>Keep a party member in your party throughout the whole game
>They betray you later on, taking with them all that EXP that could have been given to another potential party member
>Keep a party member in your party throughout the whole game
>They betray you later on, taking with them all that EXP that could have been given to another potential party member
Wasteland 2
Thankfully I had ditched my robot teammate earlier
To teach you a lesson autist.
make memes illegal
>implying exp matters when you can just grind up more
Unless you're playing an older fire emblem that's the least of your troubles.
Now if they take all your equipment too then you'd have something to bitch about.
You don't really get her long enough to count. She's barely even a party member, and is also useless so I don't know why you bothered.
>party member leaves permanently
>takes the best equipment with them
Well, they got a reaction out of you, you've gotta give them that. You gave them exactly what they wanted, you played right into their hands.
>Keep a party member in your party throughout the whole game
>Late in the game they get 2 scoops
>beat boss
>uses most of the expensive items to keep the party alive
>next scene they leave you because reasons
She was my favorite party member actually.
>AoE petrify attack with a paralyze oculi
>Speeds up the party
Redpill me on this Colbert meme and why it keeps getting posted here please.
Why does /tvol/ keep pretending that Colbert is mad when they are the angry ones?
saging and reporting this shitty forced meme
>final boss is your favorite party member
>they let out an agonizing death scream when you beat them
Jesus, game.
>CNN breaking news: Trump gets two scoops of ice cream while everyone else gets one. (this is real)
>Colbert does a joke or whatever based on that
>Sup Forums forces their worst meem yet
>Sup Forums is the board where everyone takes a shit on
The End.
colbert made fun of trump on his show
trumpfriends got upset by this, and even more upset that they realized you can't get cancelled or arrested for making fun of the president on tv
What game?
Please stay on topic or leave the thread, stop getting mad over ice cream please, its just a picture
she was actually really good. but then you get that huge guy and the music lady and you never change from that again
In one Colbert skit he was making fun of that water filter salesman guy that Sup Forums likes by acting really angry and gesturing at the camera.
In an entirely unrelated skit, Colbert, like every other media hack, was making a big deal out of Trump getting two scoops of ice cream at some White House meal where others in attendance only got one (presumably in their minds Trump obviously must have ordered that everyone else only get one scoop).
At some point Sup Forums or Sup Forums (the line between the two is basically nonexistent at this point) took screencaps from the former skit and associated it with Colbert being outraged at Trump for having more than one scoop of ice cream.
autistic children watched an episode of colbert where he parodied alex jones and didn't get the joke so they contacted the guy who made all those toddpost photoshops to help them force a new meme and despite it supposedly being a Sup Forums meme if you say anything bad about this new wonderful meme that isn't utterly braindead at all then you get branded a butthurt libcuck
but no, Sup Forums had nothing to do with it and you're a shillary ctr leftnigger libcuck if you think otherwise
You misunderstand the joke. Nobody thinks he's really mad, just the idea of it it humorous. Lighten up.
Eternal Sonata
Yep this, not much else to it. Sup Forums can do better..I think.
>Colbert, like every other media hack, was making a big deal out of Trump getting two scoops of ice cream
He was making fun of the absurdity of the story.
>t. a man that gets two scoops
colbert fans unable to keep their spaghetti in their pockets and proving their cul- i mean fanbase is worse than homestuck fanbase
I dont get it
Its just icecream
>Sup Forums can do better
They have.
Baneposting is still alive and in charge here.
the people posting this meme aren't colbert fans you retarded frogposter
Colbert made a joke about Trump demanding he get 2 scoops of ice cream and everyone else 1, because it's the exact kind of petty shit that makes Trump Trump. /tvol/ went into a fucking rage and made up some meme that Colbert is an unhinged psycho ranting everyday about ice cream. This was the same week everything started going real bad for Trump so they needed shitposting cover
i think you need your eyes checked, user
this meme is humorous if you're literally 9 and you still think screaming nonsense like "BROMPF DROMFLR" at the top of your lungs is funny
Bet you love Toddposting tho
Basically "Obama orders a burger with mustard" except this time it's "Trump gets two scoops of ice cream".
I wonder what kind of food meme the next president is going to get.
I too am ostracized and don't get the finer points of social interaction.
Some forced reddit shit
>s-stop making fun of my tv host, you racists!!!1!
Are you a timetraveller from 2012 or something?
I'm pretty sure it's just that the people in charge of meals at the White House already knew Trump's meal preferences and gave him two scoops, while they gave others one because they wouldn't have any way of knowing whether they would want more. I'm sure if any had thought to ask, they could have gotten another scoop.
The real story here isn't Trump hoarding ice cream and demanding everyone else get less, the story is that Trump is fucking fat.
why do you think? colbert is #1 in late night on the back of trump jokes. that plus shit like pic related has Sup Forums in full blown meltdown mode
No one called you a racist
Stop being such a victim
Quit being dumb fucks, the whole reason Colbert did the skit was because of CNN making the story about Trump getting two scopes. If there was no CNN involved there would be no skit.
no, i actually think toddposting is equally obnoxious and always have, i literally said that earlier
Sup Forums truly is Sup Forums's toilet