What went right?

What went right?

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I think when the plans for the original concept of the game fell through and they gave it too a smaller team to try and salvage it the executives wrote it off in their minds. Which thankfully meant less meddling and gave the devs room to somehow make a good game within that shitty company.

Why would anyone play this ubishit game when Overwatch and CS:GO exist. Both are better than this overhyped piece of shit.

Overwatch is shit, cs:go is a very different game.
You don't have to be in denial, Ubisoft has a number of good games.

so how badly did you get btfo when you have it a shot?

>overhyped piece of shit
>suggests Overwatch and CSGO of all things

isn't even close to being in direct competition with a game like this
yeah if you want a more barebones raw shooter go for this, but its not on the same level tactically

>Ubisoft has a number of good games
I can't think of any good AAA games from them in the past 5 years. Other than Siege.

Faggot you got it backwards. OW is a completely different game. CSGO is several hundred levels below in tactical depth. Most of the "tactical" elements from CSGO come from being extremely barebones

Is this worth picking up if i don't have a mic?

OW is a completely different game and it's shit.

shallow and completely gimped level and character designed, there's no room for any new intresting strategies.

siege is like cs:go++, only with classes and gimmicks like destructible/reinforced walls and class restricted gadgets to change how the round plays out.

I like it but it is awful to play due to queues being anywhere from 5 minutes to over half an hour for whatever reason.

yes, i play unraked most of the time and barely anyone uses a mic (eu) as long as you are pinging you should be fine. a mic dose help tremendously though.

So when are they gonna nerf this ridiculously ok sack of shit

If you don't find a game in 30 seconds back out and tr again. You'll normally get one instantly.

yes but you need headphones

Soon enough, in the stupidest, most roundabout way possible.

>removing smokes from Ash and Thermite and giving them to Jackal and fucking Fuze

Fuze doesn't fucking need smokes. Stuns and breaches are perfect for his loadout.

slower fire rate would be nice, introduce that and he'd be a more situational operator.
i pretty much always pick him on house because hes so op on it

I tended to do it after 2-3 minutes unless I was in a group. It's just insane that Ubisoft can't make it less terrible to find a casual game.

Who do you boys main
>IQ w/Aug
>casual Tachanka
>ranked Doc w/ shotgun

Honestly slower rate of fire and I don't know maybe some fucking recoil the things a lazer beam that does over 150 damage

Monty python
shotgun rook
spawn peeking smoke

Ya'll idiots, the main reason nobody picked Glaz was that his rifle was too slow and had a very heavy recoil. They're not going to change that.

If you want to nerf him for real, you got some more realistic approaches:

>Give his scope a battery, either a single charge that should be rationed for the round, or a rechargeable battery that lasts a few seconds and recharges when not aiming, sort of like Cav's silent step.

>Significantly lower the acquisition range for the thermal scope, that is, the target has to be very close to the center to show up as yellow, additionally you can make the edges of the sight murkier so that he's vulnerable to flanks

>make him unable to see through smoke

>add a gadget for defense that directly counters the scope

I just started playing two days ago, and got to level 21, should I wait to start ranked until I actually know the layout of the maps fully, and have a mic? Or should I just go in?

Just go in and learn as you go, i did that and im gold so i think im doing alright

>They're not going to change that.

You are in for a rude awakening.

Is the standard edition fine? Can someone explain to me the difference between the year 2 gold edition and the complete whatever edition?

They should have mute jammers fuck with it like an emp on thermal scopes in mw2

No. It's a ripoff.

Year two gives you year two ops. Complete edition gives you year one and year two ops

Try to make friends, when everyone has a Mic ranked gets alot easier and honestly more fun, you can make call outs and shit

CSGO is shit mate and Overwatch is pretty fucking different.
10/10 b8 made me reply.

IQ's my waifu

No, because while you're taking years to type out information, I'm already dead.

>what went right
>shit hit detection and hitboxes
>skeleton crew
>shit matchmaking and net code
>retarded cancerous fanbase
>terrible balance
Yeah it's fun for the first 30 hours but then you realize how shit it is

I'm very shit at this game and don't seem to be getting any better.

I have about 1000 hours into CSGO and like 140 into Overwatch, but I've been playing Siege mostly recently. I prefer CSGO's damage models (you can tell Siege is kinda fucked when firing rate and recoil are the main factors to consider when a gun is good or not) but Siege is still a super fun game. It's also probably one of the "smartest" shooters I've played, each round has so many goddamn factors to consider (what with gadgets, abilities, and how breakable maps are) that it stays fresh for a long time.

