Other urls found in this thread:
Why do you even count the days down? You don't look forward to it, you just like counting days. Whem it comes you'll just make a thread saying "364 days until E3 2018."
tfw no Ghost trick 2
tfw no Gyakuten Kenji 3
hope for cyberpunk info
dream for sequel to vampire the masquerade or new fallout by obsidian
expecting all companies to miss the mark once again in favor of profits
All I want is Pokémon Gen 2 remakes for 3DS Virtual Console. I need to add Pokémen from that Gen to my expanding Pokémon bank because I'm an autismo.
Caramel commiting suicide
I know it's a bit pointless in this age of countdown sites and apps, but I made this.
kinectimals 2 with a presentation that use a live tiger that ends up going on a rampage
if you mean games, then nothing -- games I care about never get announced at E3
>expecting anything
hope you guys don't do this to yourselves
Sony fucks up
Bethesda to be shit
>Why do you even count the days down? You don't look forward to it, you just like counting days. Whem it comes you'll just make a thread saying "364 days until E3 2018."
Go back to gagdedditfunnyknowjunk
Turok when ?
Who that
Tanabe gets fired
Tanabe kills himself
A shitty Switch port of Smash Wii U with only Inklings as new characters. Ridley is still a boss.
Why hope for sony to fuck up?
Devolver has a conference now?
Terry Crews as Doomfist
Common sense says the bulk of the character reveals for Marvel Infinite will be at E3 or SDCC. Other than that, I'm hoping/half expecting an announcement for another PS1 era remaster project, probably Crash Team Racing or Spyro Trilogy.
Just give me one of the following
>DQ 11 Localization(PS4 or PS4/Switch/3DS)
>SMTV Gameplay trailer and release date for the West.
literally who
how accurate is this m8
It's the most fun to watch.
Switch: More good indie ports. Night in the Woods, Oxenfree, Axiom Verge, etc. Those releases with Yiik and Hollow Knight would make the Switch my go to indie platform for years to come.
Bayonetta ports, new Smash, Life is Strange (plus future release), Zero Time Dilemma, Metroid, Animal Crossing.
PS4: Spiderman info, Death Stranding info - literally can't think of anything else. As long as Sony does Sony they'll be fine.
Scorpio: No expectations. I don't know what they can do to compete right now. They'll have to make some god machine with god-tier games and even then their success isn't a sure thing. Retirement.
Switch: Zelda DLC, toxic amiibo shit, Odyssey and Xenoblade gameplay.
PS4: Same as hopes and dreams.
Scorpio: lul
put any thought of obsidian ever doing fallout again out of your mind lad, those golden days are over
good thing none of this will ever happen or I would actually have to buy a Switch xDDD
I'm off sundays and mondays from work plus gonna take a vacation day on tuesday.
Who else gonna get /MaximumComfy/ for E3?
gonna drink and snack for 3 straight dayzz
Honestly, E3 isn't a time for japanese games anymore. It's become dudebro central unfortunately.
It's entertaining when they do
How is that even possible? It feels like we just had E3 a few months ago.
Where the hell does the time go.
Either he's one of those anti-sony faggots or he's still longing for another E3 2006. I can't blame him for the latter because that shit was funny.
We're getting older user. Time is going to fly.
Why haven't I seen many Squilliam edits this year?
>expecting ARMS
E3 starts on June 12th, ARMS is released June 16th. Why would they focus on it? They might have a small thing about it, but the last Direct basically said everything about the game. If anything, it'll just appear on the Treehouse stream.
>E3 starts on June 12th
My bad.
Why are you pretending to be me? Even though I did mess up, you're still wrong. It starts on the 13th.
>konami rep steps on stage
>people boo
>crowd settles
>"w-we're sorry"
>konami rep leaves stage
It's the 10th. WE starts then
Evolve 2 will be announced. You heard it here first, folks. It will be a reboot and of course have a single player campaign meant to familiarize players with the game. The story will also be re-written but remain mostly the same. It will have a planetside 1-styled territory control and use all of the concept content, including the monsters changing depending on what skills you picked. Also, larger skill pool, but still only 4 usable skills.
It will be called, jokingly; (d)Evolve 2: Metamorphasis
There will be a subterranean monster.
>dream for sequel to vampire the masquerade
Werewolf was announced though
It's going to be trash but it's all you'll get
Doubt it will happen since a remake has already happened for them recently. More than likely we'll get a Gen 4 remake
Realistic hopes:
>Spider-Man PS4 gameplay
>Crash Remaster footage for Warped (even if it's going to be bad)
>Kingdom Hearts 3 and/or FFVII Remake release date
>more Death Stranding (don't expect a release date until minimum next e3, but most likely the e3 after that)
>More games for switch announced and/or released (preferably more about the next SMT)
Unrealistic hopes:
>New Ratchet and Clank
>mobile ps4 announced
>Batman Beyond Arkham game
>new Metroid
unrealistic hopes:
new C&C
new planetside more like the original
Get ready to lose $330
>Being more excited for Sony than Nintendo even they already blew their load earlier this year
>Not blowing their load with that switch direct
new Metroid is already confirmed
two of them
not confirmed, rumored, and if either are anything like Other M or Federation Force I'm not counting it.
