Is there anything worse than people that play Japanese games?

Is there anything worse than people that play Japanese games?


>Labyrinth of Touhou
>Elminage Gothic
Shit taste is curable, user; arrogance is , too, but it is harder psychologically for faggots like you.

People who don't play both Japanese & Western games.


so every Nintendo game ever made is bad?
phoneposter having a shit opinion, what a surprise

people that make threads like these

Is there anything worse than people?


>people that nonironically think cRPGs are good. .
>people that nonironically think games like M&B and Chivalry have good combat, kek..
>people that genuinely think deus ex, planescape, and other old pieces of crap are good..

Is there anything worse then people posting on a Japanese inspired image board?

the games arent bad

its the people who play them or acknowledge they exist that are worth killing without trial for the sake of mankind


People who generalize and avoid a broad spectrum of people just because of one encounter you had/you have an agenda you hold against people who like something you don't.

Yeah, there is. People who fucking cry about video games on Sup Forums, lmfao.


don't you have a far right militia to play with airsoft?
stop posting shit.


OP summarized all that is wrong with Sup Forums. I'm glad people like these still exist

Is there anything worse than people that concern themselves with what other do on their free time?

Japanese people