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Who /Scarebro/ here?
Injustice Thread
This frosty nigga here.
Deadshot all day long
>hug max screen and use meter to roll away, back to max screen
feels fucking good man
>defeats Brainiac
>ends being a good guy
>now hes friend with Flash
He got the best ending.
>not defendan of the grn
C'mon friends.
>try online
>80% of matches are shitlords that try to spam projectiles from across the map
>W-whatever you want, senpai
>Be me
>Use ST's buddy in response
>Opponent just doesn't seem to get it, continues projectilan
>I end up winning.
You got your green but where's my RED?
We need Etrigan first, but NRS is too lazy to make all of those rhymes.
Maining darkseid so far cause he's got some powerful attacks and a nice teleport, but trying out other characters too cause he tends to be slow.
Green arrow and bat man currently. Also practicing with flash and bane. Am also really good with Harley and catwoman.
After I want to try to fine tune my Robin
I really want to get good with Powergirl
How to deal with Deadshot? His moves just feel too slow
He needs better combos and a trait buff
Why are you buying shitty games?
Just played this multiverse where the screen went black for literally 5 secs every 2 secs.
What the fuck were they thinking.
Edgelord Robin.
>tfw lvl 20 and still no staff ability
Powergirl is a slut. Supergirl is pure.
Just waiting for the PC release.
Is this Captain Cold from The Flash show lol
Cleavage window versus miniskirt, extra on the mini, I don't think she's as pure as you think.
Waiting for the definitive version. Dr. Fate will probably be my main, his gameplay looks pretty neat.
Black Adam all day
My nigga. Scarecrows combos put down heavy damage. He's great at putting pressure, makes up for his lack of speed. Unfortunately he can get comboed on hard if you're not on top of your shit
Cheetah wrecks scarecrow :(
i'm not as competitive as you guys all seem to be, i've just been playing against my gf past weekend, but yeah, played a lot of scarecrow
Good thing nobody plays her