Did you remember to thank your healer today, Sup Forums?

Did you remember to thank your healer today, Sup Forums?

i thank my mercy healsluts every day after the game. they love thick reinhardt cock

But I'm a human priest healslut

Can't you OW playing fifteen year old prison gays do this somewhere else?

What is the point in wanting to play healer? Seriously, I'm trying to remember.
>used to main healers in WoW through TBC-Cata
>at some point completely lost interest, sick of doing the hardest role and getting no joy out of it, retards will just cry at you for letting them die when they die by something retarded like a one hit kill
>can't do shit on your own, you're always forced to glue to another player who would be just as fine on their own - your heals only let them return to battle faster 99% of the time

>doesn't like Overwatch
>purposely goes to an Overwatch thread
>autistically mumbles something
>mentions 15 year olds too

idk man, you seem more of a 15 year old

Well you should [spoilier]hit me up[/spoiler] go back to where you came from you degenerate
Fuck the alliance for real though I thought we all already knew this

>attention whoring ERP thread

How is this an overwatch thread kid?
I'm sorry I pointed out the reality of your sad situation.

you pointed out the underage in you, faggot

fucking up spoiler tags is the worst feeling on this earth

>Put actual 15 year olds in a prison
>Most of them don't turn gay.

>Post a single image of a crossdressing man in long socks on a kampuchean postironic signal fire
>homosex levels are over 50%

You wouldn't be so butthurt if that would be true.
Now get back on discord or wherever to pretend you are gay so atleast some random people on the internet pretend to care about you.

>plays the easiest role in the game
>demands to be thanked for doing so
Know your place, slut.

all this strawman too

man you have no shame. better just stop in your tracks

Is this an Overwatch thread? I don't play Overwatch and clicked on it thinking that it would cover healers in MMOs. Am I misinterpreting Sup Forums threads or are you just an entitled shitlord? We'll never know.

That being said, I think is a faggot just like you.

German medicine man's already got all the cheers he deserves.
but anyways,
Danke, Herr Doktor

Fool, I AM the healer.

Talking about shame while you are mad because someone interrupted your online gay healslut circlejerk?

thanks doc

>Is this an Overwatch thread?

gee I dunno I mean the OP image is Mercy after all...



>kampuchean postironic signal fire
Hearty lols.

that depends, do you like piercings

you seem to be the only one heated up over this. i can feel your sausage fingers furiously slamming that keyboard

>doesnt like video games
>purposely comes to shitpost on Sup Forums
>complains when people dont want to talk about his off-board topic
>"lmao underage we Sup Forums have always been degenerate you must be new!!"

Depends on the kind but I can tolerate most kinds

So? I have personally been to threads that had an OP pic from one game but discussed the topic more generally. I mean, that is the strength of Sup Forums, you can focus on a topic rather than a game, for which there is /vg/.

And playing Overwatch and LMAOing at MMOs has to be some kind of local meme, I presume.

Nevermind, I will depart as I am clearly in the wrong place.

I bet you'd like to feel some fingers furiously doing things but I'm telling you need to take that shit elsewhere, you probably have an r9k and/or trash tab open, those are good for this.

What are some of the best PS4 games to healslut it up in?

To be fair olde/v/ was pretty easy to derail and there were a lot of genuinely off-topic threads. The new janitors have cleaned a lot of the fun out of Sup Forums, and all that remains is the literally copy-pasted filename threads. Pretty sad state, really.

this desperate response

This thread isn't about derailing though, it was purposely made for attention whoring erp circlejerk shit where all these teenagers who shouldn't be on a 18+ site can act like "healsluts" and get attention for it.

Its offtopic from the beginning and is simply not video games, just like the last thousand times this thread has been created with the exact same implications and often the very same picture because these kids have no creativity.

You should know better what desperate looks like with your wealth of experience in it.

Nose and eyebrow

Healers can fuck off when it comes to being thanked unless they do an outstanding job, but I genuinely believe support roles are fundamentally the most stressful in video games.

Unlike a DPS/Tank/Carry, you're not really in direct competition with the enemy team. You're isolated in a way where you have to 'deal' with your team before/at the same time you 'deal' with the enemy team.

To me that means you're typically having to manage the current strength and positions of your own teammates, and THEN have to focus on the strength and positions of the enemy team.

No shit other roles have to do this too, it's teamplay. But it's less of a focus on their own teammates because they can't directly and constantly influence their strengths (unless it's some sort of ability synergy, and even then that's arguably different) and therefore focus almost exclusively on the enemies.

Everyone is expected to do their job, but supports just seem to have an extra layer to it.

Eyebrow is fine
Nose is a bit too much I'll be real

Never understood the appeal of it at all

It's the one on the side, I just think it looks cool.

Wish WoW had lip piercings

Literal proof that its 15 year olds in here.

you missed the point, faggot

I mean hey I'll still say some awful, regrettable things to you if you wanna give me your email or somethin


Do your job.

Why? For doing what's expected? That's like thanking a Roadhog for killing people or asking a Widowmaker main to play a real character.

Sure gimme a sec to make one

I switched to Torb just because the enemy Tracer was raping the healers. She immediately fucked off and switched to Pharah instread, where the Soldier 76 shot her instead.

I see a good Widow once in a while.

Hanzo is a complete meme pick however.

[email protected]

honestly you just got blown the fuck out by

>playing overwatch
literally just leave

Depends, did you remember to thank your DPS and tank?

You OW players are so cute.

Don't play overwank, bud.

How do you call male heal sluts?

Boyfriend material