>AAA walking sim
They did it, they actually fucking did it, holy shit. Good thing this piece of shit bombed
AAA walking sim
there's a decent chance this post is bait but the game WAS shit
>modern horror game
>walking sim
Are you surprised?
>he agrees game is hot garbage
>still calls it bait
I am. It's AAA ""game"" after all, not some indie Unity garbage.
I thought that game was really good. It beats Amnesia at their own formula.
So what would you have an Alien (NOT ALIENS) game be like then, if not hiding, exploring the retro surroundings and using resources to not kill the alien, but push it back to buy time?
If it has enemies then it is inherently not a walking sim
So what's the consensus on Alien Covenant?
Reminder that Spider-Man 2 is the Citizen Kane of movies.
It's alright unless your an autist who needs literally everything explained
how hysterical of you
You mean Citizen Kane is the Citizen Kane of movies.
Citizen Kane is a film not a movie.
The crew is retarded beyond any excuses, even more retarded than Prometheus crew was. It shits all over the established Alien lore. The science in the movie is also wrong, why the fuck did they had to call it neutrino burst ffs. The story had some moments but they are overshadowed by all the bad shit in this flick.
I will never watch another Ridley movie in a theater, he's a hack who simply does not care anymore.
I know what I said.
How is Citizen Kane not a movie?
Walking Sims can't be easily failed user, if you have to do something to avoid losing then you're playing a game
Educate yourselves you plebs
>Game comes out, everyone likes it
>People find the Previously Recorded Review
>Now everyone hates it
Sorry, argument invalidated by the fucking dictionary bitch. Get rekt.
Merrian-Webster seems to disagree with USC film school. A film is a motion picture which is also a movie.
>my shitpost about Spider-Man 2 derailed this thread
Get fucked, OP :^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
It wasn't your post, it's the other asshole trying to justify his useless film school degree
You're not taking this away from me.
It's all I have.
I liked the first 12 hours and the DLC maps.
The last 8 hours dragged on.
I think a film school knows more about the art of film than a book written to educate plebs but whatever
20 hours of hiding in closets and under beds? My fucking god.
>I liked the first 12 hours
>The last 8 hours dragged on.
I'm just never going to get over this. How the fuck was it taking everyone 20 hours to beat Alien: Isolation? It didn't take me anywhere near that amount of time the first time through. It's an easy as shit walking sim, how is it even possible to suck at that?
A film school degree isn't useless. I review films for a major British newspaper. I guarantee I earn more annually than you, NEET.
>inb4 b-but muh STEM!!!!!
>British newspaper
You write for glorified tabloids, my dude.
>literally ignoring every single thing in the game other than walking
Low quality bait threa, opened by Randy Pitchford.
Alien Isolation sold really well tho
Oh shit, you watch movies for a living? Damn, you really put me in my place user. Thank god you paid for college.
>Good thing this piece of shit bombed
That's colonial marines that bombed. They broke even with this.
it was GOTY lad
Yes, because every British newspaper is The Sun.
I loved the art style and how faithful it was to the "future through the lens of the 80's" look the first two movies had, but that's about the only good thing it did. The alien was alright, its massive cone of awareness was fun because all you had to do is sneeze and it'd find you from across the station.
I mean at least people have heard of the Sun
Alien Isolation was GOAT, fucking loved it
Hopefully they make another one if Alien Covenant does well
Speaking of Alien Covenant, 7/10 movie, way better than Prometheus
Characters were fucktarded as usual but at least the acting, visual effects, story, and sound was good
I wasn't disappointed like I was expecting to be
>alien isolation
>walking sim
you fight humans and synth enemies, how is it a walking sim?
They're not much better, man.
Damn you're right. There also computers you can read shit and fun hacking mini games. 10 out of fucking 10. GOTY of the year. Kill yourself.
>Alien Isolation
>walking sym
Yeah except you CAN fight back the Alien and the androids and even humans unlike your garbage games like Outlast where MC is absolutely incapable of doing anything but hiding and running away.
