Why does Valve think they own DotA?
Why does Valve think they own DotA?
>Suing chinks
Nigga they don't give a fuuuuuuuuuuuuck
I can't decide which I'd rather see lose more
Valve easily
Not even Valve can cut through China's red tape. Oh well.
dude... we gotta defend the ancients man...
Ice frog owns it, and ice frog has signed it over to valve indefinately as long as they honor the terms of the contract with him(they will forever, both him and valve are just rolling in cash). This case has already been decided when blizzard sued valve. This is fucking retarded
Fuck Valve, they deserve the loss.
>valve trying to claim they are the only ones allowed to rip off warcraft 3
It's not about Blizz, it's about China, who will laugh at Valve and Icefrog and tell them to fuck off with American Law. It is retarded, but Valve won't win it, not completely.
valve no contest
it'll be an hindrance to a multibillion company.
china would never be affected.
As much as I hate Valve, the creator who has the rightful ownership to DOTA, works for Valve. Preventing their competitors (Blizzard) from going near it is fair game.
That has little to do with the issue of Chinese clones...
Icefrog didn't invent Dota, and there were multiple Dota maps from different authors which both pre and co existed with Dota Allstars (Icefrog's).
>All the valve hate
>Wanting China to win
Truly Sup Forums is frequented by children.
nope, just an insane amount of dumb anime watching NEETs that are too poor to afford a PC
Yes good goy be sure to buy our $10 Battle Pass so you can buy our $3 treasure chests, none of which have the exclusive $30 that you have to buy. Or how about our new gloves that barely anyone can see, or our limited-use sprays. But sure, you can sell your game on Steam too, just give us 30% of everything you get off of it, no ifs ands or buts from you. Yes, keep paying us, Gaben needs more sandwiches.
>Valve tries to sue chinks
>Tencent turns around and rapes Valve
>now Valve is owned by Tencent
Oh man
He may not have invented it, but he owns it.
If they can actually get China to enforce copyright is not the issue. The issue is is valve owns dota, which I answered.
Yeeees, good goy, China is our ally!
You're complaining about things you have no need to buy at all. How dare this evil corporation tempt me with cosmetics on their completely free game!
Valve is privately owned.
And you think chinks care?
for now, you know once gaben dies the fuck that takes over after will sell that shit for a couple billion and buy a small asian country and make all the bois transition to ladyboys and have a harem capital. If he was smart he would. That's what I'd do.
Multibillion dollar company lawyers think they can win it, and it doesnt matter if theyre in china as long as american companies google/apple remove it from their stores.
>Country that makes blatant rip offs that are only popular in its own borders
>Game distribution nigh-monopoly that demands tribute from every facet it can, milks its games past the point of logic, will likely attempt to have paid mods once more, and has allowed for the dilution of gaming with an influx of utter shite just so THEY can make money.
Yes, keep defending that co-op campaign for Dota that's locked behind the season pass, you know that one that people have been wanting forever.
China just puts up the same game under a new name and renamed Dev. Within the same day. Valve and Google don't have shit.
>slimmed down mobas
How is this even possible? Chinks will never cease to impress me.
Give me a quick rundown on what Valve could actually hope to accomplish by going after chink companies in Chinkland. I thought the Chinese government basically didn't allow their businesses to be held legally accountable to foreign entities, hence all the bootleg shit.
All the consolefag normies have been flooding into Sup Forums so ofcourse they are going to be anti anything PC
They might think they're different and can make an impact. They can't. All that happens here is that Valve loses money and time on a legal team.
Man, shut the fuck up carlos
>selling valve when you could just sit around doing nothing and watching the cash roll in
This is why you are a poorfag
As opposed to chinese spyware ripoffs.
Why would anyone waste time playing a Chinese bootleg of a game that's already free?
Yes, a co-op campaign that would be a 10-20$ dlc in most other games
looking at this pile of shit, any claim that valve is making against heroes charge blizzard could make a thousand times over against them
>Suing anyone in China
The chinese court will rule in the chinese company's favour by default.
>wanting chinks to win anything
You think jews are bad? Boy god forbid chinks getting any kind of leverage outside their shithole
I got a chink phone for dirt cheap. I'm biased to not care at all unless it benefits me personally. I want to watch the world burn.
Eul created dota, developed it for a few years then quit, which led to a bunch of spinoff maps
Guinsoo took heroes from the spinoffs to make "DotA Allstars", which he developed for a few years before handing the keys to Neichus
Neichus took on Icefrog as lead scripter/codeveloper, then when Neichus quit (after like six months) Icefrog became the sole developer
Icefrog was then hired by Valve, signed over "any and all rights" to the game, and apparently that means Valve owns the dota trademark now. Even though back when Icefrog first took over, you could still just make your own DotA map to compete with Allstars.
>thinks he is entitled to everything for free
Go ask mommy for 10 bucks so you can buy the co-op campaign
>I got a chink phone for dirt cheap
Inb4 it blows up
>Ice frog owns it
No, he doesnt.
>defending Valve
>defending the company that their main product is intrusive DRM
>defending the company that has made intrusive DRM the norm for PC
Worst of all
>defending the company that has made it the norm for game developers to not release their game physically so you don't actually own a copy, you give them money and get literally nothing in return.
You say this, but Pokemon doesn't have any chink rip-offs so it's not impossible
Yeah a funny meme. If it does I'll just have to live with even less limbs.
All that's gonna happen is the app will get pulled from google play. It's servers will remain functioning, and it'll probably be back on google play within minutes/hours under a new name.
Nobody gives a shit about that, this is all that actually matters
>Valve Corporation (“Valve”) is the owner of the trademarks “Dota”, “DOTA” and “Defense of the Ancients.”
Not if they lose this court case they aren't
Dumbed down mobas for phones and tablets are not new, but chinese are probably using assets, models, names, which is not new for the chinese to do either.
Mobile mobas exists, don't know if people play them though.
Pretty sure they already won the same shit against Blizzard
they'd never be able to defend those marks against someone with money
no they didn't. blizzard just settled with valve
Does tencent owns the game? Because if it does Volvo is going up against the definition of monopoly in china.
True, but it's strange. I think Blizzard's position makes a lot more sense, that the name should be public domain.
>they'd never be able to defend those marks against someone with money
>blizzard just settled with valve
Looks like they can defend it
We should sell our dota items and attempt a hostile takover of Valve.
no, blizzard just didn't want to deal with the ༼ つ _ ༽つ༼ つ _ ༽つdotards ༼ つ _ ༽つ༼ つ _ ༽つ because they are also blizzard customers. in return valve changes all of the straight wc3 copying inherited from dota allstars
according to the eula of blizzard's wc3 tools, they are likely own everything related to dota
certainly ice frog was never in any position to sell it to valve
>provides cheap goods
>has normalized DRM
>introduced paid mods
>༼ つ _ ༽つ༼ つ _ ༽つdotards ༼ つ _ ༽つ༼ つ _ ༽つ
Fuck off to reddit, this site is for 18+ year olds
i just checked and /d2g/ is still there, so this rule is poorly enforced here on 4chin
That's no excuse for you to still be posting here
i cant even tell whether the "art" in op is from a chinese knock-off or the real thing
Eul works for valve?
Valve has so much money that they could blow $100,000,000 on this case, lose and Gaben wouldn't even notice.
The point of the lawsuit is to make an example and put the fear of God into others who may have similar ideas. Is it mostly a paper tiger? Yeah, but it doesn't matter.
If you don't defend your IPs there's precedent to losing them
Basically if Valve doesn't at least put up a fight Blizzard might get funny ideas. They're probably pissed about Valve throwing the Engineer in the Overwatch clone.
if Valve dies we won't get FREEDOM VR though. You can shit on them for not making games but they've realized the future is in VR. I don't want to come of as a shill, but it's just the truth.
China doesn't have to listen. What are we going to do, put embargo on them? That would fuck us 10 times more than it would fuck them.
>If you don't defend your IPs there's precedent to losing them
Which Nintendoravy told you this?
the offending works
you have to vigorously defend trademarks
so now we've switched from IPs to TMs in the course of 3 minutes. I'm just going to watch anime now.
This is a hollow mantra parroted by Sup Forums that hasn't been sourced once, ever.
>Image LITERALLY states it's a US federal court
>hurr durr china always wins in their own courts
god damn you niggers are dumb
trademarks are a type of intellectual property
you have brain damage
Sadly all Valve works on in Dota, I wish they would work on updating their amazing library of games or make new ones rather than pandering to moba fags.
Looking at this I say they've got no case. But I'd like to be proven wrong by all the arm-chair lawyers in this very thread.
>Choosing China of all fucking places of the earth
>Over a western company
>In a million years
I know you're probably just retards talking out of your ass but that was too fucking much, you deserve to get outsourced and starve to death.
Also, i dont think they would be affected a lot.
please see the defense of laches
if the court finds that eul could transfer dota/defense of ancients to valve then they'd have a case for trademark infringement
i don't think eul should have had that right tbqh
Is there even a point to be made besides de obvious similarities?
If anything they would have to prove dota actually belongs to them.
Which considering the investment they put in i'd say they do.
That is common legal knowledge you fucking retards
>Sadly all Valve works on is VR
Granted theres still a bunch working on dota and cs.
This. China is the definition of cancer. I don't even know the case details but fuck China, even if they are right this time.
>Create heaps of shit ""games""
>Do most of the cyber attacks on western servers, responsible for many of the viruses and Trojans today (along with Russia)
>Create shit products and shit code.
>Constantly breaking patent, and when trying to sue them the Chinese court always rule in favor of the Chinese.
>Responsible for large percentage of worlds pollution.
Ffs people should read about the great firewall of China and the great cannon of China, that should be enough to know how much they are cancer.
My personal hate to China grew by 500% after they ddos'ed GitHub for a few days for hosting a repository that China's government didn't like.
I look forward to Chinese hegemony. All of the murdering people and destroying other people's countries while exporting your cancerous IP laws to benefit your pharmaceutical, music, and movie companies. You are the world's cancer.
they already won this lawsuit like 6 years ago against Blizzard
DOTA2 is owned by valve along with the moniker DOTA
they do not, however, own "Defense of the Ancients" which was deemed to be in the public domain
problem is that Chinese courts probably don't give a shit either way since they constantly ignore international copyright law
Valve quality as usual
>Valve won court case that says they own the Dota trademark
Doesn't that mean they own Dota?
They're chinese companies but they do business on american app stores. Sure Valve can't stop chinese companies from making chinese ripoff games in china, but this is about them being sold in the united states.
>They eat dogs
Fuck China.
>He thinks legal issues are ever resolved between Western countries and China
you do realize the US is trillions in debt yet still somehow the #1 economy on the planet? that's because it doesn't matter, the Chinaman will get no money and they can't do anything about it, and Valve won't get any money and they can't do anything about it
#1 economy is a generally meaningless statement unless qualified. You could take out a massive loan and blow it all on hookers and blow and be the #1 economy because you spent more than the fiscally responsible country.
>some chinese "slimmed down" ripoff of dota 2 mobile game has more playerbase than Valve's Dota 2
Valve is F I N I S H E D
Chinks have an actual skeleton king, and not some shitty ghostly dude, so they win by default.
Well if we're going by positive things they've produced recently...
China made Quan Zhi Gao Shou which is a god tier show and they are actively moving towards solar power.
Valve has done jack shit and abandoned TF2
Guess I'm rooting for China.
>remove skeletons from games for chinese sensibilities
>chinese add skeletons to phone games
what did the universe mean by this
Value owns the name Dota, however, they do not own the acronym Dota, or the name Defence of the ancients.
Probably because blizzard fucked up when the people who originally were working on DOTA brought it to them and they snubbed it, and valve jumped on that shit seeing potential. Now that they realize they fucked up, they want that cash money because aint nobody playing hearthstone.
So yeah, Valve owns a warcraft 3 custom map game made into a playable, actual game instead of something requiring a whole nother game to play it
Blizzard owns the assets tied to the custom map defense of the ancients. They don't own what is now known as DOTA. They need to fuck off with this shit. Blizzard fucked up and they need to own up to it.
I suppose next you're going to say Blizzard owns League of Legends?
I bet if Valve announced HL3 tomorrow all of these haters would go docile immediately. hur hurr paid mods.