Finally, a game where I can play as one of the MANY black women who fought in WW1

Finally, a game where I can play as one of the MANY black women who fought in WW1.

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She's clearly white you retard

Also slavshit women did fight in WW1


Why is everyone on Sup Forums so stupid? Is it just that your SJW mindset causes you to believe absolutely anything as long as it helps you feel like an oppressed victim?

Im a little peeved, but then I realized that I shouldn't even be surprised at these antics anymore

this, also if they were gonna put women in this game it make the most sense to make them russian snipers, because ya know historically there were women russian snipers

Could they have chosen a more boring and uninteresting setting?

It was a breath of fresh air tbqh, the modern shit was getting old

Best battlefield since 2142

hands look white and the lighting on her face indicates a light skin tone

you're retarded

>Made in Sweden.

Will the next dlc allow you to play a transgender?

this picture made me laugh harder than I should have

>tfw i spent $15 on they shall not pass and it doesn't even have a Back to Basics mode
>tfw now that they shall not pass is out, no one is on the original Back to Basics servers

They could've picked WWII, it would be even more boring.

With CoD going back to its "roots" the next BF will probably be world war garbage too.

I'm black and I don't care, what did those faggots ever do for me? Inclusion was by proxy of location not need of service.

No, they should have simply gone back to the Cold War, early 70's, late 60's, or the Korea War.

That's just the lighting you silly prick

She looks definetely black. Can we speculate, that this lighting was done on purpose?

i could fuck with a revolutionary war video game
or even a civil war one

>swallowing the rhetoric of this place
Fight for your people brother.

get your eyes checked out, that woman is clearly not black

At least you got one of the best maps in the series

Operation iron anvil

>Also slavshit women did fight in WW1
All 500 of them for a week.

It is just perfect.

But she looks black. The lightning is dark and her skin tone is defiletetly not white.

There was like a dozen of russian female battalions. They didn't fight that much, but at least they did.

Slavs aren't white anyways

>her skin tone is defiletetly not white.
please stop embarrassing yourself


Please no, DICE would pull another "prototype" weapon out of the ass and make every civil war soldier run around with SMGs

If I didn't know any better, I'd think you're wanting her to be black


Nice meme you've got there
Fuck off, Ahmed

>when you're so determined to feel oppressed by the SJWs you hallucinate that DICE put a black woman in a WW1 game

the woman in the OP is clearly white you daft cunt, it's the lightning that makes her look ""black"""

Wouldn't have a problem if they were cute.

In that case let's go even further back. Can we get a good first-person Spartan game? Hand-to-hand combat, spears etc.

Stop making this thread. The only people who give a shit are butthurt little Sup Forumsdittors who wouldn't have bought the game anyway.

>Korea War
wow fucking mowing down gooks until you run out of ammo is si fucking fun

Whiter than you, LaTyreese

So, was this lightning was done on purpose or is it a (((coincidence))) ?

hol up

does bf1 let anybody pick their gender?

also how ignorant of CoD for letting you only choose between 2 genders

>getting butthurt over race in a videogame
And you think you're any better than SJWs

If they were going to make her black, don't you think the cucks would have made sure she looked black?

> that this lighting was done on purpose
For sure. Controversies have been their natural allies since the first promotional materials.

That's WW2 friend.
WW1 women battalions didn't do jack squat



They've been doing the dark lighting effect with all of the BF1 promos. You are literally making shit up just to feel victimized. If you hate SJWs so much stop acting like them, holy shit.

do Sup Forumstards even realize that russia is the worlds biggest country and delves into deep asia. it's ethnically diverse as fuck.

Dropped the game the instant they announced it it was set in that crap.

Yeah guys, don't you get it? It's just a videogame about a historical event, how can you expect it to be in any way related to the historical event by actualy having the main combatants of the war at the start of the game and actualy suspend your disbelief by not using negroes as 50% of the fighting force in the war when they were actualy only used by France and for a very small portion the US a faction not added in the game until later.
How can you expect such things, you racist pieces of shit, you're basicaly SJWs!

>in the name of the tsar
>Women's Battalion of Death only became a thing after the February Revolution and Nicky abdicated

Swedes fucking shits, all you need to do is open the fucking wikipedia REEEEEEEEEEEEE

>shaved head woman
>In WW1 period
Dice does it again

It's white and gold you fucking mongoloids

>They didn't fight that much, but at least they did.
They were deemed a waste of resources and made no difference to the fields of battle they were on.

>wow fucking mowing down gooks until you run out of ammo
You think it's over when you run dry?

Full of many different caucasians yes.

it matches the goddamn Sup Forums background

They packed it chalk full of bullshit prototype fully automatic weapons so it doesn't feel like WW1 in the slightest. They successfully worked around that issue.

>Nicky abdicated
I wish that was the end of it.

Who fucking cares if its female or not, why do people make such a shitstorm around a female character model in their manly shooter game.

Reminds me of pic related.

Hello DICE dev

50 bucks says that when this DLC gets released and feminists and SJWs realise that you can club, stab, shovel, bayonet, blow up, run over etc female soldiers. They'll start screaming about violence against women.

If women will be in the game, how would the single language option work?
>playing as a qt assault russian with a britsh voice

Who cares. It's a historical foundation for the game. And it's make sense if you desperately want to include women.

>tfw the only mode that is bolt-action only is dead because ADHD autists need their fully auto weapons
>tfw this game might as well not be about WW1 outside of the campaign
>tfw the only good campaign sections were the tank missions and the gallipoli missions
>tfw the campaign was too short because gotta focus on developing grenade spam multiplayer

>female character model in their manly shooter game.
There you go.

>boring and uninteresting
And there's this uneducated retard.

It's a stretch like everything else in the game, of course they won't mention the female battalions were a failure.

play verdun you fucking decline enabling retards

Verdun is kind of dead bruh

>Lighting was done on purpose?
Or maybe it's the same fucking aesthetic and lighting they've used consistently through Battlefield 1's promotional features?

Holy fuck, you people really grasp at straws.

>Paint is brownish grey.
>"It's clearly white retard"

That is not how you succeed in painting class.

It's not actually set in WW1, it's set in some sort of alt-history 1920s war where black Germans and white t*rks do battle against the British Kangdom and their negro-ANZAC colonial allies using self-healing rocket-fitted tanks and SMGs whilst irrelevant nations like France masturbate gently from the sidelines. I wish people would understand this.

>France irrelevant

I've got some opinions I might get BTFO'D but whatever
This wouldn't be a problem if we had multiplayer character creation and campaign would be irrelevant
Multiplayer shouldn't even have this argument happening from a "historical accuracy" point of view which leads back to character creation.
And we can all admit that battlefield has bigger problems than "muh forced diversity" not saying any of those critiques aren't valid just that they should have little to no priority

France is only relevant in that the war took place in France. Outside of that they contributed nothing. There's reason why the surrender monkey meme exists and it's due to France's performance during both World Wars.

We still don't have any negros dude.

>Not wanting to play as a cute Russian woman
gays, all of you

Good thing there isn't a negro in OP pic

1. Thats a slav

2. Why the fuck does it matter?

>mah realism
Nigga there is nothing realistic about B1

As much as I hate the French, their performance in WW1 was admirable if not spectacular. It was WW2 which they completely botched.

But its historically accurate

Russians were, are and always will be, Niggers

BF1 isn't set in the real WW1 you dinkus, l2read rtard.

People are pissed off that it's politically motivated you walnut.

Had they not made half the German team black and allied forces fighting in Europe colonial forces maybe people would be forgiving if not accepting of shit like this.