How is your game going?
How is your game going?
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Bretty gud user, I just released a gameplay trailer
Expect yesterday, where I spent around 5 hours trying to make one single attack for the final boss look pretty but it turned out incredibly awful
except* goddamnit
Is this your first game?
it is not
Oh, good. I was worried:)
what else you made?
It's going ok.
How difficult would it be to make a combat system like Yakuza? Actually fuck it I'm ripping off Yakuza 1 to the gameplay and city to run around in, how hard will it be with one person considering the tools Unity has?
Have fun building the animation system, rigging, and creating all the character assets and anims
Oh I can't wait. Guess I better actually start now, wish me luck.
Not going to wish you luck. If you have to ask how hard it is then you're probably not ready to even attempt it. Don't go into anything without assessing everything you need to do.
Yakuza 1's combat is quite basic but working in 3D like that is a pain the ass.
If you want you to make the first game keep it simple.
I just made a game in memory of my late mother and it is a success.
Don't quit Sup Forums.
If I can do it you can do it.
See you at E3:)
Oh, you know, just fuck my shit up, etc.
I've just been learning 3d-modeling recently . My quality sucks since this is only like day 4 of learning it but I'm really enjoying it.
Been spinning my wheels basically cause I've been revamping how most of my code works to be nicer overall.
>Using global variables correctly
>Having states that actually do more than control animations
>Making some scripts more consistent
Kept having to break shit down and then build it back up to where it was, so I've made no real progress, just set myself on better paths.
>feather textures
I'm still mad because that game looked fun you fag. Hope you have luck on your next project though.
>already 52% of the votes on greenlight
It's going alrighty.
Yesterday I finally went through the compilation log of the project and now I can package it again.
Currently sorting out ideas for the demo build.
I've got all these cool ideas for encounters but I'm also afraid that some might not deliver the freedom people are used to from King's Field / Ultima Underworld. So I'm not entirely sure yet what will end up in it.
Looks fine for a fan project. Though that animation needs improvement. Maybe make the walk animation look more simple like the one in PM64 or Sticker Star?
The Not-Spyro one?
Or the FPS? The FPS is still on. We haven't had much progress, though, since we've been focusing on the UE4 game. Haven't had all that much progress with the UE4 game either, truth to be told ;_; Need to learn programming
Anyway, here's a shoddy test animation.
Anyone know when steam is gonna incorporate their new 1000 bucks to release a game fee thing?
Feels like it would kill off many projects on Sup Forums from ever getting on steam.
pushing on steam today and sending out preview copies in a day or two.
Make that 53% actually.
I just wish google analytics would show me where those votes came from.
I'm only on like three communities with the game and I don't think that's where all the traffic's coming from.
My guess is 22nd of june a.k.a. end of spring / right before summer sale
Can't sell the fee in a sale and then just turn it off.
There's a couple things I know are wrong with the walk animation.
First, his arms never really moved in the walk animations of the games, which kinda baffles me. It really goes against rules of animation, but it does actually work in the games.
Second, I don't have a dust cloud particle system for his walk yet. That will probably help take away some focus from the weirdness of the walk.
I'm gonna have to clean it up a bit later on regardless.
> Game Engines
is 1000 the confirmed price already or do we still only have the range
Working on a semi interior environment now. It's in a very early stage and most things aren't even properly textured if at all but I wanted to post something
Did you get my commission request on your Tumblr? I'm the Coal dev.
Did an animation for the most basic fire spell.
can it sing you to death?
it's still under discussion but the last mentioned price range was between 100 and 1000
This was apparently after talking to devs who'd even pay up to 5000.
I guess it will be somewhere around 500 in the end.
Cause if it was 100 or 200 it would probably produce even more garbage content than steam greenlight. And that was the reason why they wanted to switch systems in the first place.
No, didn't get anything?
I just thought you didn't want to commission me after all.
This is my tumblr, by the way (in case you got it mixed up, or something?):
Asset packs?
no, but it's semi-palette swap, Jigglybox, can.
Stopped because people thought my art was bad and my game is bad.
Indie is a trap.
learn 2 art then
Stop posting this meme.
>playing around making models for my game in 3DS Max
>middle mouse button stops working
>have to use the little square box in the corner to move my window around
Life ain't easy when you are a poorfag and need to buy cheap mice from China.
Just sent the request on the commissions tab.
that might just end up being too similiar, how about calling it gigglybox
Got one now, thanks!
Contacting you shortly
don't have one but I post here frequently
Some stuff from, animations, speed tree packages and probably a few other things but nothing from the marketplace. The only thing I like from there are the animations but they are too expensive for me.
I like that name
Not!Spyro, yes. Why was it dropped anyway, you seemed to have a good skybox, one level mare with textures, two npcs, and the gem equivalents, did something happen?
>export a blank Construct 2 project
>it's 200 MB
defend this
>don't have one but I post here frequently
people don't suggest what to do here, they just complain without any constructive feedback on what could be better. Nobody cares about your progress, they just want to see you screw up.
Shit's dumb.
It was dropped because the programmer I work with hadn't ever played a Spyro game, or anything like it, so it was hard to explain how the gameplay ought to "feel".
I figured it would be easier to go for an FPS.
I still have all the assets, though, so perhaps I'll revisit the idea some day in the future.
I've slowed down a bit but still going. Mostly bug fixes, multiplayer testing and back-end stuff. It's becoming more fun, but I'm not quite there yet. I need to spend some solid time just focusing on design soon. That and the more I play the more I realize how important building your own deck is rather than using preset decks, which is what I'll be doing next.
i want to make a bideo game
Did you ever consider telling him to just play them? They're short games.
