Give me some advice Sup Forums

Give me some advice Sup Forums.
I already got an Xbox One, a good PC is the price of a soul in the shithole i live and i want to play more games. What console should i get next? PS4 or Switch?

If want good games now: PS4.
If you want (more) good games a year or so from now: Switch.

Unless you really want to play Horizon Zero Dawn, Persona, or some other Sony Exclusive, PS4 basically overlaps with the xbone, so you're better off with the switch for variety's sake.

The Switch; one of the best videogame platforms in a decade.
The Pisstation fraud is pure garbage.

Why the fuck would you get an Xbox One?

You have a fucking XBone and PC. Are you seriously asking if you should choose between a portable system with iconic first party titles and a 3rd PCBox?

sell your xbone and get both

>own xbox one but not ps4 or switch
kill yourself
>the only games are AAA western games and persona
kill yourself

>or some other Sony Exclusive

reading was not your strongest subject, I see

Pass on both. Take up painting.

If you have an Xbone, there's literally no reason to get a PS4. I guess there's probably a handful of forgettable games that you can't get on the Xbone, but let's be real, they're like every other fucking game at this point.

Get the Switch or nothing in my opinion. It's selling like hotcakes, so there's lots of games on the way for sure.


You could just save your money and eventually move out of that shithole so you don't have to drown in depression through video games

You made your first mistake getting an Xbox when PC has every game it does, but better.

If you want a Switch, get a phone or tablet instead. If you want a PS4 just get Raid Roach Killer.

came here to post this

>a good PC is the price of a soul in the shithole i live

Reading is a relic of the past

Sell the Xbone and get a PS4 now.

Wait a few years and buy Switch.

Fun fact: Even Microsoft uses the word "Xbone" sometimes in their code. Their employees just don't care anymore.


Anything good on PS4 will be on Xbox One and PC.

>Even Microsoft uses the word "Xbone" sometimes in their code. Their employees just don't care anymore.
show me the legal documents proving that Sup Forums owns the copyright for the term "xbone"

once upon a time, a younger more idealistic version of myself thought that widespread internet access would eliminate illiteracy

nope, reading is just too fucking intensive and time consuming to do properly now. fuck this whole existence

As a Nintendo Fan and stockholder, get a PS4 if you want games now. But be aware that the next iteration may be lauched earlier than expected, thanks to the success of the Switch and the inevitable launch of Scorpio.

Not saying Sup Forums owns the term. Just saying even Microsoft programmers don't care about their joke of a console.

they know that anyone with any amount of technical knowhow wouldn't waste money on an xbox when they already have a capable pc or are in the process of building one, your post sounded more like bitching about "muh normies" stealing the internet cultures

Fuck, man. I was about to tear you down to the graves of your forefathers but you're right. I didn't read that right.

God no.

Most Microsoft employees are strictly PC, as you say. A few years ago, they also gifted Xbones to interns, and one of them was autistic enough to kick it instead of carrying it while saying "PC masterrace" though.

Pretty sad.

good lord, I would have preferred if it was just the usual bitching, this shit is just unprofessional