A or B?
A or B?
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The portal can't move.
None. Portals disappear when the surface they're on moves.
Eat shit and die.
And if they could move B would happen because relative momentum is constant between the portal and the object.
oh right, nevermind then
If the Orange portal is moving then the Blue portal needs to be moving and because of this both answers are right.
There's no logical way to prove this at all.
irl it's A though
Momentum is constant between portals. Thats the second rule of portals.
Fast thing goes in, fast thing goes out.
From the portal's perspective the cube is coming towards it (relative momentum).
Portals require an infinite amount of energy to be created, we know this as there are various ways to create a perpetual motion machine with them which can only be possible if they already take an infinite amount of energy to make.
Since we know Energy = Infinity, let's do a couple of equations.
E = mc^2
As we know c = the speed of light or 299 792 458 m / s, and 299 792 458^2 is 8.9875518e+16, and that Energy is Infinity, the equation becomes
Infinity = m8.9875518e+16
The only way for the equation to match up with one another is if Mass is also Infinity.
Therefore, a portal has infinite mass.
F = ma
We already know m = Infinity so the equation becomes
F = Infinity x a
Any form of acceleration would require an infinite amount of force.
Ergo, the answer is Ѭ, the piston is unable to move as it would take an infinite amount of force to move the portal situated upon it.
Exit portal has no velocity, and neither does the cube.
A is the obvious answer. B is cartoon physics answer, and anyone who picks B needs to stop watching TV.
Impossible to know because the situation resolves to different outcomes depending on which laws you employ and which reference frames you focus on. You can't employ a model on a situation that subverts the assumptions you base your model on.
Except that's wrong retard, the answer is Ѭ.
>a video game known as portal
lol alright
Actually he's right. The correct answer is B.
Think for a moment from the perspective of the blue portal. How fast is the Cube emerging from the blue portal? As fast as the orange portal is falling on the cube.
haha nerd
ur the nerd
lost my shit at this
Makes sense Afags can't control their bodily functions
a is wrong
>implying im that faggot from before
reminder that afags are literally fucking retarded
this is a good thread
The answer is A, but it feels like it should be B because of the speed it pops out of the portal
The reality is, is that there would be some air being forced outward through the portal which might make a pop, but the cube is actually still standing still and is also getting air forced onto it by the portal closing in.
Any force you feel from the Cube popping out of the portal is actually just the force of the cube moving through the portal. In order to resist the cube moving through, you'd have to destroy it or the ground that the cube is on, otherwise it will move through and move anything it touches away from it.
The answer is
How many times did we have this thread un until now, we already came up with an answer already. Multiple times in fact.
Such is life.
Why do you keep making the same thread over and over again? Is it autism?
If the portal stopped instantly halfway through the cube, the cube wouldn't suddenly shoot forward.
The portal would not move at all.
Only in an inertial reference frame is the quantitative value of momentum conserved and you do not get B as the answer
the relative speed doest exist because you are throwing a hole at an object
its a nothing hitting a something
Portals have no mass.
Checkmate B believers.
Are you retarded?
wow Btard can't do conditional probability what a surprise
Uh, A. If I slam a hoop down onto a box, would the box fly upwards? No.
>afags are this retarded
Portal 2, when you're cutting the neurotoxin pipes.
Not an actual in game portal
you said 2/3. lmao. you literally don't know the formula for conditional probability. that's something you learn in the first week of an undergrad probability class
But it is in the game.
Not him, but you're retarded. No wonder you think that's what you learn in an undergrad probability class since you're in it.
But you can't enter it. I sure do wonder why.
Lasers can, why can't you?
Or are you implying the portal gun has a "for the plot" setting?
it's obvious that the game is not capable of having real moving portals, but that segment shows that moving portals are possible in-universe, at least moving laterally
Almost like that part uses portals that you can't actually interact with, you fucking idiot
>people still argue over this meme image that probably originated from knowyourmeme or something equally cringey
it is undergrad probability, and it is second or third week shit, but i did it totally wrong
Does the moving of the universe towards the cube cause a vacuum from the other side do to air pressure? How does it respond?
Portals have Infinite Mass you fucking retard.
>Infinite mass
>No gravity
Objects aren't just sucked through them like a vacuum
This image is probably as old as portal. I'd be pretty surprised if it originated on knowyourmeme, which was literally a month old at the time.
Anyway, the answer is B. If you could do this with a wormhole, it should be immediately obvious that the frame of reference in and out has to be consistent; after all, the object needs to pass through it. The energy difference in the block from the observer's perspective would therefore be lost by the wormhole by their interaction (never-mind the fact that the portal is accelerated after the fact when the piston comes to a stop).