Siege sure as shit ain't perfect but it's the most fun I've had with a shooter in forever.

Reduce his smokes to like 1 and drop his firing rate and he's fine. He should be used as a tool for counter picking spawn peekers, but he is far too strong at close and medium range.

She's my fav too ;^)

Having played all 3 of those I can safely say that Rainbow Six Siege is BY FAR the best out of all of them.

>also shitting on the developer when the other 2 games were made by fucking blizzard and valve who haven't made a single good game since 2007

Just buy the base game. Don't get that starter version that gives you 5 free ops but makes the renown costs of all the base ops really high.

200+ hours in and I'm still digging it. Also the new update is supposed to improve the matchmaking and netcode, so hopefully some things get unfucked. Either way finding games has been much, much faster recently. Even at like 4 and 5 in the morning.

Memorize maps, use headphones, get low recoil high firing rate guns and aim at the head.

Foreal what happened blizzard, I can't stand overwatch and honestly Diablo 3 might be the worst game I've ever played

the memes are rather strong

This. I haven't had this much fun with characters from a shooter since TF2.

>Post yfw the Devs didn't even get close to finishing the 2nd season and didn't even have a map ready and just canceled it all together and said they cared about the community

The best part is that people bought their lies

MPX Valk, Shotty Smoke, Shotty Bandit
Para Capitao, MK17 Blackbeard, 556 Thermite

Still kinda salty about having to wait for new operators :/ but I'm glad they're gonna fix the matchmaking bugs
Honestly this is like the best fps I've ever played, it's so fun, name a game where getting kills is more satisfying

>smokes for fuze

Great physical movement and hugely satisfying gunplay, and the destructible terrain mechanic makes for some wild rides since shit can turn on you in an instant in ways you weren't anticipating.
It's a hugely enjoyable game once you get to learn it and gud strategies for it.
The only problem is Ubisoft's fucking atrocious online system, and the irritating fact that so many engagements come down to whoever peeked first because the peeker's advantage means you're winning because of latency, which is too pure meta and I don't like meta shit.

I'm mad about the lack of content we'll get the next 3 months. I am assuming nothing is happening for operation health considering it took months to fix jackel's arm in the main menu.

All my friends bought OW, and I think all of them put sub 100 hours into it. Shit's silly how hyped people were for that game. Hell, even most of Sup Forums was positive for it during the beta.


>Playing Cav on the bank map
>third time playing her
>sneak up on a Fuze that's shooting at our Pulse
>down him from across our hallway
>about to take my interrogation
>our Rook shoots him as I'm 1 step away from him
>this same Rook hasn't deployed his armor bag either
>our Pulse asks why he did that
>he doesn't respond
>I call him a moron in all chat for not deploying his armor bag and for shooting the Fuze
>he says "you salty"
>next round starts, I follow him as Smoke
>point blank him with a shotgun to the back when he's running along the bank
>type "sry" into team chat
>he doesn't respond, game ends and we lose
>his only kill the entire game was that one downed Fuze

>enemy sees one pixel of my leg
great "game"

>mfw p90
Fuck me sideways, I'd kill for that gun on more operators. I love the ability to be laser accurate and have an ACOG on that fucker, but also have 51 bullets for panic mode or just keeping engaged without reloading.

>play with friend for months on the game
>game times out when trying to party with a friend
>no way of fixing it
>there are threads with this problem on reddit from 1 year ago
into the uninstall screen it goes

>user can't get gud
>blames the game


Only applicable for glaz unless you're playing a filthy 3 speed and didn't pick up any armor.

>getting buttmad at people who don't know how the game works
You could have explained things, instead you ass caught fire.

>outing yourself as a salty bitch

you're a weak fucking sister user
succumbing to literally most base bantz

Well the Rook definitely won in that scenario.He was probably laughing his ass off when your salty ass TK'd him.

I don't find this game fun.

Get out, nobody invited you


What in the unholy fuck is up with Bandit's SMG? This thing is like a bipolar girlfriend. It's either the most amazing thing ever, I get all the peeks, laser niggas from across the map, flank around and also win close range engagements, OR the recoil decides we're gonna draw a perfect outline around the enemy and wiff every single shot. It's like rolling the god damn dice every time with this thing.

He knew what he was doing was wrong, he was just desperate for a kill so he took the one I was going to interrogate. Plus, I wouldn't have done anything if he didn't try shittalking me about it.

>someone starts griefing
>team kill them at the final round
>"lol u salty bruh"

I mean, if you want to be autistic sure, but if you're being cunty in casual I'll tk for the hell of it.