Enemies are finaly working, fixed the code for spawning asteroids on the enemies
Hey that's pretty good, just needs the walking animation to be a bit more bounding and energetic and you'd have a sweet video game on your hands.
I hope you revisit it after the fps user, there's a lot of good potential here.
to be fair, it looks like a chinese rip off of spyro, less colorful too
must've been about as difficult as when people attempt to tell you how to do pixel art instead of the god awful fuckery that you used to do
made a hammerhead shark. got a great white without a head that I need to finish and some reef sharks as well.
Yeah, and i think he did - but still, if you don't have a passion for it I'm not sure you're going to get good results. Better to work on something we both like.
The animations are pretty much just placeholders and they don't blend well with each other.
>I hope you revisit it after the fps user, there's a lot of good potential here.
Thanks - Maybe we will!
>less colorful too
Joke's on you. Those are literally Spyro map textures (which would be swapped for original ones later).
Are you the "blurry" guy?
I liked the 2D stuff I did, to be honest.
What are they going to do? Eat the player if they swim out of bounds?
no, they will just be enemies you encounter in the ocean. maybe a deterrent for players early on. the setting is on an island and you can access other islands via swimming, raft, or flight.
man, I love your work so much. hope to see some new stuff soon.
>it's from Spyro
nigga what, you mean like the first one or something?
because really, maybe it's because it has a boring white detailed griffon instead of spyro, it just looks incredibly dull. like alot of chinese rip offs do their graphics
I think it's too early for a blog. If I could write about new bosses or abilities and even discuss whether something should be added that would be cool, but right now what am I going to write about? How I spent 5 hours trying to get a UI widget to show on top of the others when you target an enemy? I don't think anyone would care
>How I spent 5 hours trying to get a UI widget to show on top of the others when you target an enemy?
Sure. Or you could just post a picture occasionally to keep people interested. More or less the same as you'd do in these threads, only it wouldn't be a nightmare to keep track of.
>Make a full game.
>delete Construct 2 with a game
>project = 0 MB
we can't defend construct 2
>tfw to me it would feel kinda awkward to make a blog that only like 1 person a week would ever read
Same reason why I never tweet anything.
Just do it, I'll be that guy.
I'm going to study at an animation/3D school from Autumn, so hopefully I'll get good enough to find a team/company to work with some day. It's a stupid dream, but I can't think of anything else I'd like to do.
From the second one. I was talking about the map textures, though. The gryphon was completely original, and I agree that it looks a bit bland compared to the purple dragon.
Maybe it's something I should do
This, but I guess it's something important to do if you're serious about finishing the game
I like it.
How much progress was made on the programming, and what was it made in?
The Spyro games are some of my top favourites ever.
Got this week earmarked to make money so I can get back to working on the game for the next couple months afterwards.
Feels really weird to not be working on the game.
Just basic movement and collisions in Unity. A shader to display vertex colors blended with the diffuse maps. Oh, and picking up items.
We switched to the Quake/Metroid Prime-like FPS project pretty early on, to not waste a lot of time on stuff we wouldn't be using.
>The Spyro games are some of my top favourites ever
Same here. Spyro and SM64 are something special, and Spyro also had a very distinct look and feel which I really love.
Ah. Well if the idea ever calls to you again and you'd like some help developing something post around because I'd be interested in helping.
I can't vouch for any advantage of skill over your last programmer but I'd be hype to try to reintroduce the Spyro gameplay I loved in a new light.
You could make so many fucking unique cool minigames with Unity.
not difficult, just many steps, but it is satisfying
there's lots of free rigged models, motion capture animations in the asset store you can borrow to prototype things, replace them with final models/anims later
no its not and I keep seeing that mantra repeated in these threads
stop being scared of 3D, it's not hard
Send me a message with your email or something on tumblr (
Still trying hard to make the current project(s) happen, so I can't enter a new one right away, but I'd be interested in trying to team up in the future, if you think you're up for it.
pretty good
i worked out collissions, fullscreen stuff and triggers last week
hopefully i get enough stuff to make something for the next demoday
it's done and it's FREE
3D is easy in a lot of ways but something like he's describing is challenging.
I want 50% of your ad revenue for playing it
Alright. I like the idea very much, so feel free to get back to me sometime.
>you control a ninja! (block)
>randomly generated! so it's all random shit
>become a master! of mario's blocks Can i really be the hero? TM
>tfw rpg genre was forgotten
Just finished making boss 3 and adding some nice sound effects. Going to write up the stage for zone 4 and finish the game sometime this year likely
this looks cool. mind telling me the engine / framework used?
glad you fixed the mask
can you post code?
I like your game.
Sorry about your mom.
Just released a demo and now working on a bunch of new features and levels.
I'm so good at doing the basic things that I can get to the point I get stuck not knowing what to do in just an afternoon every time I start a new project.
Latest one was a "twin stick space metroidvania"
I ran out of ideas right after doing the player movement and one enemy
fuck I need a designer to think this shit out for me
send me a preview copy user
are you on the discord? i think ive seen you there
Nothing all that interesting to talk about, but it's a necessary and important bit of progress to have made gameplay-wise, and it gives me an excuse to show off combat.
Just implementing enemy secondary hit reactions (being tripped, rolling after being knocked heavily backward, having an attack blocked, etc) and tuning the blend-out system for hit react animations. I still need to do down-spikes (which is to say, attacks that send the enemy crashing into the ground) and implement a dazed/dizzy state, which is a bit more interesting to pull off since it involves a secondary stun timer.
Rather badly it seems