DOA - Multicultural edition

>Itagaki introduces Lisa in DOAXBV
>Specifically says she's meant to be Hispanic
>Even makes her a luchadora
>Part of her fighting style consists of Capoeira, a Brazilian martial art
>English (read: North American) localization suddenly makes her surname 'Hamilton', a decidedly non-Hispanic name, but a completely reasonable African-American surname
>Suddenly Lisa is black, tanking her popularity worldwide

Why did they do this, Sup Forums? Are hispanics no longer considered a minority? Mila was NOT the first hispanic character in DOA.

I think aging up the characters to placate western normies was the worst thing

Should fighting games allow their characters to age? I know that Mortal Kombat and Soul Calibur have both done it, with mixed results.

>Hispanic is a race















Are you lost? It's over thatta way

Posting perfection


To Japanese black and brown are all the same.

If they dont feel comfortable they can just not show it or have
>AGE : ???
And play it off like theres little to no information about the character

> tfw no fisting.

Also there's only about a year between each canon tournament.

How does Momiji manage to be such a total sunny slut yet also retain an enchantingly elegant aura?

This meme needs to die. Nazitomi is the future

Chocolate is a delicious flavour.

Black and Latino are not mutually exclusive.

Did you find that pic on a geocities site?

Cannot remember where, it's an old pic, though.

>Specifically says she's meant to be Hispanic
Isn't she Zack's sister?

She got darker as Vanessa Lewis went milk chocolate.

>It's another "user has no idea what he's talking about but he's gonna say it anyway" episode.

please post the other characters with that mod that uses the lisa skin on them

Are tengus multicultural?

You mean this Bratwurst hardening fascist?

Lisa easily has the best hair of all the DoAs, followed by Mila and Christie's alts

They can't have every major event all happen within the span of a year.

That's the one

Nyotengu will fuck anything, so yes.

The Fourth Reich of Nazitomi awaits us...

Mila's hair is cute as fuck, perfect short length.

Would be cool to see a longer style as an alt, though.

But her skin got lighter after DoAXBV.
I thought Itagaki stated that she was black.

Yeah I actually don't like her current alt, a long cut might have been cuter.


>still no lobbies in PC version
Guess most of you are more concerned with ecchi than playing with other people, but it still pisses me off.
Spaniards are considered hispanic?

>Spaniards are considered hispanic?
>1. relating to Spain or to Spanish-speaking countries
>Spaniards are a nation and ethnic group indigenous to Spain that share a common Spanish culture and speak one of the national languages of Spain, including most numerously Spanish, as a primary language.


Ah. I'm Filipino and I just thought it was weird that no one calls us Hispanic despite the fact that we were colonized by Spain.

>white underwear
>black stockings
>red heels

because she's asian, how you seen an american raised asian chick? slutty as all fuck yet still have a goddess aura. its strange.

people think it, we just dont say it. flipinos are the mexicans of the asian race but nobody says it

every asian american I've met seems completely unapproachable and is completely silent around me.

That's how they are in general, really get to know an american asian chick who isnt a bookworm and that shit is embarrassingly real how slutty they can get but look proper to the world.

Caucasoid and Negroid are. All the dark skinned characters made by Japan are Caucasoid unless explicit stated otherwise. Japan even portrays Okinawans as fucking dark brown, and retarded white libs and black weaboos still think anyone not white is black.

Oh, I know this. That's the problem. They'll fuck every guy but me.

Can confirm, I'm a black weeaboo and no one ever believes me when I say dark skinned characters aren't black. I know people that even think K', a clone of Kyo Kusanagi is black.




>still speak japanese


Those are some puffy areolas.
>ywn suck on them


The problem with her alt is that it doesn't really go with any of her costumes.

I want Lisa to have her way with me.


uncensored when?

>no rachel
whats the point?

>No Sarah
What's the point?

who's far left?



>my favorite girls on the right
Oh yes.


Holy shit, a decent looking Honker




I need to learn how to make renders like this some time


These girls sure do dress inappropriately


Will alt-right retards ever stop obsessing over race? Give it a fucking break already

I want to do unimaginable lewd things to that butt.

Why do we keep having these image dump threads that would more suited for /e/ than here since no one is actually talking about the games


>back boob

But /e/ is for the lewd.


>Specifically says she's meant to be Hispanic



>helena is maximum slut
>while tina, christie and nyo aren't

>DoA boobs becomes DoA Saggytits
No thanks.

All i know she's Tina's lewd friend and they make my dick really hard.

Thats the important info.

For goodness sake, Helena, you've already got two girltoys.

> Pai Chan is mine.

> tfw No porn of Sarah domming Pai.