I like the english dub. But is anyone else annoyed by the personality changes for some characters?

I like the english dub. But is anyone else annoyed by the personality changes for some characters?

This goes especially for 9S. In Japanese he's dutiful, conscientious and at times obedient. In the dub however he sounds more cocky, almost annoyed at times. Which gives the same sentences a completely different color.

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I think 9S was fine. 2B's change in character drove me up the wall though and 21O's was a bit offputting too.

I personally didn't play with the dub at all. From I've heard 9S is actually okay. But I've heard 2B in some videos, and I must say the eng dub is awful and completely changes her tone and personality.
Why even bother with the dub, when the game comes with dual audio?
I liked english Pod 042 though. I just played through SMT4A before starting Automata.

Should probably not hire some second-rate brony crackwhores to do your VO


You deserve the shitty voices.

how's 2b in english? Japanese 1b is stereotypical no personality girl

English 2B traded in the melancholy and despair for sarcasm. In the context of the vdeio game it makes for much poorer characterisation.

2bs japanese voice actress is the same as mikasa on attack on titan and they're basically the same character so she's used to it

They all sound like snarky strong womyn.

Is v2 crack out yet?

They missed out so hard by not doing that in-game.
Would've been mad cute to see A2 hit the pod on the noggin.

English 2B and 9S ain't bad but they simply don't fit their characters as well as japanese dub does.
Ishikawa captured 2B's personality perfectly. She's not a sarcastic bitch, she's a weak, depressed person hiding her true feelings.
While 9S' english voice acting is superb on route C, he sounds like a nerd. Hanae's voice, however, is extremely calm, smooth and even collected at times.

At the same time dub has some 10/10 voice actors like 042 who is voiced by the same guy who did Legion in mass effect.


nip 042 sounds like some kind of daemon king though, which I think we can all agree is much better

Japanese 042 voiced the best dad in the world, which fits as well.

I agree entirely, I haven't had a full japanese playthrough yet simply because I have to hear Emil with his original VA.

>tfw Taro games will never have such a great dub like Jamison, O'brien and even Laura

dude i already fucking told you to stop talking about this game

>all the characters bitch and moan constantly and are suddenly unlikeable assholes
what did they mean by this

Does the English version have dual audio?

I just can't stand japanese voices.

>Japanese 042 voiced the best dad in the world
>voiced Utu from Druaga, and Nidai from Danganronpa 2
No wonder he sounded familiar.

>In the dub however he sounds more cocky, almost annoyed at times.


but dub asura is best asura

Yes, all versions actually.

Definitely thought she sounded like some roastie whore, now I know I was spot on. Dubcucks lose again.

It blows my mind out that Pod 042's personality is based on a character that saw #9 and #2 almost in a fatherly way


Pod 042's personality is based on Zinnia, an Android that planned and created Project YoRHa

Where is that confirmed?
Considering the pods are AI and have no machine core shittery I don't see why they even would need personality data to be based on, they unlike androids, were not meant to be sentient afterall.

>he hasn't kept up with supplemental materials
This is Yoko Taro land user. Manga, novels, audio dramas, orchestral concerts and stage plays.
Gotta milk those otaku for every yen they have.

I meant exactly which one did say this, I cba to look for new shit every day

Looks like you're just lazy.

The idea for the personality change was because of the culture gap. 9S is supposed to be a enthusiastic nerd who is still wet behind the ears, although i am fairly certain he is supposed to be cocky on the both versions of the game...

Likewise, They also wanted to portray 2B as a professional soldier who only thinks about the mission and thus in the nip version, 2B is stoic (their stereotype for professionals) while in the western version she is cold and serious.

Of course her true personality is the same in both versions, it's only the facade that changes.

Well yes, thats exactly what it means, I cant be bothered to look what tidbit of new information gets translated from chinese to russian to japanese to english every day, I read a bucnh and then I wait a month or more.

considering the Automata additional info is a clusterfuck of shitty information with no single point gathering it in any proper form, I can hardly just go and check myself which one contains the bit of information you are claiming to be true, without reading everything.

>The idea for the personality change was because of the culture gap.

Lets not make excuses for shitty localization work.

They are all in a pastebin in /vg/

So you don't know which one says this, ok.

