I'm unironically going to the buy this for Skyrim (and yes I have the pc version)

does that anger you?

Why the fuck would I care how you spend your money?

Yes, stop wasting money like that.

Do what you like senpai

No. It makes sense. It's a fucking tablet console. It's amazing.

Literally this

I don't care what the fuck you do, and only legitimately mentally ill will REEEE over the unnecessary specifics of a hobbyists use of their money to entertain themselves

try not making this website your life, user

if todd's happy then i'm happy

How dare you use your money that you worked hard to earn ,in a way i do not approve of.

It definitely baffles me

That does not bother me at all! After all, who WOULDN'T want to play The Elder Scrolls™ V: Skyrim™ Special Edition on the go?

I'll never understand this kind of logic.

Nope you're rich. Will you buy me a gtx 1050 or rx 460 please?

I agree, fellow user who is unaffiliated with Bethesda Softworks™! Can you imagine exploring the vast world of The Elder Scrolls™ V: Skyrim™ anywhere you are? It's crazy that based Bethesda Softworks™ is doing this!

It doesn't anger me, but it does baffle me.
To what end are you doing this?


If you're a neet living of autismbux it does. Otherwise I don't give a fuck what you do with your McMoney.

A portable skyrim sounds nice

I want to be able to play one of my favorite games on the go.

>Going through that shit without mods.

I really dont think I can play vanilla skyrim again. I want too but, I can't.

Muh acheebments

why would it make me angry that a retard does something retarded
i for one am happy that people are doing dumb things

No, I understand there's retarded morons in the world. I just don't understand why they do the stupid shit they do.

Nah, I'll just be waiting here for you to come back and tell us about your double disappointment for both the console and the shitty port.

To play games portably

Confuses me more than anything.
But hey, you do you.

>Paying $360 for an old shitty game you already own
Worth a pretty hearty laugh, but nothing to be angry about.

No i just think your a retard

>Implying nintentards played Skyrim before


I am implying that because OP literally said that he already owns the PC version. Not that it'd be a good purchase even if OP didn't play the game before, but still.

It doesnt anger me but I simply dont understand the point of that.

If you want to play skyrim on your PC, you know you can connect your computer to a TV, right?

>vanilla Skyrim without mods


It does. Spend some money on me senpai, I'm a neet with a lack of cash.

>all these "I don't care BUT-"
This place truly is a shithole of manchildren