The game was brilliant, the graphics, the optimization, the level design, the style, the tension, the atmosphere - everything was done right and well.
The only thing I disliked is the amount of repeating puzzles - sometimes you just have to solve like 3 puzzles in a row and while it's not hard, it's simply fucking annoying and shows how the developers couldn't manage it better.
Alien Isolation is also better than any fucking Colon Marines, AvP, Alien 3,4 and Scott's garbage called Prometheus and Covenant.
It was a fine game until the last fifth or so if you played it on hard.
The stupid fucking gotcha moments and lol-now-you-gotta-go-back-through-the-same-level bullshit got way too fucking much toward the end and the payoff for slogging through all that shit was a literal QTE ending.
What's the consensus on Alien Covenant?
I liked it
Because he never played the game.
You're totally not disposable
>tfw everybody bashed IGN for giving this "game" a 6 when they actually were spot on
Fucking idiots.
Because it's easier and faster to just walk past them.
The androids in the core and the facehuggers are the only times I ever actually killed anything myself in the game.
Nope, it's a movie where the highly trained scientist and crew behind a massive exploration mission all have to be brain-dead morons to exist.
Everyone is disposable nowadays
I trust a dictionary to know the definition of words than any art school.
Are you one of the autists that are butthurt they don't wear helmets?
>tfw no xenomorph gf
>what's the consensus on Alien Covenant?
>The crew is retarded
It's an Alien movie, the biggest fucking theme in the movies is that the aliens are better than the humans and the humans are clumsy flawed idiots who make mistakes.
Are you one of the fucktarts that are defending this stupid movie for no reason other than their taste is shit?
I hope you meant to say capeshit
Oh fuck me, so Silent Hill was a walking sim too.
i enjoyed it, because I'm not one of those fucking idiots who get hung up on shit like characters not wearing helmets. I went into this (and Prometheus)
If you want a movie where everyones super smart and no one does anything stupid ever, then it's not for you.
If you want a decent sci fi horror movie that you can turn your brain off for for two hours, then ayeeee
So was resident evil, holy shit how did we not see it all this time?
>first hour of gameplay
>meet bald guy with gun
>make a safe assumption that he'll either die or hand his gun to you at some point as your first weapon
>gets dragged away by xeno in a 30 fps pre rendered cutscene that looks worse than the actual game
>you don't get his fucking gun
>run away to next area
>led towards a room with a couple of survivors who will kill you on sight
>still have no fucking weapon
This game isn't fun. This game has tension, atmosphere and good graphics. There's absolutely zero redeeming qualities otherwise. Stealth horror games that leave you completely and utterly defenceless are a blight on the industry, only worthwhile for twitch streamers and retarded children to eat up.
>Go on alien planet
>Literally the exact moment they find out the air is breathable they take their helmets off like nothing else could possibly be dangerous to them aside from lack of oxygen
>In the new movie they don't even bother to wear helmets at all
I'm one of those autists and yes shit like that bothered me. If you need an alien spore to go inside them at least have something break their helmet in order to do it.
it has a lot of meme potential
go on then, tell me your problems with the movie that don't amount to non problems like
>why is there only one city
>why was there eggs and no queen
>why did the engineers look slightly different
People keep pointing the finger at Ridley but he made a legitimately good movie before this with The Martian.
These movies weren't meant to be stupid horror b-movies. They were meant to be prequels that actually explained things in a satisfying way. The characters all act in a way that is fucking ridiculous. It would have been better if Prometheus and Covenant were just never made.
>There's absolutely zero redeeming qualities
>except for all the qualities I listed that make a good horror game.
you're a special kind of stupid.
The truckers in 1 movie did some stupid shit, but they were nowhere near the retardation level of Prometheus or Covenant's crew. Same for marines in Aliens. They were overconfident and cocky, but believable. Hell even fucking convicts from the third movie would have handled the situation in Covenant better than supposedly carefully selected and trained specialists from the Covenant.
