What's autism doing on there exactly? What are they implying? Is Big Pharma giving people Autism?

>americans are too retarded to pronounce aluminium
>have to call it aluminum instead

this shit gets me EVERY SINGLE TIME

Temeret because I respect what he represents.

>tfw big pharma runs Sup Forums

That is a very respectable choice.

>europeans too retarded to not important millions of refugees every year and let them impregnate their wives

something something vaccinations give kids autism

>letting Mexicans run into your country to impregnate your wives.

import*, but you get the idea

These aren't grayhawk dieties.

now post the unedited version

>a play on words of snake oil as well as snakes in the grass

I think this is Ben "If It's Brown, Mow It Down" Garrison's best work.

Never said they were. They're from my homebrew campaign.

>someone shitting on america MUST be european

You have failed horribly. If you're going to mock people for language, at least be able to type properly. Poor show.

>implying american women don't find spics disgusting
we actually have standards here

So which is the best Snake? Mercury and Aluminum Snake look pretty badass and Thumerosal looks like he's ready to fucking rock.

not an argument

>Americans with standards.
This is hilarious. You must have been cracking up while you typed that.

Aluminum is what the guy who "discovered" it called it. The Brits literally added an extra syllable solely to keep it in line with other elements discovered around the same time.

>le smug anime
next thing you'll tell me is that you aren't a virgin

nice try faglozoid