Those aren't actual interactable portals. And if you do want to use in game physics, you'd have to use the developer's word too, and oh look he says its B
>there's no way to solve this once and for all
>in my opinion
Oh, so there's no actual answer. Word of God just says "fuck it, this one, whatever".
Nah, it's either B or Ѭ.
But there are.
>afags get btfo yet again
It's B, with A being a subcase of B.
To be honest, that's a glaring flaw of the game's writing, when you consider what this implies about the existence of an absolute frame of reference but really who cares it's there to justify a game mechanic.
Portals would have infinite mass.
You assume they respect the conservation of energy, which is by no means a given.
B, relative to the blue terminal, the cube is moving quite fast. This is akin to crashing a car without a seatbelt on.
>You assume they fall under the basic laws of physics of real life
Yeah, yeah I do.
Wait, I revise my answer. This is a paradox. No momentum in one frame, but momentum in the other?
I think the obvious answer is A, but if I put more thought into it I would either find out it's B or find out that all the B guys are just trolling, if I know how Sup Forums works.
Can anyone seriously answer why it would be B? As far as I see it, the Cube has no momentum and thus would drop to the ground immediately, and the momentum the platform with the orange portal has would be lost on impact with lower platform. I've seen the "think of the portal platform as a trapdoor" argument(and, subsequently, it being mocked) but never a good answer as to why it wouldn't make sense.
Drop the sarcasm because after reading your original post you're wrong in a different way. E=mc^2 is the rest mass for massive particle (the equation is not valid for massless particles such as photons). You're assuming a portal is massive then trying to deduce its mass is infinite. However, from this, you're really only allowed to deduce that yes, if a portal were a massive object then its mass would have to be infinite. In your reasoning, you disregard the possibility that a portal is massless.
And frankly I don't see what a portal's mass has to do with either of my two original claims.
B-fags need to die. There's no medium for energy to transfer from portal to box, so B is impossible.
>Fast thing goes in, fast thing goes out.
Yes, and what's the speed of the cube in this frame of reference? It's 0, user.
The box question is misworded here in a way that could be misleading and cause people to arrive at the incorrect 1/2 answer. It should be "if the ball is gold", not "it's a gold ball".
>In your reasoning, you disregard the possibility that a portal is massless.
Conservation of Energy.
>And frankly I don't see what a portal's mass has to do with either of my two original claims.
>To be honest, that's a glaring flaw of the game's writing, when you consider what this implies about the existence of an absolute frame of reference
>trusting mods
The portal platform collides with the other platform and the impact energy drains into the ground. A.
well Sup Forums?
No user. That's not how frame of reference works. If something is moving at you at X speed, you are moving at that object at the same speed. Just because you think you are standing still doesn't mean you are.
This shit thread is posted
i don't know man, i think OP should go kill himself for starting this thread again.
Except the portal has infinite mass, meaning it would be unable to move.
You don't know how portals would work if they could move u shitter
>you are moving at that object at the same speed
THAT's not how it works. You can't both be stationary and moving in a single frame of reference.
If the portal keeps going up and down on the dick on increasingly fast speed, A fags believe the speed of the dick going in the butt doesn't get any faster
>There's no medium for energy to transfer from portal to box
Not even remotely true. There actually needs to be, for the situation to make any sense whatsoever. That 'medium' is the gravitational field; you know, the thing through which the portal and the object interact in order to teleport the object in the first place.
Consider a fluid traveling through the portal with some flux, and out with the same. If it does not maintain momentum, an infinitely thin section of it would pile up at the interface until pressure forces it out. This would look like an infinitely thin pressure wave in the fluid, which otherwise flows out as quickly as it flows in. For any solid object, the exact same logic applies: If any object can pass through a portal without immediately exploding at the interface, momentum in relative to the entrance portal must be the same as momentum out relative to the exit portal. The change in energy is taken on by the portal through their interaction, just as the change in an object's momentum must be taken on by stationary portals.
Prove me wrong.
Why doesn't chell get pulled apart when she enters a portal?
>you know, the thing through which the portal and the object interact in order to teleport the object in the first place
Nnno, the portal bends timespace, not gravitational fields. Opinion disregarded, because you don't even know how the portal is explained in the game.
Have you never heard of general relativity? Ever?
>spacetime = gravitational fields
Apparently YOU haven't.
So if the blue portal approaches your hand at 30m/s or 5m/s, your hand comes out of the orange one at same speed cause momentum doesn't transfer according to you.
>when Blets and Alets keep arguing over who's right over two wrong assumptions