Such a good game
I've never been more pissed at Sup Forums than when they shat on this
You niggers better be hunting nukes.
As usual with this shit board, they find one bad thing about a game and run it into the ground.
>tfw remembering this game nearly 2 full years on
I played 300 hours of this game, it was both the best and the worst of Metal Gear, I want to go play it again just remembering all the fun times I had with it but then it's also fucking painful to think it's going to be the last metal gear game SURVIVE DOESN'T COUNT FUCKERS
Let's just cut to the chase
3 > 1 > V > 2 > PW >>>>> 4
If you think 4 is good, you are everything that is wrong with the MGS fanbase
4 had enough good moments to justify a full playthrough, but fuck ever touching it again, unlike every other MGS game which only get better the more you play them
The only reason why people hated on it was because they knew this was the last MGS. They wanted it to be perfect.
2 is way better than V
Put PW at the bottom and we're good
3 is every bit as awful as 4.
Some people are theorizing that survive/DS is a ruse for part 3, Keighley said MGSV was gonna be in 3 parts after the TPP = MGSV reveal. I would go further into why people think this is the case but I'll get pounced by a pack of wild niggers accusing me of being caramel so fuck it.
no way, it's just a delusion to try and justify how lacking the game ended up being, despite how good it was.
Entirety possible there was going to be a third part before Konami forced development to finish and sacked Kojima, but hoping for it now is delusional.
I still love reading all the theories tho.
No, it isn't
>Actual gameplay
>Great bosses
>Great story
>dissolves into unnecessary ranking thread
3>all else their order is insignificant after 3
It was always pathetic how people desperately held on to that idea, but especially so now, two years after the game is out.
I'm not going to get dragged into outlining every single reason why I think there's more to Survive/DS than what we've been shown and told, but I'll just say that there's more than a few "coincidences" pointing to that being the case.
>204863 are co-ords to the bermuda triangle (gz helicopter crash) and iceland (ds trailer location)
>the pt radio talks about gateways to alternate dimensions (mg survive, norman reedus's necklace), the men in the sky and how "they" have been manipulating media, don't trust the news (the patriots / konami-kojima controversy)
>moby dick was released without an epilogue, the epilogue was included in later iterations
>kojima has posted an IRL silent hill health drink several times
>has made several tweets referencing "3"'s, like how much he loved the killing tv show but was disappointed how there was no season 3 (there was)
>the second low roar album is called zero and has songs on it such as "phantoms", "don't stop (chapter 1)" and "don't stop (chapter 2)"
>before GZ was even released low roar asked kojima if they could make music for him, point being he could've had this included in the ruse because they asked this before the konami / kojima rumors dropped
>the pt radio even talks about norman reedus hanging himself with an umbilical cord
>time winters (zero) narrates the mg survive gameplay, zero is literally showing us his latest experiment
>when asked about the cancelled silent hills project on stage with Mark Cerny kojima quickly developed a massive shit eating grin, started acting really agitated, both him and mark cerny started cracking up
>ford commerical called the phantom stars mads having a face transplant in cyprus wearing glasses kojima tweeted called 1985
>new playstation ad has the old kojima productions logo in the background
>the contractor who trademarked sony's "v" is also responsible for death stranding and decima
Then check out the poster. PT. Reverse Death Stranding. You get SD.
The events of Phantom Pain were a coma nightmare. Death Stranding IS Silent Hills. On top of that the REAL MGS5 will be coming out next year.
>tfw Death Stranding is gonna be pretentious cinematic garbage
Some of what this post says is true, a lot of it is pure conjecture, make of it what you will, but you'd have to be a retard to say that Kojima or Konami (or both) aren't up to something fishy.
>MGS game
>three bosses
You didn't post the image with the pasta
why bother im going to neck myself after e3 anyway
>great story
It's just OC donut steel tier characters dishing it out in a bad action movie plot.
>great bosses
Literally the only good thing about the bosses is the creative way to skip one of them. And if you don't, the actual fight suck balls.
Gameplay mechanics are great, but so are mechanics in 4 if you ever get to use them. It's basically the anti-immersive sim, you get a ton of creative toys to play around with, but then every 5 minutes you're taken out of it with another retarded cutscene written by a mental 12yo or a boss fight that doesn't utilize most of the interesting things you can do.
3 is exactly where Kojimbo lost his marbles, 4 is just a logical continuation of it.
What would possess you to impersonate Caramel? Does he make you that fucking angry?
nah, main grudge was that it is last mgs and we didnt played as BB
t. CoD nigger
a pile of dog shit is better than V.
a murdered child is better than V.
getting cancer is better than V.
sure thing kiddo
I know right guys? The delusion is strong even today, and it spreads so fast, even Konami believes it.
Your tripcode is different than the real one retard, we you aren't caramel.
thats an enemy gunship...
By the way Konami retweeted that tweet 5 days ago, very recent.
Chapter 3 is just that one cutscene.
I'm Caramel's Phantom, I've been implanted with all his pasta and faggotry
No, that cutscene would be the end of chapter 2.
More like the cut out Episode 51 from the final game.
>and we didnt played as BB
But we do play as Big Boss. The real one from Metal Gear 1, not the pretender who showed up in Metal Gear 2.
If there was more in the game someone would have found it by now.
its not same dude you played as in snake eater / pw = no real bb
Kojima would have accounted for dataminers looking for things they're not supposed to find. How would he do that? Store Chapter 3 on a server ready to be downloaded as an update after disarmament is complete.
There's plenty of ways around having dataminers spoil your game.
Maybe people will finally realise that Kojima lost his competency years and years ago.
He never was competent, it was all that co-writer that left after Snake Eater
>he fell for the "Fukushima was the real genius all along" meme
Seriously buddy, step it up.
>MGS 1,2,3 had his involvement
>MGS 4,PW,V didn't
>4 and PW (and to a lesser extent 5) are less well received compared to the ones that Fukushima worked on.
Hardly any faggots with nukes to de-nuke on the ps3, last time I found someone with a nuke, the faggot was already being invaded by someone else.
1 2 and 3 had their really fucking stupid story moments too, don't act like they were perfect. You give Fukushima far more credit than he deserves.
So I want the perfect DD soldier to play as since I'm getting tired of playing as Venom. Is it just the combat stat that matters or do the other stats matter as well and come into play when controlling that specific soldier in some way? I've been using Razor Hedgehog and he's pretty fucking cool, his combat stat is S++ but his other stats are one S and mostly A's for the rest.
Any mods to make this game fun after first playthrough?
Infinite Heaven.
They're still noticeably better than PW and 4.
>soviet soldiers in afghanistan listening to western 80s pop music
should have had weird communist pop desu, but normies can't make memes out of that
A huge part of how 4 and PW were received was down to the changes in gameplay. PW was too easy/arcadey while 4 was just not focused enough on the good old fashioned stealth gameplay, instead it had you running through warzones and forcing you into lethal combat at certain points in the story. I'm not saying their stories were on par with earlier titles, but the changes in gameplay definitely made a big impact on both game's reception, so it's unfair to imply that the they weren't received well just because of their stories.
That's a fair point.
Only the combat stat and their specific skill matters as far as I'm aware. I always pick climbers and sprinters. Climbers for FOB missions, sprinters for field missions.
Ah, I see, alrighty then. Guess I'll continue using based Hedgehog for missions and FOB faggotry. Although I'm a bit scared of using him for FOB stuff since I heard if a DD soldier gets killed during an FOB invasion, he stays dead.
The game was so god damn good until chapter 2.
The ending didn't tie anything together and it only explained one of the many, many mysteries without giving any little tidbits for us to make up our own minds.
Gameplay, design and music are fucking amazing though.
I had so many fun unscripted moments.
Yes, spend more money getting rid of those nukes.
You don't need t spend money to get rid of nukes. What you on about m8?