One Jungle Green please

One Jungle Green please

Yeah, I'll take the light blue one.

orange for me

>had a jungle one when I was a kid
>could never beat DK64

Pikachu is the best one.

You press his fucking feet for fuckssake

I claim the bottom one
You guys are stupid



this takes me back. i had the classic black, but the colors quelled a sort of feeling inside me, something that im sure autism feels like.

atomic purple master race

Gimme that Zelda Gold.

I pretend green is my favorite because despite orange being the coolest color with no contest, it's also really hard to find.

Best controller color?

I threw my jungle green away, oh well

Bright yellow.

It was the Lamborghini Diablo of controllers.

The see-through controllers are GOAT.

The rest suck.

I didn't know what I was supposed to do and still don't

gimme dat extreme green

I was literally just about to come into this thread just to say that.
Bright yellow. Final answer.

In order of goodness

Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Black, Grey, all that other see through shit

>When I was 8 the colored N64s came out
>Also the set of plush Yoshis came out in '96 still in stores
>Knew I didn't have the money then, being a kid and all
>told myself I'd have the means someday to get them

>see through kool-aid colored plastic
I seriously hope you don't think this is acceptable.

>I had a terrible child hood and was molested repeatedly by my uncle
Sorry to hear that user

Enjoy your cheap plastic toys, user. I'll be over here sharing a sophisticated evening with my sexy console for adults.

>anything other than Atomic Purple
that's what we call a wrong answer

get your napoleon dynamite set piece found at goodwill the fuck out of here

>he doesn't have orange pikachu N64

can't remember you already buy N64 ?


>saved up and got a colored controller when i was 10
>dog chewed it into pieces within a day

No yellow and the orange leading into the gold looks better

>Colored transparent electronics will never make a come back

Is the Switch Pro Controller all we'll get?

God I just want to be a kid again

this nigga

Give me the electric purple with the see-through electric purple controller


Atomic purple

I like transparent black the most t b h

Give me the one with the good games. Yeah the grey one with the PS logo on it.

This stale meme again?

>All the colors besides the tacky Gold One are see through

Always hated this. give me Gameboy Color Purple.

The only choice, really.

have fun playing baby games my dude.

>inb4 I-I will!

>I only play Mature Games for Mature Gamers
I'm not going through my trash just to tip a fedora for you.

I renewed my Nintendo Power subscription and got a yellow controller where the 3 handles were bananas. 101%.

but you have no problem digging through the trash heap of video games?

i will

*suck cock

you forgot to finish your sentence there bud

im fine with that too

I really wish they made transparent consoles again

Purple and orange are pretty baller.

I had the BLACK one and it was pretty cool too.

ive always wanted to do this to my lite, do the buttons and dpad feel the same?

yeah, the only difference was the stylus. buttons and dpad felt very much the same.

Grey is my main
Yellow is my brother's and blue my cousin's

I always loved when the cartridges were in colors.

im digging that transparent grey one

thats fucking awsome

there were transparent 2ds tho

yeah, but they aren't doing it again with the new 2ds though. transparent new 3ds xl would be rad, I'd trade in my black one for one of those in a heartbeat if they did it.

that image is missing the best one