Smell that New Vegas thread! Couldn't you just drink it like booze?
Smell that New Vegas thread! Couldn't you just drink it like booze?
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Nyehaeh there's the high roller
What are the best legion roleplays?
New Vegas is complete fucking trash, if you like it you are gay faggot man
Frumentarii. Fuck the NCR from within, it's great.
Certain mods on loverslab.
Started a new playthrough yesterday. This game is just so fucking good man
you have OCD.
That thread is all just complaining about how shit Fallout 4 is
What are the chances of another 3D real time Obsidian RPG ? I'm sick of their isometricks but have faith that if they did an Elder Scrolls/Fallout-esque game again, it'd be fucking sweet
guess bethesda should have made a better game
Newbie here. I forgot to get any quests from the Powder Gangers before finishing up at Goodsprings, and now I'm vilified and can't get into the NCRCF. What should I do?
guess you gotta kill em all
You honestly didn't miss much. Just 3 fetch quests desu.
Just blow them all to pieces
I guess so...
Where do I find the quest that involves the NCR taking back the NCRCF?
Not fucking likely. Bethesda got really assblasted about how much more popular NV was than 3. Doubt they'll ever let Obsidian touch Fallout again.
I think they recently hinted about doing a sequel to alpha protocol.
Powder gangers don't have a lot of content so it's not a big deal
I remember when I finished New Vegas, I felt like I had gained some sort of media-oriented enlightenment. I finished with the end of Lonesome Road after a roleplay-heavy playthrough and it left me so satisfied.
Recently finished a 120hr playthrough of Fallout 4 and I honestly feel so disgusting. The number of mods I had to install to make the roleplay experience feel even slightly legit was still gimped by the fact that your character has two potential personalities that make sense. The DLC were so awful. They were just mini base games; another area with random areas with raiders/super mutants and quests and side quests. It didn't feel like a heavily invested guided adventure like New Vegas. They all felt like Old World Blues without the witty writing. I think the game made me more depressed
Stupidly, you can't get that quest if you're hated by the Powder Gangers
that mid-late ncr route
That's just moronic.
Welp, starting a new game.
*heavily invested guided adventure like New Vegas' DLC, I meant to say
I liked Alpha Protocol, but I honestly would much prefer them doing another New Vegas style game. There just isn't anything like it out there.
So glad I killed that fucker on sight.
> guess his luck ran out when he ran into me.
running into this guy taught me how to roleplay i remember it like it was yesterday. thinking of how my character would respond to running into this guy right after the shit at goodsprings. i remember just looking at him as he ran off hell confused, and for a split second i became my player character. damn i love new vegas.
I mean its either you or the scorpions. Might as well be you for some sweet sweet 30 bottlecaps
I really gotta question this. Fallout 3 was so heavily shilled by "journalists" and sold a shit ton more. Casuals ate it up and that's the target demographic. What argument is there to suggest New Vegas was the more popular game, ignoring it's legacy in dedicated gaming circles, which can't possibly compete with the masses.
Honestly, even if it wasn't as popular, it's that legacy that Bethesda would be upset with. Suddenly, they no longer had a -blatant- pseudo-monopoly on that type of open-world RPG. Suddenly, this other developer cut a large portion of the fanbase and those who dig deep enough (not that deep) will see that the discrepancy in quality parallels with the difference in developer. Corporations are very greedy and the one thing they like more than profit, is stable profit. New Vegas posed a threat to that, albeit a minor one. New Vegas is a testament to Bethesda's incompetency and they don't like that existing.
Think of it as posting a naked pic that doesn't have your face on Sup Forums. Chances are, it won't impact your life in any way. You can always deny that it's you and it probably won't reach anyone you know. But it is there. It exists, and you're thinking about it. This threat to your integrity. And some people, past exes or something, a dedicated demographic, will know that it's you and that you exposed yourself to the internet
You will never ever play FNV for the first time again.