Nip 2B's facade is pathetic though and it does a good job of telling the player that something is up whereas English 2B just comes across as a sarcasmo bitch and it only those few contradictory actions that she occasionally takes that peel back the curtain.

I think in a novel or movie English 2B would be the better character but in this specific video game it's shitty in comparison.

I do know but since you are a little bitch about it you can look it up on your own.

I asked which story it is and you went bitching about my laziness of why am I not reading all of them constantly, the pastebin is a piece of shit as you should know, because its just like you.

>went bitching about my laziness
>thinking every person you talk to is the same one.

>I'll butt into a conversation to feel good about myself and nothing more

All I know is that theres a good chance everyone I talk to here is a piece of shit, and you just reinforced that.

So do the Pods still plan on making a next generation of Combat Androids?

>Automata additional info is a clusterfuck of shitty information with no single point gathering it in any proper form


>Butt into a conversation
You are fucking retarded user.

These are my posts, you were just being retarded and assumed a single stray poster was the person you were talking to all along

They never planned to, nor do they have resources, nor do they have free will.
Next step of project yorha was in simply removing all evidence about the project and maybe sending accumulated combat data to the Army of Humanity and even that is not confirmed.

Your useless comment got a mean answer, you must feel very hurt then user.

Probably won't since Pod 042 and Pod 153 refused to delete the data.

>They never planned to
That's the sole reason why Pods exist (aside supporting YoRHa Androids). Pods are the de facto Managers of Project YoRHa and were supposed to start a new cycle after Bunker got blown up when the remaining Pods hunted down every YoRHa Android that was alive.

>Pods hunted down every YoRHa Android that was alive

How exactly would they do that?

>That's the sole reason why Pods exist
where the fuck you're getting this shit from
sole reason of Pods existing was in clearing up all the traces of evidence after a project
it was never meant to be a cycle in any shape or form, YoRHa existed to establish the presence of a ghost of humanity on the Moon and were removed according to the plan

Does 2B like 9S or she's just protective?

Guns and Pod programs

She loves him.


Every YoRHa Android has a Pod (aside A2), there's a side-story about an Android about to get whacked by a Pod.

>it was never meant to be a cycle in any shape or form
Depends how you want to look at the files presented ingame. One file about the backdoor mentions how after all shit went down and current YoRHa was wiped a new generation of Combat Androids would be created with the data gathered with in Project YoRHa.

She literally dies from Grief because 9S didn't wake up in the fake concert script ending.

I thought CBO's description was 9S' feelings

>new generation of Combat Androids would be created with the data gathered with in Project YoRHa
Yes but you're pulling the bullshit about Pods from your own ass.
Generations of combat androids were created constantly, Anemone belongs to 8th descent forces from the 200 years ago and all androids of that gen were called after flowers. Zinnia was a part of that gen as well most likely.

Evidently you thought wrong.

No, virtuous treaty is his feelings.
They are swapped to show that their fates are intertwined.

>expect more batshit lore
>get sob love story between metals instead

English Weight of the World sounds after ending A and states that she needs him more than ever right now.
Japanese Weight of the World sounds after ending B and states that the only thing she wants is a life together with him.
Who knows what chaos language version talks about but it's probably the most positive and hopeful out of 3 so it concerns their shared fate after ending E.

My exact situation with SMT4A. Couldn't get Odin out of my mind when I heard 042.

Their love is the most batshit thing in entire story though.

I've no idea of they changed their personality because i know shit all about japanese, however, i think it sounds better in japanese, which is probably retarded. But i can remember two instances that made me stick with japanese in future playthroughs, the first one is when 2b slips almost calls 9s "Nines" in the castle and 9s gets annoyed, sounds funnier and more emotive in japanese where as in english he just goes "ugh" and also whenever they tell him "only one confirmation is needed" in english he just goes "yeah yeah" which i'm sure is the same thing he is saying in japanese(probably), but again, it sounds better in japanese.

I don't know, i feel like they took the whole "they are robots" a bit too literally in english because they all sound pretty dead inside, except for 9s, but he sounds better in japanese.

>Yes but you're pulling the bullshit about Pods from your own ass.
How? They are literally the last part of YoRHa that exists and are supposed to save the combat data of YoRHa and also chase every remaining YoRHa Android once the Bunker was blown the fuck up.
I mean it's not stupid to assume that Pod 042, based on Zinnia's personality who created YoRHa would also be responsible of ending it in the end. Pods were the very last key actors of Project YoRHa.

