Game reveals that you are the villain

>game reveals that you are the villain


name 3


>that image
. . .


Tales of Symphonia.

Virtue's Last Reward kinda

LISA the Painful

im not op but i can tell you

Mark of the ninja for xbox 360 and pc
mmm basically you got some tattoes that make you insane and you slain your own clan

Braid xbox 360, pc
You adventures to the search of a princess, in the end it turns out that she is fleeing from you because you are the monster

Shadow of the colossus PS2

In this game you seek to revive a woman, so you pay the price to serve an evil entity to be able to do it and in turn kill innocent titans who guard the place

Nier, the original one.
Turns out those shades are actually the souls of humanity, and you're supposed to be an empty shell for them to return to after WCS was purified from the planet utterly.

does golden sun counts? you plays as the villains and then the heroes.

>Supposed to be an intelligent serial killer
>Casually walks around with a severed hand
Why did Kira create his own downfall?

Kira created his downfall when he didn't notice that Hayato is a creepy, nosey little shit.

part 5 anime when

.....why would you want part 5?

i want more animo jojos

Kira's downfall was every character's absurd plot armor

>Fists Koichi through the chest, severing his spine and rupturing his heart and lungs and lies like that for about 30 seconds
>lmao he's still alive

>Gibs Hayato
>Hayato gets put back together and is fine for some reason

Because best villain, get fucked fag

>best villain

Nigga u better not be serious

cause I miss jojo fridays

plus Girono is cool and Mista/Bruno are the best bros up there with Gyro

Can't believe we gave up part 5 for sagrada reset

> protagonist actually admits that what she's been doing the entire game has been nonsensical and riddled with logical loopholes

Thats not Diavolo

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance