>tfw Bloodborne 2 is gonna happen
Why? Perfection only happens once and the sequel will just tarnish the the IP.
>tfw Bloodborne 2 is gonna happen
Why? Perfection only happens once and the sequel will just tarnish the the IP.
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typical faggot opinion
And if its in a new time period with a new nightmare then what faggot
I think it's a fair opinion. They caught lightning in a bottle with Bloodborne and as we've seen with Dark Souls, they're not always great at building on a good formula.
they can explore a different place with different great ones
No game is pefect.
Start actually thinking of things Bloodborne did wrong and maybe Bloodborne 2 will have worthwhile improvements.
because vanilla Bloodborne bosses weren't that great, Ludwig and Orphan of Kos were the highlights in terms of boss battles.
>rehashed areas
>rehashed animations
>rehashed weapons
>rehashed bosses
>take some shit from Das3
They has to make a whole new engine for BB and everything was fresh with similar core mechanics from das but BB2 will just be the same shit.
Sony probably won't be nice this time and split up the DLC's since das3fags gobbled there's up
I agree OP, they should have stopped at DeS when things were some actual originality and they weren't shitting on core features for money. It should never have gone past DaS.
>watching OoK tear himself from his dead mother
>see him look at the moon and begin crying before the fight
>that music
>finally engage him
>the painful screaming, the sound of someone who has lost everything
I didn't expect to feel these things from The Old Hunters.
I play souls games for exploring and fighting bosses. As far lore is good as prequel I don't mind it. Only fags complaining about lore in DS3.
Who said it's going to happen? Some faggot on Sup Forums?
There's no concrete evidence that BB is getting a sequel.
>is ludo
holy fuck....
Why is the soundtrack for Bloodborne so FUCKING good
>and maybe Bloodborne 2 will have worthwhile improvements.
Not if Dark Souls 2 and 3 are anything to go by.
Dark souls 3 was a great improvement.
DS2 is ass
Composer cared.
Musicians cared.
Designers cared.
All of them knew what kind of feeling the music should have.
>same items as in NG and NG+
The setting of Bloodborne is just too good to not get a sequel. Yes, all the unnumbered games in Soulsborne have been the best but I have high hopes for Bloodborne 2 (if it happens).
The gameplay and setting of Bloodborne made the game into the masterpiece what it is today.
If it gets a sequel, let's hope Japan Studios stop From's autismo that fucked up DS2 and 3
FROM can do sequels right. Or are we still pretending Dark Souls 3 (hell and even 2) weren't very good?
I'd like a different IP. While the setting's cool, it'd ruin the mystery of a lot of things.
Plus, what would you do in the game? Another hunt? Whoops, turns out it was that pesky moon presence again!
nah DaS3 was just as shit.
No fucking way ds2 babby
Not as good as the game before.
Godfather II is better than the first Godfather.
>20 fps gayme
>tfw Bloodborne 2 is gonna happen
Agreed on that but they can still make another world based on other gods.
The base principles stay the same, alternate realities made by aliens, and innovative weapons
The biggest flaw with Bloodborne is that beasthood was never fully realized. Beasthood should have been akin to a more extreme hollow state with multiplayer implications. Imagine using too many blood vials at once in rapid succession during a hard fight and becoming a beast, narrowly winning with your beast powers, and then getting hunted by other players as part of a hunter covenant that spawns in against beast players. They could have taken the beasts and hunters angle so much further but in the end all we have are beast pellets and beast's embrace.
There could have been an entire new layer to Bloodborne to set it apart much further from the souls games, not just losing echoes but gear and weapons as well. Your gear wouldn't vanish like your echoes, but you'd have to retrieve them as a human after reawakening. The flip side would be that beasts are super strong and fast, encouraging player hunters to summon more help to fight beast players like mini bosses.
Nothing will ever beat seeing Gehrmans cutscene and the amazing music that plays during the fight. God damn that shit is amazing. Only thing that comes close is the second phase of Laurence fight when the tragic part of the music kicks in while he crawls around and screams at you.
Motherfucking masterpiece
bloodporn 2 project isn't gonna happen
paleblood turns you into a beast, not the regular enhanced blood
>more cuhrazy weapons
>refine the magic system
>make chalice dungeons a little more interesting
>make it so every area has a bell maiden
>half the number of Blood Vials you carry at once, but make them respawn every death/at a lantern
>don't have to travel back to hub world to travel to somewhere else
I'd honestly be more than happy if a sequel did just these things.
that's a sad news but I'll deal with it
*sob sob*
Retard here. What the fuck are chalice dungeons? I already beat the base game without even looking at them, When do you start them? what are they for?
I meant gameplay wise
They provide infinite new areas to explore.
2 and 3 are both shit
Aren't they supposedly where you get the best blood gems as well?
Is it gonna happen though? Where is the source?
Yes. There's also like 10 unique bosses in there. They're the most challenging content of the game, too.
shit it is? from all the gameplay i saw from the first one i think its gonna be pretty fucking amazing, would it be a good first game to play from that company though?
Hoooly fuck KYS
I hate Sup Forums.
but what did i do? did i say something wrong? sorry i've only been here for a few days
to be fair, it's only for tryhard autists
the micolash gems are good enough for 85% of the game
It's not happening, OP is full of it. You should just play the first one though.
What the fuck is so kino about that moment?
the problem with a sequel is they cant get that amazing mind blowing twist moment when you encounter and beat rom and the game goes from vampires and werewolves to lovecraft and the cosmos in the blink of an eye
another problem is assuming we are playing as another person and not the good hunter, this person doesnt have the insight to see any of the things that the good hunter can untill about halfway through, the only thing i can think of is if they redo the lovecraft twist, but then 2/3 of the way pull something else like entering the void or some planetary ass pull
Get fucked pcfag. Seething rn.
You have to go back
>20fps more than pc version
I can't wait for BB2. Fuck Sup Forums and their negativity.
1. BB: 9,4/10
2. DaS3: 9,3/10
3. DaS: 9,2/10
4. DaS2: 9,1/10
5. DeS: 9,0/10
DS2 is 4/10 at best
If DaS2 is 4/10 then DaS is 4.5/10.
This meme needs to end, DaS2 is a great game, and a great souls game.
If you actually enjoyed BB you wouldn't be so gungho about a sequel.
Maybe if the combat wasn't floaty as fuck and the bosses a snoozefest after sentinels
Dark Souls 3 is BY FAR the best souls game.
It literally does EVERYTHING better than DaS except for world design (which is good for only 1/3 of DaS btw).
>If DaS2 is 4/10 then DS3 is 4.5/10
DeS = DaS = BB > DS3 > DS2 with DS2 being dogshit.
People who didn't play all Souls games on release need not apply.
So I just got the Augur of Ebrietas and I cannot believe how I can Viceral attack most enemies now, and they only use one bullet per atack, the damage isn't bad either.
You guys were right, this build is pretty fun. I hope the Accursed Brew and the Meteor Eyeball are fun to use as well.
Fuck you for making me respond to this bait but im sick of this shit.
Mass Effect Androgonous is a 4/10.
Mighty Number 9 is a 4/10.
ToR is a 4/10.
Dark Souls 2 is not a 4/10. It is a 7/10 at worst.
Combat is floaty as fuck, this is true, and DaS combat is clunky as fuck. Both DaS and DaS2 are complete garbage compared to BB and DaS3.
As for the bosses, DaS has 2 good bosses, Gwyn and Artorias. DaS2 has Sentinels, Pursuer, Chariot, Mirror Knight, Sinh, Velstadt, Fume, Ivory king, duke's dear freja, alonne.
Don't forget
>added skill relocation items
That's a good idea.
I also was really worried about the different types of blood when I first played.
I thought taking to much of Kin blood might turn you into an ayyy lmao or something but it ended up not mattering.
Honeslty I don't think they should rehash something that worked so well in the first one.
I have no problem with a BB sequel but if they pull the same exact shit it would seem a bit lazy. Its a sequel, so just make it an actual sequel and not redo the first one.
>"The game doesn't run well"
>"But it's exclusive!"
Amazing rebuttal.
>game doesnt run well
Literally your only argument. What do you expect people to do faggot? Drop the game and system entirely, spend thousands of dollars on a PC then complain about an exclusives framerate on Sup Forums? Some of us actually enjoy playing games, and seeing as you dont kys
in a series of good combat and good bosses it has neither.
Not bait, the game blows ass man
i cant think of anything more they could do if the player already has all the insight to see the great ones and stuff tho
its a bad souls game but a good game overall
I'm not the guy originally complaining about the frame rate, I have the game and enjoyed it, but your response to that guy was so fucking retarded I had to point it out.
You could have another outsider show up right as the Good Hunter slays Rom so the whole game is you in other parts of Yarhnam doing other shit. Maybe make the chalice dungeon and actually part of the world you explore.
>bad bosses
>bad combat
I dont think we played the same game.
Yes please oh god.
Also make it so that most of the weapons are available earlier in the game.
> Dark Souls and BloodBorne
> Sleeping simulator
I will never get it. I've never seen these boring fights somewhere else.
The combat is floaty as fuck and the hits feel like your weapons weigh 1g. And for every good boss in DS2 there's 10 copy pasted or bland ones.
And the game looks unforgivably bad, and i'm a low-graphics peasant to begin with
How was my response retarded? Since youre so much smarter please inform me.
yes i think chalice dungeons would be great, id like to go deeper and find what the pnumerians originally found, or whats left of it
i really hope the ascension ending is the cannon one, but that being said i really hope the good hunter isnt a boss as a great one
If its called Bloodborne 2, it will be shit.
If its called Bloodborne: (_________), or has an entirely different name, it will be great.
Abide by these words.
Thats what I mean, take the setting of the chalice dungeons and actually make them a part of the exploration.
Because your response was just that the game is exclusive which addresses nothing and just makes you seem like someone willing to forgive any flaw in a game as long as it's exclusive.
You're the retarded one then. My response was that PC players do nothing but complain about how bad console games run and telling others they shouls buy a PC instead of playing games.
Sonyfags are pathetic.
Except the guy you responded to didn't mention PC at all.
gotta love that true scotsman fallacy
Because you cannot play games on a PC, right...
Why are consolefags convinced that PC gamers crave their shitty exclusives anyway?
I platinumed Bloodborne in 10 days. I don't have the picture anymore but I can get it.
I've been banned 4 times now for telling people I platinumed the game in 10 days.
The mods must be fanbois and can't handle that someone platinumed the hardest game they've ever played in 10 days.
Its crazy how xbots are already damage controlling before this game has even been confirmed. Its project beast all over again lmao
He was obviously talking about it though you dumbass nigger, holy fuck you are an idiot.
Sorry I must be too dumb to read people's minds over the internet.
No, you're just too dumb to read the response chain.
Is this bait? Do you not remember the assblastedness from PCfats anout Red Dead? Or GTA5? Or when BB was even announced?
>"heh w-w-we didn't even want it anyway console plebs, we have gotys like undertale"
Yeah okay
You know it, I know it, we know it.
It's a "Prepare to die" edition for PC.
Where the first mention of PC was ?