ITT: Characters only you like
ITT: Characters only you like
She has literally zero sex appeal. I don't know how they did it.
She just makes me hate people with autism even more.
>those hips
>zero sex appeal
i love you
I like her, she's cute
>art doesn't have a manjaw and gremlin nose
That's the amazing part. It's on paper a sexy design great for wanking over, but somehow... zero sex appeal. I call her "The Nullity of Boners" due to my inability to wank over her.
art is not the same thing as the in game model.
You gave OP two (you)'s
she seems like she's really mean but actually herself wants to get bullied
I prefer her in game model desu.
Imagine being birthed by those hips
I like, love and adore Fuuka.
Do something about it nerd.
Ah, you are a man of culture as well.
insane dps
half her life auto regens
dat smugness
super fast ult charge
dat ass
dat sit emote
overwatch green lantern
What if I did this?
it's fun shitting on shitters with the bantiest shitter of them all
nice but not the same
Still not sexy.. what the fuck is going on... why doesn't her sexy babahabooba??
Probably because its a pajeet
Is it because she's autistic like you, Op? I bet it's because she's autistic like you.
Stop bullying people.
>those thighs
>that superior attitude
>not sexy as fuck
you have shit taste
She reminds you of mom user.
Thanks the nine you're not a motherfucker.
>Playing a poo
>Liking the poo
You're right, I believe you. You are the only person who likes her.
I'm going to marry Freya!
There have been dozens of threads on /trash/ that prove you are incredibly wrong in thinking you're the only person who likes Freya.
Considering I contributed most of the posts on those threads and it rarely manages to reach 50 posters, yeah, I think I'm one of the few.
I highly doubt there any ANY characters that have only 1 person liking them.
>I highly doubt there any ANY characters that have only 1 person liking them.
Probably, but it's more fun to exaggerate.
much better thanks
I think I realized why symm looks like shit, she is dark skinned and her clothes and omnics have too black, maybe if she had white stockings and more white instead of black on her attire she would look better.
>0 sex appeal
Just a shame Indians irl are hideous creatures who smell like shit.
There are some really hot ones, but they are rare.
I had a boner. I saw this image, and lost it. You're right, she actually somehow has NEGATIVE sex appeal, not just zero.
I actually wasn't kidding, but think as you want.
That's not fair. I've met some great Indians. None of the good ones were born in or live in India currently but still.
Then she looks like Jillian Anderson.
she's ok. I don't play as her.
A lot of Indians that immigrate are really good, hard-working people.
However, India is beyond disgusting. Like so disgusting that it's like a weird fever dream. No other nation on Earth comes close to rivalling their level of filth laced into every corner of that country. However disgusting you think it is, you're undercutting it. Don't even look it up, you're just going to wish you could unsee it and it's not worth it.
I would rather live in Iran where the windows on school-busses are barred up than live in India.