Show me on the doll where Glaz shot you.

The p90 is pretty gud. Thing is a headshot machine. On another, I just wish echos primary guns were on par with his secondary weapons.

He just stole a downed kill from you you autist
he only called you salty when you called him a moron, and he was fucking right

Go find a different board then...

>be desperate for kills
>only have 1, game is almost over
>die before getting a chance to get another
>so mad he can't even type in chat

>Cav will never rape you at knifepoint

why operate

But I just don't get why people like this game.

>used to be absolutely amazing during Black Ice, Dust and whatever Favela rotation was called
>leave game for a while
>come back for the spanish ops
>play like i'm handicapped
Its disheartening.

Not that guy but I'd call stealing a downed enemy from a Cav of all people griefing. If you're too new to understand, then you should ask what you did wrong instead of just sitting there quietly. Nigga deserved to be called a moron and TK'd for not actively trying to learn more about how he fucked up.

literally nothing

Is it not fun because you're bad at it?

>Sup Forums
>liking vidja gaems

Personally I flop around from making godly plays to acting like a retard and teamkilling, my consistency is shit.

For me personally it's the uniqueness. There aren't any other shooters out there right now with small engagements on close quarters maps with destructable walls and stuff. It's unique among shooters at the moment.

I don't know, I haven't really played much but it's too slow and methodical for my taste or something.

Overwatch and CSGO are just iterations on a tired formula, Siege is at least trying something new.

how do I git gud at this game

it feels like there's so many maps/classes/variables to learn

Play until you hit level 50. If you're still shit then, you can safely give up.

I've been playing like total shit for the longest time, until like last night. Something clicked and I've just been downing people left and right and getting top frags fairly often. It's odd because for a while I was always top fragging, then for like 70 hours I've been sitting at the bottom of the scoreboard for like every game.

I think the controls just take a while to really get used to, and you need confidence to push forward and score kills.

It's a fun fps game that has some solid depth while stressing aim and playing smart.

I was eating shit for a long time until last night and I just hit level 90 myself. Sometimes it takes a while to be consistent.

Siege is pretty much CS:2, in a good way. Overwatch is also not a tired formula at all, and I don't even like that game.

Maps is the very first thing, just play a fuckton of casual and learn every map and the room names. Tied into that, use callouts to help the team and use those room names in the call outs, as well as the compass and pings.

Beyond that is just positioning and crosshair placement. Be aware of where you can get fucked from in any given room and try to minimize that. Aim for the head at crouching level constantly, this is most likely where people will be.

Drone and camera anything you're unsure of if you have the ability to.

Other than that, just play more. You'll pick it up in time.

Play lots and maybe see a few videos on youtube about the basic things. Don't go all autistic on the meta though.
I'm at level 52 and I finally feel that I'm getting gud.

>play fuze
>breaching charge is g and grenade cluster is middle click
>play shield recruit
>frag grenade is g and breaching charge is middle click
I lose a lot of grenades that way.

Call of juarez : gunslinger was fun
Trial Evolution too
Far cry 3 was enjoyable
South park the stick of truth was good
Steep is surprisingely good
For Honor is good

fuck that shit

bought this game on friday and im having a lot of fun with it. What tips do you guys have for me?


Make sure you shoot the hostage when you see him, it makes it so the enemy team has to revive them or else they lose.

did she die

To add to the drones, try to save your initial drone or use to to check for people going for spawn kills. So many people seem to let their first drone just get shot needlessly when having 2 drones is incredibly helpful.

Multiplayer game's gotta have depth, or else it gets stale fast.

Why are there so many high tier female operators?

Fuck no. Thermal actually gave made him from a mostly useless camper to an actual threat. He can own the entire enemy team if the guy is good, but will fail horribly if unskilled.
I believe he is perfectly fine as it is - he still requires good amount of skill to play him well and makes the opposing team adjust their tactics when when he is present.
You have no idea how many scrubs I killed because they were trying to peak through the window, plain run around the windows I was sniping at, or trying to peak me THROUGH THE FUCKING SMOKE. Truly skilled guys attacked me from the side or waited me out.

tl;dr get fucking good.


Low skill detected.
Glaz +smoke on higher level can make defending certain spots impossible because you cannot fight him while his mates rush the objective. While you sit in a corner and can't stop anyone because peeking would be certain death.
1 smoke = 1 taken room.
Good thing it is taken away from him and must-have operators. At least you have to take shitter operators to make that work.