Feels bad man
>FNV came out 7 years ago
Kill every powder ganger you come across on and leave one alive with broken limbs then come back to kill him before you attack Hoover Dam.
This is the greatest thing Joshua Sawyer ever wrote, he will never top it
I wonder what that feels like
You people praise this game like it is the second coming of Christ and I really fail to see why.
The setting is interesting and the characters are well written and all but the gameplay is absolute shit.
Why do you people complain about movie games again?
Haven't played Fallout in a long time. What stats am I going to want to invest in if I want to play a shooty, talky guy?
PER and CHA, obviously
If you're not retarded and thinking of SPECIAL points, Agility and Perception. Just shove all points into Speech, CHA is useless.
>suggest the 2 dump stats of NV
Absolute madman.
Have you guys tweaked any of the JSU MCM settings?
user, I don't know what you mean. If you want to aim well you'd need Perception, yes? And if you want to be a grand oratory, why, you'd surely need to have Charisma. It's self explanatory.
you can get into their base with a disguise, just stealth kill the guards that can spot you
the guy who gives the quests can also spot you but if you run up to him he won't aggro immediately and you can get the quest from him, if he aggros after you stop talking, just run away, or stealth boy away
combat =/= all gameplay in an rpg
are you me?
never finished the game, what exactly does that accomplish?
Unlocks a special ending slide for the Powder Gangers where the Courier's sadism is heard of back in NCR and the whole penal system straightens up out of fear the Monster of the Mojave will come and butcher them all
that's real fuckin neat o
Why is FCO the most popular face mod when it's easily the worst one? It goes so ridiculously deep into the uncanny valley.
What else is there apart from Redesigned and Hall of Face?
Those are the best ones yet they're not as popular. It baffles me why anyone would use FCO over those.
You can amass caps to the point where barter is pointless. There is no reason to waste points on a special stat that only affects one useful skill.
Companion Nerve is pretty important in Hardcore
Can someone post the Easy, Butcher and Hard Pete pasta? I need to save it.
>dump stat
what the fuck am i reading
i thought the mods cracked down on all these NV circle jerk threads?
this shit belongs in /vg/
Is that supposed to be the gay blonde from archer? Cause that explains the legs.
The only things you even need caps for are ammo and stims. Radioactivity is easy to avoid or prepare for. The only time I ever felt in need of caps was for big weapons and laser weapons only runs, since they is little ammo to find for them.
Lmao, I forgot about that. Beautiful.
Let's get rollin' bitches
Well unless you're going for a crit build (mostly for the better criticals perk which requires 6 perception) it's mostly useless. It's barely used in conversations either.
If you play with ED-E who you can get really early there isn't much of a reason to invest anything into it, but it makes the DLC a pain if you are are vats happy.
Fucking amazing
People love that quote
True that
please be good
It's another one of those weird things that show how the real world can be different from online communities. Sup Forums and even the Fallout subreddit don't ask how I know this love New Vegas much more than 3 or 4, but when I go out into the real world everyone only talks about how 3 was the best FO, and that NV was an afterthought to them. Shit I know a guy who thought NV was a DLC for 3.
>I forgot to get any quests
You can't experience everything the game has to offer in one playthrough, unless you don't care about roleplaying.
The best part of NV is discovering new shit on different playthroughs.
Define "popular". Popular at launch? Fallout 3. Popular currently? Fallout New Vegas.
Steam was NV's primary distribution platform while Fallout 3's was GFWL.
What are some essential mods to make gunplay better?
Does your game "freeze" for a couple of seconds when switching weapons with the hotkeys? It does that for me the first time I pull them out but after that it draws the weapons normally?
