Last game to "scratch your itch"

>want to play a game
>spend all day looking up stuff and browsing Sup Forums

i'm so bored bros. what's the last game you really got into?


The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky - the 3rd.

I started playing through Zero no Kiseki soon after beating it.

>replay YW2 to scratch my monster collecting itch and relieve my some of my tension
>it doesn't work

My life has gotten much worse over the past year. I don't think I'm going to make it

Breath of the wild but that's a to common of answer. Before that was rune factory 4 until I got burned out trying to get married

Have you tried playing Devil survivor or digimon world 1 yet?

why does she have such a large butt

Wizardry 6

Been getting into older CRPGs that I've never played before. What a fucking fantastic game. Just started with 7.

because the artist drew her in such a way to be sexually attractive

It took me a few decades to give Contra 3 a fair chance due to jarring 1992 rotation gimmicks and general frustration but once I did, it was a hell of a game. Which makes sense, since Nobuya Nakazato directed it and he also did Contra: Hard Corps and Rocket Knight Adventures which were spectacular

Jedi Knight Jedi Academy with the movie battles 2 mod

It's good, mindless fun

to appeal to black men


Has some glaring issues due to lack of one strong vision, but it was still enjoyable. I liked the animations and the stuff between the main party members. Was a relaxing road trip game for me.

I have Star Ocean 5 arriving tomorrow to see how it compares

Not OP but you got me interested. I love RKA and Sparkster. I'll write it down.

Came here to say this.

Went through Trails in the Sky FC, SC and the 3rd consecutively. Some other user in another thread made a pretty good statement in saying "They're about as generic as generic jprgs can get, but they're generic jrpgs done WELL" and that's precisely it.

I think playing FFXV before it only amplified this. Halfway through FC I'm digging how by the book and thorough it was with the world building and at the same time lamenting at how FFXV, with all the time it had and all the millions of dollars behind it, fucked everything up so badly.

What kind of itch?

The Legend of Legacy.

I've developed a taste for highly minimalist games. Bonus points for RPGs. It's highly refreshing to get into a game with very little time spent in menus, dialogues, cutscenes, etc. without having to dig out an Atari or other retro console.

Prey and before that Nioh.

This year hasn't been great for games despite what a lot of people are saying.

Zelda was ok but they tried to break their formula by homogenising it with the rest of the industries open worlds. Thankfully the tool based game play was neat.

I started FC but couldn't into the battle system and hadn't gotten into the story. I'll probably pick it back up in the distant future

this past month ive been playing bloodborne constantly.

I started playing TF2 again. Help me anons

>the only competitive game I enjoy practicing is Melee
>it's also the only competitive game I play that has no built-in online

Going to locals is fucking suffering but it's the only way to get my fix anymore

Playan the Mass Effect trilogy
Feels good man

Nier Automata

Can you recommend it? What kinda game is it


I've just now decided to create a porn parody game titled Spankster. Please look forward to more details in the coming months.

was lucky enough to find almost pristine copies of Phantom Brave, Makai Kingdom and Soul nomad so i have been enjoying those a lot.

Nioh and then Breath of the Wild after that.

ES2 is pretty ballin so far.

I loved it. Think of something like Bayonetta or DMC if they focused a little less on the combat and a little more on the story. It's a game that's not afraid of admitting it

Bullet hell/action/rpg with 2deep 4U story and android ass. Also multiple endings and an alright soundtrack

Rising storm vietnam, played 25 hours over the last two beta weekends.
Dirt cheap on key code sites too.

Action RPG with a great story that trickles out just enough information as you play to keep you hooked. Lots of replayability too but thats venturing into spoiler territory.

Thanks my niggas

Just remember that you need to finish the game three times in order to unlock the real ending.

It has very responsive and good feeling combat and movement, albeit easy. The overall atmosphere and style is incredible and the music is literally the best compilation of tracks I've heard in a single game. The story is really just question begging about philosophy, but you do get attached to the main characters and might not follow everything that's going on, especially if you are a slow player and do all the side quests and take days off from playing the game and forgot things.

Does the game tell you that?

>non-Disgaea N1 games
My nigga. Bonus points for Soul Nomad. That's rare as shit since N1 doesn't want to rerelease it ever. Although I was somewhat let down you don't actually fight as Zetta in MK.

Persona 5, but I had been waiting for that game for years, so it was kinda given.
Before that the surprise game that I got into was Hollow Knight. I enjoyed it way more than I was expecting.

All I'm seeing are keys for other countries, but I'm not too versed in Steam key stuff so I don't know if that makes a difference.
Little brother loved the games beta so I want to give it to him as a gift.

Yes. Loads of new things on each walkthrough, though.

Revisiting The Warriors today after several years was pretty damn great, can't wait to play some more tomorrow.

Pic related, first time playing Unleash the Fury mode.

Dude, nice.


Blood and Wine
>tfw you can save her

I played Nier When it came out and after that i fell deep into Remember 11. But now I am in the same bout as you.

I played Endless Space a bit.
How is ES2? Is it better or dumbed down?

Disgaea. A friend got me to try the demo for 5 on Switch. This got me to finally give Disgaea 1 another try. I got the DS port via my flashcart and I played a bit on my DSi XL. I really wanted a bigger screen so I blew the dust off on my Vita, rehacked it, put a virtual PSP on it, and then put Disgaea 1-4 on it. Currently playing Disgaea 1 and I can't put it down. I wish I got into the series years ago on PS2. This is really fun.


I've always loved the disgaea franchise and it's good to hear about someone else getting into it. The gameplay only gets more refined from 1, as it should, but the stories are all hit or miss. I hope you continue to enjoy it.

I recently finished Legend of Grimrock and now I'm playing Legend of Grimrock 2 both are really good games I think I moght be addicted have been playing 5 hours a day for the last few days.

I have autism so I really get into anything I do.

But I've wasted a particularly large amount of time on:
Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction
UFO: Enemy Unknown (or OpenXcom)
Mount and Blade: Warband
Garry's Mod
Kerbal Space Program
Dwarf Fortress

I should probably get into doom 2 wadding, I'd probably like it.

Masochism is addictive. Set reasonable boundaries and take breaks every once in a while to make sure you don't hurt yourself.

Unless you're soloing (e.g. surf or jump maps), the other players will do a much better job of dissuading you than any words I could type.

Wait, there's an ES2?
Must be unremarkable then.

>want megaman legends 3
>best i have is megaman legends 2