Has a game ever made you cry?

Has a game ever made you cry?

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Muv-Luv. Once when you find out Sumika has been desperately recording her memories of you in a journal so she doesn't forget them, again when one of you has to leave Earth and the other has to remain in a hopeless fight against the BETA.

Games have made me cry from my dick.

only from my penis

The endings of Telltale's TWD Season 1 and 2.
The start of of The Last of Us.

I think those were the only times. I find that the acting has to be good for the scene to bring out any emotion which is why I'm more likely to cry while watching a movie.

Nier ending C and D.

Lol no you fucking queers

forgot to add that Season 2's ending is only sad if you picked Kenny

Janefags kys

I wept openly as the island from links awakening faded to nothing

All he ever wanted to do was to make his father proud and all he ever kept doing was fucking up. I see too much of myself in him.

only a little

yes. i am a massive flaming sissy faggot when it comes to this stuff. I can't handle sad endings. In fact I can't handle happy ones either.

Videogames don't have shit on storytelling compared to movies.

you make me proud, soldier. See you in 3 days

Jesus christ

No, but anime has.

I played Links Awakening so much as a kid so many times, but never finished it.

I decided I was going to sit down and play through the whole thing before botw came out and the ending made me cry a little. It was kind of like finishing a chapter of my childhood.

>Persona 5 emotional final boss
>this song starts playing I still teear up


cry from my dick joke 107#

bioshock 3
it was so shit I cried

2B's wonky tits make me cry.

not too many times but pic related is the one i can remember , mostly because my dad was a dick to me and was never there
i didnt even like the base game that much but this scene was very well executed and touching

>The Witcher 3
>The Last of Us
Any other vidya dadkino?


The ending got me.

Only one, ever, managed to: Klonoa (the first one).
The ending specially - it pretty much tore my soul in half.

Probably, nothing comes to mind though, but Emil's spiel to Kaine in Nier made me tear up super hard.

This meme needs to die. The only place I hear that shit is here too.

I cried once watching the prerendered cutscene in the Darrow end of DXHR. No idea why. I think it was the music.


>play all 3 GOW as Dom
>shed tear as I sacrifice self
>still play as him in GOW 4

Life is strange

Ending to MGS3. Had to play it a second time because I was too tired the first time around.

Wasn't crying, but the ending of GTA 3 felt really bittersweet.

>you've spent months working your way through the criminal underworld of Liberty City
>you finally have your target in your sights
>you're finally getting revenge on your bitch of an ex who left you for dead
>but now what? There's nothing left after that


The first two Pokemon Mystery Dungeons got me teary-eyed, but I attribute that to being a child.
I can't think of any recent games making me cry or emotional.

I started tearing up when Chloe was begging you to let her die.

ITT: A bunch of jaded, emotionally numb fucks getting mad at people for enjoying video games

Every Mother game desu

I cried after MGS4

I wasn't even playing and have never played a Metal Gear game, I just watched their full playthroughs and the graveyard scene in 4 still got me.

I teared up at the end of TWD S1, specifically when Clem was using the baseball bat. It was a real loss of innocence and it made me tear up.

I didn't cry but RDR made me feel so empty inside with it's ending. Just like how Jack probably felt after getting his revenge.

It's absolutely, categorically true though. Videogame stories are puerile shit, TLoU is considered a masterpiece of storytelling and sadly enough it actually does have some of the best character writing in videogames.

Not even going to lie. Undertale. When I completed the pacifist run I teared up. I was actually in a call with a friend at the time because he wanted to see my reactions to a few things and I ended up muting myself. Tears of joy. Not to mention I giggled like a fucking schoolgirl when I was dodging the special thanks credits.

Then how tf did you know who Big Boss is?

Fairy Fencer F

Dom's death


>Credits roll
>Suddenly stop on Big Bosses credits.
>He appears
>Old Snake starts playing.
One of my favorite scenes in Metal Gear.

It sure made other people cry, but they sure as hell weren't me

Congratulations, you just described half of Sup Forums.