That wouldn't matter to current popularity though would it as it's available through steam just as much as New Vegas is.
only new falloutfags would be this deluded.
pretty much the most generic build you can go for
New Vegas Redesigned 3 is the best, it uses the updated FCO assets while making the faces unique.
worth noting that it's actually unplayable on windows 10 without a ton of fanmade patches though, which is a big hurdle for normies
A lot of people probably bought it for GFWL and never bought the Steam version, I'm one of them. Also there's Tale of Two Wastelands.
here ya go fagioli
After the destruction of The Enclave and their oil rig, Pete was left without a home. The three clones created in the Les Petres Terrible project went their different ways. All Easy Pete knew how to do was kill. He traveled around and soon became known as the best gunslinger in California. After being tricked by a caravan owner to kill some innocent citizens who were harming his business, Easy Pete faked his death in a duel because he could not live with what he had done. He began again, and assumed a nickname. He traveled west, and changed his signature weapon from a .357 Peacemaker to dynamite, just to be sure nobody would recognize him. He studied and trained with the dynamite, and harnessed its killing power to strengths never seen before. He kept his famous .357 magnum as a relic of his past. As time went on, the legend of the gunslinger Easy Pete had faded, and Pete felt safe to re-assume his real name. Easy Pete settled down in Goodsprings, looking to put behind his past. If anyone asks about himself, he tells a fake tale of him being a prospector.
Pete... had a hard life.
I've played bits of Fallout 1 and 2, and while I like them, I can't play them for that long.
After the Enclave oil rig was destroyed, Butcher Pete also set off into the wasteland, looking for a new life. The second clone made in the Les Petres Terrible project, Butcher Pete is a suave but terrifying serial killer, think like a mix between Patrick Bateman and Agent 47. He was named so for his gruelsome killings in any simulations he was put through. Butcher Pete, with no real goal in mind, set out east, leaving a path of mysterious, terrifying deaths behind him. Because of his impulsive and psychotic tendencies, Butcher Pete was the only clone made in Les Petres Terrible to have had a tracking chip installed in his brain. Some Enclave defectors in the east coast had intel on how Butcher Pete was heading towards the Capitol Wasteland at an alarming rate, so they devised a plan to warn people as best they could. They wrote a song called Butcher Pete, about a suave but gruesome serial killer. The Enclave defectors handed the holotape of the song off to the most influential voice in the Capitol Wasteland, Three Dog, claiming it was a pre-war recording. It is unknown what has happened to the Enclave defectors or to Butcher Pete himself.
Is that the version with the added retarded custom voice-acting?
Finally, there's Hard Pete. The last clone made in Les Petres Terrible, Hard Pete was said to be the perfect soldier. Even Frank Horrigan bowed down in fear of Hard Pete. Despite this, Hard Pete never saw actual usage in combat, as a group like the BoS could use him as a manual for making the perfect clone. The secret group of Enclave scientists were on strict orders from Dick Richardson himself to keep the Les Enfants Petre project under wraps from the rest of the Enclave. Before Hard Pete was finished with his training, the oil rig was blown up by the Chosen One. Because of his exposure to mild amounts of F.E.V., Hard Pete has grown greatly in size and strength. Little is known about Hard Pete, as few have survived encountering him for long. Some say he has a fondness for explosives, using common dynamite for his killings.
It sold 4.7 million, about half of those are from Steam. But even doubling what you see here , Fallout New Vegas is still the more popular game at the moment.
Thanks a lot
>people are still reposting my pasta
love you guys
30 S.P.E.C.I.A.L Hick +3 int
S 7
P 4
E 8
C 0
I 4
A 6
L 4
>there's a cave behind Helios One with Nightkin in it
>only found it after 400 hours when dicking around with tgm and fmoverunmult
It's such a tiny, pointless cave but still
Might be just me but FNV doesn't really have that 'first-time' feeling as much as other games do.
I found it on my first playthrough somehow and got totally anally annihilated every time.
I gave up on the Face mods. They all look good in the bullshots, but the ingame lightning makes them look like total fucking ass most of the time. I know vanilla has potato faces, but they are still the best for the potato game
I think it's version 4, but either way the voice acting shit is easy to remove
Same with all the other HD mods
>download HD skins of this, that and the other
>there's still a whole pile of things that never got a reskin so they will always look like low texture puke compared to everything else