User plays csgo

>I have no friends
>browse steam library and find nothing interesting
>decides to solo queue csgo
>lost MG2 since haven't played for 3 months
>hops inside a mm game
> win and earn silver elite
>mfw I spent 600 hours getting to mg2 and I lost it all

I honestly don't know what to do anymore

>haven't played for 3 months
>I honestly don't know what to do anymore
you don't care about the game why are you acting like you suddenly care now?

why does rank matter so much to you

I got 400+ hours and I'm not even silver, because I always plan on casual mode.

Play a game that ain't shit.

I was LE before quitting 2 years ago and got MG2 after one game
git gud

matchmaking ranks mean nothing

the new rank system for cs go is retarded and fucked up alot of people.

it's not new, it's been in place for over a year

the old was extremely inflated

I was way above my rank and I knew it

>I honestly don't know what to do anymore

Get friends and play better games, or alternatively grow up and stop caring for such a pathetic thing.

everyone was forced to down rank and that was my only problem with the change if everyone was allowed to keep rank i would've been okay with it!

Maybe we can be your friends

Why do you give a shit about your rank? Get the fuck over it fag MG2 isn't even an "accomplishment"

i could use some friends but no fucking faggot shit guys.


>anime avatar

>80% of past aliases have "girl" in them
are you trying to convey something

most a running joke with my friends it's nothing to worry about.

you are not fooling anyone you impressionable gay-pretending 15 year old

>haha man it's just a prank bro
You're not fooling anyone with that anime avatar you have no friends. Random people you ERP with online don't count.

fuck alright i understand you don't wanna play games together thats fine.

You are the type of person that posts in steam friend threads, and I hate you

cause i have a anime avatar and trans? i mean that's really the only reason why i can see anyone getting pissed.

i just wanna play games man.

>danger message that you might have to actually play a video game for 90 minutes

what in the fuck

Cause you are a massive faggot and not even the gay kind.

who touched you to make you so angry?

The attention whores of Sup Forums.
Who didn't touch you to make you into one?

double fucking dropped

because i posted my profile and said im willing to play games im a attention whore? sure whatever buddy.

When the fuck did these underage retards begin thinking they were welcome?

Everything you did in this thread and everything on your profile makes you an attention whore.
Grow up.

Solo queue in any game is never worth it.

Just don't do it.

dodged a bullet

you are the one screaming and bitching about someone that just wants to play games. grow up.

Cs go is bad game,u won't find people here that will want to play it with you

Thats projection, I'm just berating you for making attention whore posts here.
Theres a good reason you don't have friends.

My avatar is from a pokemon doujin and i'm still less of a faggot than you

The entire thread was created because you wanted attention

Let us begin:
>Not mentally ill

Why do you retards fall for such obvious bait?
>Steam profile doesnt even have csgo hours logged in the last 2 weeks
>steam profile is missing 100 hours of csgo from his claimed 600

I swear, you guys complain that Sup Forums is so shit yet you still bump this shit

All fucking trannies can fucking hang

kill yourself degenerate

Play rb6 it's superior