Reviews that piss you off

reviews that piss you off

I wish it didnt turn out like this, rockcock

Dragon age 2


TTYD is shit though
64 > Super Paper Mario > TTYD > Paper Jam

Is this real and unironic?


Haven't read the entire review, but this fucking pull quote


I dunno man, seems pretty fucking serious to me.

Hes not wrong

then again it's probably bait and I'm stupid for falling for it

Don't worry the whole review is even more pretentious and tries to compare Automata to Nietzsche and Hamlet

Didn't this channel die back in 2015?

I really enjoyed Automata but holy fuck that seems to be really over exaggerated.


>tasteless weebs completely overrating and loudly extoling their shitty game/show/toy as the best made thing in the history of things

What a shocker.

Practically any review that gave Metal Gear Solid 5 a 10/10.

The game's not even fucking finished.

>people used to find The Best Gamers funny

2010 was a different time

This can't be real. But I don't want to check.

-jay dizle
Those sweet days of complete naivety

Oh god the horror

>The Best Gamers
their portal 2 review is still great to me

to me though rockcock64 was never the funny one in the group, all his reviews seemed like he was just hiding behind irony to give his opinions instead of just making up bullshit like the rest of them for fun

i never paid attention to the drama that destroyed them though so maybe it's different

Jesus I wonder how this guy would feel about Taro's other games.

DigitallyDownloaded is literally clickbait, disregard it.

Pretty much every major gaming publication's review of Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.
To make a long story short, the translation was fucked up by one fatal error. They translated "Normal" as "Easy", "Hard" as "Normal", and "Lunatic" as "Hard".
Most reviewers picked "Normal", which was really Hard Mode, and pretty much every review faults the game for being way too hard, when in reality they were the ones picking Hard.

You would think video games have been around long enough that those words would be known how to be translated

>rep -77

lel they hate him too