?
Terraria is my favorite game
Any other great single player, story based, linear FPS games?
Thank you, CD PROJEKT RED. I already bought The Witcher 2, but I appreciate the detail
Here's your controller bro
Claims to like Japanese games
Endless Space 2
I'm Bored, name some kino PC games to play
HEY that thing in your hands a WESTERN GAME???
What went wrong with the remaster?
What western characters would you add to Smash?
Itt: shit in vidya that makes you go full reeeee instantly
It's monday, user. Why don't you come here and talk about some Miku with us
ITT Reasons why Microsoft will win E3
You play vidya with your significant other, right Sup Forums?
ITT: games LITERALLY only you played
Fallout 4 or fallout 3?
Prove you don't ride Gaben's cock and post your top 8 under 'playtime' without a Valve title in it
Does Sup Forums like my Zenyatta tattoo?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...