Is Neptune, dare I say it, /ourgirl/?

Is Neptune, dare I say it, /ourgirl/?

only if she shows us her neps

Do you prefer western memester Neptune or japanese generic genki Neptune?

No, Noire is best girl.

Western memelord nepnep for sure

She's 2fuckingcute

You may personally prefer Noire, but Neptune is Sup Forums's girl

Noire has no friends

Noire is the sexiest nep!!

She's second to purple heart, but her human form is definitely the sexiest. Still, can't compare to neppy overall.

nep and noire are the best neps

i hope you get trapped in a house fire only to be rescued with 3rd degree burns to your body only to die 10yrs later by AIDs after you've been gang raped.

Lastshitters, everyone. Classy as always.

Neptune is only better than other generic moeblobs because of the memes.

Nep bullying noire is the best for sure.

Hey, don't let one guy ruin it. Noire's my favorite too, but I adore Nep Nep too. All the Neps are great really, no reason people should have dumb best Nep competitions.

Look at this nep.

Can we have dumb worst Nep competitions instead?

Posting worst nep

But that's easy: it's Vert.

what is NG+ like on mega nep?

Nah plutie is a little cutie who deserves lots of hugs and headpats

It's Peashy, no contest

Dunno, same as any other game i guess? I only played through it once


P-p-plutie, please calm down..


>tfw Iris Heart will never verbally abuse you

I fucking love that doujin

I'm a nepfag, but not gonna lie, it's pretty good

keep your weeb shit to yourself faggot

>stop talking about video games on the video game board

I want to nep nepnep's neps.

How tight do you think Neptune's pussy is?

So i wanna pick up the series because reasons.
Where do i start if the only thing i have is a PC?

Depends on what you want

Do you want the best overall game or the definitive introduction to the series?

If you want the best intro to the series, go with hyperdimension neptunia Re;Birth 1 on steam. That's basically the quintessential neptunia game.

However, the best overall game in the series is megadimension neptunia vii, and that can also act as a sufficient intro to the series. Keep in mind, though, that it's technically the 3rd game in the main series storyline

I want to have vaginal intercourse with Nep.


Good taste

Very tight

Don't worry, I'll put it in other holes as well.