ITT: We discuss our true opinions on games not contrarian shit-posts

>ITT: We discuss our true opinions on games not contrarian shit-posts

I believe that fable was one of the best, if not THE BEST rpg of the 00's

Fable 2 was much, much better than 1

I thought ME:A was a great and very enjoyable game

I thought The Last Guardian was amazing.

I really enjoyed Tides of Numenera.

I fucking loved the Witcher 3 and didn't even care that I felt the combat was a step down from 2, since everything else was so much better.


Prey is my GOTY so far.

I honestly enjoyed fallout 4 and still play it regularly

Same here. Multi is fun too when people aren't spamming Outlaws/Zero

It really wasn't even an rpg.

New Vegas is one of the most hideous games I've ever seen and I couldn't look past it and enjoy the gameplay

We have yet to get a good 3D sonic game that isn't held up by pure nostalgia (adventure 1+2) or nostalgia pandering (generations)

I'd still be playing it too if my laptop wasn't ass

I feel this way about Oblivion. Even mods fail to hide the potato faces unless you go full loli mods or some other nonsense.

Me too. Just noticed the senior environment artist also worked on Sacrifice and created most of the characters. I like that game too.

Despite how janky it is now due to the original Unreal Engine on modern PCs, Deus Ex is still one of the best FPS/RPG combinations made to date. Human Revolution got real close, but there's something about it that didn't catch the feel that the original game had.

I'm also a big idiot who hasn't found other games similar to it. Please assist.

As simplistic as it is, and despite not fulfilling its many promises, it really is a fun and rewarding game. I still find the atmosphere and soundtrack incredible to this day.

Exactly how is it not?

There's a mod that alters the base head model, which lets people not look like stumps. It's pretty good.

There's few games like that man. System Shock 2 might please you.

very comfy to play even despite its flaws

Fable 2 has more mass appeal

PC release when?

I loved Fable back in the day.

I got fable Anniversary for my laptop and while it's not a great laptop it should at least be able to run a game that's over 10 years old in a playable state. I'm getting 15fps on absolute minimum settings.
Is it just poorly optimised or did I fuck up with something?

Fable Anniversary uses new assets, it's not using Xbox graphics.

Not a bad idea. I've also heard that Dishonored is a good compromise for Deus Ex, so I might check that out as well.

Dishonored is unironically my favorite game of last generation. Haven't played Dishonored 2 yet (too poorfag to buy) but I'm playing the cracked Prey right now and it feels like a love letter to System Shock as well.

Dark Souls 2 is seriously my jam and I hate that people use my opinion to shitpost.

nuDOOM is the greatest singleplayer FPS ever made.

Warhammer is the best TW yet.

Breath of the Wild accomplishes what it sets out to do but I feel is an incomplete vision of a Zelda game as is, like they focused on overworld exploration and undercooked most everything else.

Tlc is one of the best rpgs of all time. Especially if u dont lack inagination.

Made a warlock hero. Evil. Summon. Life drain. Scythe

Shouldve bought tlc

This is so true, it's Nintendo catching up to 2008 and they get praised like they invented the open game world concept.

Isn't Anniversary just TLC prettied up for modern systems?

Since you like Souls and don't seem to be a bitter and cynical prick, try The Surge. It's not on the Souls level but it's bretty gud, certainly worth a pirate at least.

It uses an updated engine. I don't know why but anniversary looks weird, it does have an extra difficulty mode though.

which did you play first?