Face it, nobody just gives a fuck anymore, you don't need a good movie, you need a title and hype.
Oh shit, he's retarded on purpose. Both RE and SH have enemies to fight and boss fights. This piece of shit alien game have none of this.
Alien diseases would be harmless to humans
hold the fucking mouse button down to swing
Alien fans (as in, fans of the first movie) liked it for obvious reasons. Fans of garbage like Amnesia and Outlast liked it, again for obvious reasons. Everyone else could clearly see how shit it was after playing it.
I bought this game on friday and yes you can kill those guys with the wrench. I killed all of them. The thing that fucked my immersion was that you can't pick up their guns, you gotta wait lile 30minutes before the game decides to hand you one
>there are people who aren't Alien fans
It's the best sci-fi movie in existence, how can you not love it
How would she even fend off the alien with the fucking wrench? Get real man, at least you can push her shit in with molotovs and the flamethrower that wastes 80 ammo in two seconds.
Citizen Kane is a graphic novel you philistine.
Yeah, enemies you can run right past. And shit boss fights that have you run around in circles, pause, then shoot.
i dont really trust anything that try to "teach" art in exchange of money
Killing them is a lot harder than just throwing some items into the corner and slipping past, imo. You can even sprint right through and they won't follow you because they're too scared.
The alien dropping down and massacring them on your way out was perfect, too. I feel bad people just give up on this part.
The martian was american pionneer wank. It would have been much better as a simple documentary. Movie has absolutely no tension nor cohesive plot
Everyone here agrees that the original Alien is way better than any Star Wars, right? Not the same genre but they're both spaceshit so I'll compare them
You would risk your life on that assumption? This isn't limited to diseases, there's literally hundreds of things in the air that could kill you. They could breathe in fungi or parasites, fact is there's zero reason to take the helmets off other than to see the actor's faces. You wouldn't eat a sandwich if you knew there was a 1% chance it was poisoned. There's no reason to eat it unless you're starving to death. Even if they thought was 99% certainty the air was safe they still would've worn them to be sure.
Generic horror movie where everyone goes off on their own and die like the complete idiots they are. Oh, and it has your favorite childhood monster in it for brand recognition. Skip.
Still better than sitting in the closet for 10 minutes and wait until this stupid AI will fuck off.
Better than New Hope and Return but not Empire. 2001 beats them all for old school scifi anyway.
Did I say that game was good faggot? They're all shit.
Didn't see that part with the alien. I led them to the door you enter from and hid righr behind the corner, the second the door opened I wacked them. Was pretty cheezy but I thought I'd get their gun. I played trough the mission with all the androids but I haven't played since because I got so spooked. Do you get any actually viable weapons in the game at all?
Oh I get it now, you were to shit at the game to get past MedBay.
Does anyone know why survivors attack everyone on sight? Like, that's fucking retarded...
The only 'viable' weapon is the flamethrower to save yourself from the Alien. You get a pistol and a shotgun which you can kill humans and androids with, but you are basically ringing a dinner bell by using them in any but the most dire circumstances.
>there's something on the ship that's mutilating people left and right
>even thought it openly runs around all the time and does things that humans are incapable of we've conveniently never seen it and assume it's a human
Solid 8/10 for me, got hyped when Walter started kicking the shit out of David
>survivors attack everyone on sight
Fear and paranoia are a helluva drug. Once that sets in and you have your own little trusted group (which is probably tenuous at that) fuck anyone that disrupts that dynamic.
If you listen to their conversations they make it pretty obvious.
"she was right there! "
" uh maybe she was just scavenging"
"you really wanna take that chance?? "
You can't loot survivors for anything but ammo, but you do find weapons as you progress. The only thing that really affects the alien is the flamethrower, which feels like it's going to ruin the game but you end up needing it badly later on. If you're feeling insane you can use the shotgun to briefly stun it while running away like a jackass.
At some point in the hospital you can get the schematics and parts for a molotov, which you can set up as a landmine or just huck at the ayy if it spots you.