Can someone explain to me why all the characters in this game are so fucking ugly?

Can someone explain to me why all the characters in this game are so fucking ugly?

all females in NRS games are ugly as fuck. it's their trademark.



cause they look like 'real' women desu

NRS usual incompetence

Man faces

Reminder that eastern Europeans are the master race in vidya

netherrealm got cucked by modern practices. everytime a character was getting a facial close up on screen it was hard to look with their ugly animated faces

that bait LMAO this thread.

This thread again?

below average looking people can be heroes too!

so i guess weebs are taking over this board now.

new virgin filter: if you complain about ugly females and “lack of waifus“ in I2 or any nrs game, everyone will automatically know that you're a virgin weeb that jerks off to persona 5 and will die untouched and unfucked. so be careful what you post, fags!

You take pictures mid animation

I don't understand. How does this affect gameplay?

Western developers.

Eh. Only Yenn stands out as being anything special.

Ugly characters keep you from reaching to your dick, thus making it easier to control the game.

I jerk off to persona 5, but I fucked tons of bitches and just felt on some boobs like 2 days ago.
You're shame tactics don't work here friend

cause your a fucking weebert and hate anything outside of the anime esthetic you are so used to and enjoy that anything trying to go for even a semblance of realism appalls you since your used to a faggy Japanese art style far removed from real life

To back to Facebook Chad. We don't want your kind here.

I honestly don't think the women in Injustice 2 look that bad. They're not amazing, but they're nowhere near as bad as IJ1 or the MK games and they look fine when you're not screenshotting in-between frames.
At this point it just feels like people can't let NRS live their long-running reputation for bad facial modelling down.

Western devs

Black Canary is hot

Thats intentional, Triss is alergic to magic so she cant alter her looks
Remember all the side-waifus you meet all over th place

Meh, Supergirl look like shit but the others look good.


>hamster cheeks

Speaking about MK, how did they fuck up that bad with women faces ?

what's wrong with those?
You can squish them with your fingers for maximum comfort and fit the head of your dick in

stfu, she's beautiful af, that's not debatable

>she's beautiful af
You know how I know you're not white?

Realism is not the way to make beautiful characters. Currently, an anime-esque art style is.

Because he doesn't worship Japs like a little cuckboy?

No, because he thinks someone who looks Armenian is attractive.

This is the looks of a Stronk and Indpendent Woman

She's blonde and white you stupid cunt.
Also i'm white.

Oh shit, she's blonde?? Oh my god, that MUST mean she's white! Never mind the fact that her facial features don't even look remotely white.

Wow! Great user ! Just great! i was having a good day and now it's all ruined because of you! You just couldn't let this one slip and you had to show me how superior you were ! Bravo user, that's just great. I've never felt so humiliated before in all my life

I know this is useless but you guys really need to see real people more.

I'd rather prefer people with personality once in a while than the same copy pasted goddess over and over again.

>her facial features don't even look remotely white

This is what your mind on anime does.

>you guys really need to see real people more


This is a (((goddess))) to people. A toothless ayy lmao in a wig and a square body.

White Nordic facial features are sharp and defined, they aren't thick and Asiatic looking. You're probably an American mutt who mistakes Arabs for Spanish people.

and Germanic?

This thread again....

I swear Sup Forums has some (not all) of the whiniest and dumbest people on Sup Forums.

Not even Sup Forums nor Sup Forums is this bad.

Not an argument

t. netherrealm worker

>sharp and defined
Just admit you are into men.

Just admit you're a shitskin


Not from the final game.

It's a SJW trend.

They're the kings of man jaws


At least Aquaman is super hot.

She looks trashy, 0/10

>voiced by Vamp

no thanks

Don't need no voice for a good fap.

Lol Sup Forums is the worst board on Sup Forums.

This. "No waifus" or "ugly women" is not a legitimate criticism of a game and can be dismissed out of hand. The only people who actually care about women looking like perfect anime waifus are obese virgin weebs who don't care about actual gameplay aspects.


I enjoy games from both the west and the east


well, you're ugly too but your mom puts up with you.


Prolly because you're cherry-picking old screens to 'prove' your point?

They are not, thats a pic from the beta

>We used a man's face for all females

they finally admit they can't model for shit.

Every character in DOA has the same face

Yeah nah nrs just aren't good at modelling women

But user, I'm merely giving representative examples of how women look in Western and Japanese games.

Didn't know Chucky's in this game.

They aren't.

>triangular sameface barbie dolls

wow, very impressive

There is really little changes in proportion to make a female face look feminine, so that design choise isnt entirely wrong

I think they look fine for "realistically pretty" women, though the ugly lighting doesn't help their case - however I also think that a very very unfitting style to go for in such a game.

Women generally make attempts to look good. They don't even look like they tried in NRS games. The fact that the men look way better than the women says something about the studio as a whole.

facial animation in this game is really good

>They aren't.
>posts wonderwoman
lmaoing at your life

because you wanted to make a stupid bait thread about your opinions. If you stop being so adversarial, then you might be able to make quality friends in real life.

Injustice thread? Can someone explain why the bounce cancel isn't working in the tutorial mode (ps4)? I'm following every step but Batman just won't make the cancel move. Been trying for 20 minutes without success.


how dumb are you?
triss is allergic to potions. maybe you would remember it if you weren't so busy trying to suck your own dick



at least she looks good

I bet the modelers sucked a few dicks or is a relatvie to a higher up or something because no competent company would keep using the same people who make these garbage faces.

Whoever does the actual concept art and design is good though. Sad that their creations on paper get ruined by shitty modelers.



oblivion with hair mods looks weird.

I think I see now why every NRS female looks off. Dead eyebrows.

I'm going to marry Dinah!


Im not ready for a Mortal Kombat with facial animation this good

joss whedon rules the DCU now

they have to look like ugly roasties off the street


in-game pic with no bullshotting

Notice the lack of teeth, razor chin, and hair that looks glued on like a cancer patient




>pointy chin
>fish mouth
>a fucking line for a nose
>flat face
>dead unrealistic eyes
Japan cant model female characters for shit