So it was love at first contact, kinda hope it was from friends to lovers thing

Save, not rebuild and restart the Bunker on their own.

>I've no idea of they changed their personality because i know shit all about japanese
You don't even need to know it for the most obvious cases, it's all in the tone and delivery. The first example that comes to mind is 2B's response to the multiple Engels emerging at the end of the prologue.


>In the moment she tries to suppress those forbidden feelings, 2B feels something else well up within her, as if to resist that. Memories of 9S.

>His voice as he'd shout, '2B'. The smile he made when when he told her how fun it was to have a partner — it was such a bashful smile. She wonders during which mission it was when he was so shocked by her unexpected clumsiness, as well.

>She can feel a lump form in the back of her throat, as her chest tightens, and she grits her teeth. For the first time, she understands the pain caused by the memories of those left behind. But this is her own fault. She's the one who's accumulated more memories than necessary.

It was a really painful feeling for her and she even tried to shake it off at first but absolutely failed.

>not rebuild and restart the Bunker on their own.
Of course not, what I was going for was rather that Pods would inform the Satelite bases responsible for extracting Machine Cores to start rebuilding it. But you convinced me after having read some stuff again that Project YoRHa was in fact not meant to be repeated.

The purest love.

Holy crap, 2B is covered in mackerel juices! Will she be alright?

Once 9S apologizes she will be fine.

Timestamp - 1:07:00 Gonna need some clarification on this Pods can do what they please if the Bunker is not around. Yokoo describes them to be the 'kuromaku' (wire-puller, the one who has been pulling the strings behind everything). (Post ending C/D) If there are any remaining YoRHa units (like 4S), Pods will kill them in order to carry out the next stage of Project YoRHa. This was not explained ingame because there was no need to. the more you know

That was a from an interview with Yoko Taro

Thanks, I actually thought I read it in a QA but apparently it was from the interview.

How many joke endings you've got?

>042 is joined by other Pods while saving main characters
>by the end of E all Pods are probably freed from their programming
>moon server declares the end of 14th machine war later in timeline and no further wars are mentioned which means Pod 006 was probably freed from his programming as well

Pod 043 has a far better English voice actor.

The reason why Pod 042 and 153 overcame their programming was because they shared so much time with 9S and 2B. It's not a universal event where all Pods overcome theirs.


Congrats on outing yourself as a crossboarding faggot, faggot

post smol toobies

>backgrounds of Cruel Blood Oath and Virtuous Treaty have lone beasts
>weapons are talking about why 2B and 9S can't be together
>concert script 3 talks about A2 killing 2B and 9S prior to the game events and is called "Beasts who kill one another"
The level of cross-media bullshit Taro goes for is unbelievable.

It's pretty annoying, I wish all that shit would have been ingame especially shit like post-Ending E and Memory Thorn/Cage/Beasts who kill one another

I always wonder why pod program were so much stronger than the actual yorha units and now I know why.

Pods are actually shit at fighting. Even unarmed Healer model can crush a Pod. And there's not many of them left, too.
I bet that they killed surviving YoRHa units like 4S when those were distracted or sleeping.

>Pods are actually shit at fighting
Pretty much all the fighting in the game is done by the pods. They're actually the muscles behind the melee attacks. Androids don't actually swing those giant swords using their own strength.

That can't be true. A2 didn't have a pod at first, nor did the three renegade YoRHa units in that sidequest.

Nope, all fighting is done through NFCS which is inside the main characters. 9S breaks it after going on one-man genocide crusade.
Pods are linked to them and act like extension of their bodies.

>he doesn't know how strong Pod Program: Blade times 3 is

It destroys goliath class enemies under 10 second when charged. I killed the final spider boss under 30second with blade.

This is only possible because they are linked to androids. Read the novel about the moon server and Healer girl, it shows an actual battle between a Pod and unarmed android.

I like the open ending that we got with E though the cut scene could of been a little longer.

Thematically less is more when it comes to E. It is literally the player wresting control of the narrative and as such having anything more than the bare minimum would be too much as it woudl diminish that.

The concert ending follows Route C

English or Japanese N2?

Japanese N2 is Alucard and Kotomine Kirei. You can't beat that.

I'm in agreement, but I figured there might be some people that prefer the businesslike tone of the english VA.