I hope Kojima does something cool
Bannerlord better get a fucking release date
More Warhammer 2 stuff
>Nintendo said they have multiple new IPs to announce for the Switch in their financial report
>They still haven't shown footage of Xenoblade 2
>They will have gameplay of SMO and demos at E3
>Thinking Nintendo "blew their load" already
>Being this much of a nintenbaby
I want the switch too, but jesus christ if Sony "blew their load" than so did Nintendo. Keep consistent
I'm fucking sorry, how?
where did I mention blizzard?
kotor ;_;
Since there's no DMC thread
>pick up cheap copy of DMC2
>mediocre but actually digging it
>gloomy ghost towns with nice music
>sweet Dante acrobatics
>fast forward a few missions in
>literal meat tanks and nofun allowed helicopters start poping up
For Nintendo to show some actual first party games for the Switch, hopefully not Mario or stupid spinoffs nobody asked for.
New interesting IPs that aren't cinematic third person shooters or open world garbage.
Ace Combat 7 news and gameplay
New Tenchu game
New Panzer Dragoon
New Metroid
New Kid Icarus/Sin and Punishment for the Switch
Platinum original IP, moving away from Bayo combat for once
Mysteryous Murasame Castle reboot
DMC5, it's about time
Nothing of the above.
Sony movies disguised as videogames
Ubisoft cringe and open world garbage
Microsoft to show indie games and praise the Scorpio for the entire event
Nintendo disappointment
Amiibo support for Switch
Metroid Amiibo festival
20 minutes Death Stranding trailer showing nothing about the ""game""
Street Fighter DLC
>wanting a new KOTOR knowing it would be developed by current day Bioware
For what purpose.
Back to deddit.
Not the OP but E3 is my favorite time of the year and I do look forward to it every year
DmC2 when ?
p5 eletric bongaloo
just you watch
>Kingdom Hearts 3
If Square Enix doesn't show it at E3 they will have shot themselves in the foot.
I used to like E3 but after last year there's no hope. The DMC hype from last year caused me to go into a long state of depression after nothing was announced. I couldn't even finish my pizza and just throw the rest in the trash.
I'll never forgive everyone for hyping DMC5 up last year and I'll never forgive Sony E3 Conference for having the most western focus event I have ever seen in the history of E3. There were literally no JP games.
Thank god. Thanks to anyone that helped get their circlejerk dropped.
Fallout 5
Spider-man gameplay
I just watch E3 for the cringe. Ubisoft usually supplies that in high doses.
Can't wait for the politically driven shit they'll vomit.
>Capcom presentation
>Near the end, a bunch of disappointing and meaningless announcements
>Street Fighter Alpha 3 re-release on mobile or something
>Hideaki Atsuno steps on to stage
>"An now ree hawv a very speshurr announcementu"
>Video starts playing
>Fade in to a scenic countryside, a small village with euro-grecian architecture is nestled into some cliffs
>Those iconic six notes play
>Tonic, subdominant, supertonic
>Tonic, subdominant, leading tone
>Camera drifts towards the village, everything looks so peaceful, when suddenly
>Gunshots go off, bullet holes appear in the camera lens
>The screen crumbles away as if it were glass, aggressive electric guitar riff starts playing
>DMC5 trailer players
all I want from E3
Please stick to on topic posts about E3. They had a right to have their thread, not sure why you'd want it deleted, we all just want fun games from E3, both that mecha thread and squillam threads are cultural icons on Sup Forums. So what are your
Bloodborne 2
Bloodborne PC
Doom 2016 expansion
Shenmue 1/2 HD - much likely to be much closer to Shenmue 3 release.
>Shenmue 1/2 HD - much likely to be much closer to Shenmue 3 release.
I'm highly expecting this.
Aside from all the rumors, they said they were looking into it like a year ago due to having to deal with tons of licensing issues for things like what appears on vending machines, etc.
Combine that with the S3 directors comments, it seems very likely we'll get it, but not until the same year as S3's release.
Though I won't be surprised if Retro's project doesn't get announced if it's a 2018 game.
I expect Capcom to disappoint everyone. By this time next year we'll have forgotten about their unending stream of disappointments and gotten hyped again.
>Tfw I will be on leave and can watch all of E3
gaming is dead
Seriously the switch won't be able to keep up it's sales without a smash 5 announcement soon
>devil may cry 5
it's possible but I doubt it
>final fantasy vii: remake trailer/demo announced
dream big, I tell myself
>kingdom hearts 3 trailer
eh, why not?
>death stranding trailer
love me some kojima
honorable mentions:
Aisha Tyler bringing x100 the cringe than she did last year
I'm not really expecting much. I'll catch up after work. I do hope that they announce a pc vr system that isn't as expensive as a PC build. Especially when they're all using off the shelf parts.
Hope everyone's ready for smash Deluxe
F-Zero X on 3DS
another cringe comp on yt
I legitimately feel bad for anyone who thinks DMC5 is coming.
It's not.
>From software
Would be dope to have that kind of atmosphere and dmc currrhazy combat
I hope for a Spyro Trilogy remaster as well. Crash looks great. I just hope they do the music right for Spyro.
A good cyberpunk game
A good cyberpunk game
A good cyberpunk game
Seriously, is it too much to ask for a good cyberpunk game?
why don't you make one reddit-kun?
>EA moved to Saturday
>MS moving to Sunday
>Ubisoft unknown, but not on Monday
>literally nothing besides Sony on Monday
Jesus, what a shitshow. I'm not even going to try to even get two days off this year.
Ubisoft and PC Gaming Show are on Monday.
Are we this close already? Holy fucking shit
underage: the post
You don't know shit, user.
Borderlands 3
more persona
Kojima reveals the ruse cruise
Sony buys Nintendo
any interesting leaks?