The only emotions they feel now are vapid schadenfreude as they hope their posts at least instill a little bit of anger, which they feed off to sustain their sad, lonely lives

I spent a week or so watching full playthroughs of every Metal Gear game is what I was saying.

When it got to 4's ending, I got got.


P3FES, on the Answer ending. That final scene with Aigis and Yukari really hit me hard.

What does good storytelling even mean to you, then? What's an example?

Shadow of the Colossus's ending

Don't know if it's bait or not but despite all it's flaws, Undertale did manage to get me teary eyed (amidst other feels)

This probably makes me sound like a faggot but i can think of two:

1. The ending of Undertale
2. From Near Tomato, the background story of the Songstress.

>The start of of The Last of Us
Why? The characters were just introduced, you didn't know them.

I swear there have been other, better examples, but the one that comes to mind is FFX.

I replayed mgs3 the other day and teared up a bit. I never remembered the ending having that much of an impact on me

Sarah's death dude

I feel like I used to cry quite frequently while watching emotional cutscenes but I honestly can't remember any except the end of Crisis core. In recent years I haven't played anything that had brought me to tears from sadness.

I can remember being so happy that my eyes teared up a bit during the end of MGS4 and a couple of the ace attorney games. Just playing with a huge grin on my face and watery eyes.

Again, you just met them why would it be sad?
Maybe I'm just autistic.

When I was playing Pokemon Yellow in the elementary school playground, a guy kicked sand in my face and that made me cry.
Other than that, Persona 3's ending and credits.

The acting and music I guess

Fuck it, 5/10, made me reply.

The problem with your argument is there is no baseline. Are you going to sit there with a straight face and argue that movies like Suicide Squad and Prometheus have better characters and writing than Planescape:Torment or Baldur's Gate? Are you going to argue that Overwatch and TF2 have better characters and writing than Tolkien? Everything is relative and built for a specific reason.

Most games AND movies have fairly shitty stories because the powers-that-be have decided stories aren't necessary to make sales, whereas books function solely on that merit (and even then, metric tons of awful books.) Some games are designed to be brainless shooty entertainment, just like some movies are designed to be brainless shooty entertainment. Some games try to tell a story like they're a movie and end up feeling like a shitty movie, and some movies try to tell stories like novels and end up boring.

There are plenty of games with fantastic writing that use what is unique to games, interactivity, to tell stories. There are plenty of movies that use investment and visuals to tell stories. And there are equally or more movies AND games that utterly fail to impress in terms of storytelling. Saying one is 'absolutely, categorically' better at telling stories is insane talk.

Did you actually play the game or watch the entire intro? Unless you were deliberately going in with a cynical attitude there's no way you weren't at least a little bummed out.

>you just met them

You don't get immersed in games and feel as the main character feels? Sucks to be you.

Wtf? Why? Why not just play them yourself? They're fun.

this is more of a problem on your part than ours, it's basic empathy. We met them, we felt empathetic towards them, we got invested, felt the bond between father and daughter, fought to keep daughter alive and then lost her suddenly via means that were unfair and out of our control.

No. But Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles RoF came very close to it.


I'm with you on this, user.

There are tons of games and movies that introduce characters and promptly kill them off in the next 10 minutes then act like it should matter to you, but it almost never works. I need investment, interest and a relationship with characters before their death has any meaning to me, and just telling me 'you should care about X' doesn't work in the slightest.

The Last of Us
TWD Season 1 & 2
Mother 2
Mother 3

*sniff* s-somebody else would have gotten it wrong..!



>that note that plays when he puts his COG tags on Maria's grave

I mean, you KNOW he's going to die. It's staring you right in the face and yet it doesn't make it any less impactful when he actually goes.

Fuck, man.

"Come here, Claus. You must be so exhausted"
How Paula's prayers reached you and made the difference in fighting Giygas and the walk back with Tears and Smiles playing in the background
How you defeated Giegue by the power of love by singing his mother's song to him.

Every single goddamn ending. Goddamn it, Itoi. Goddamn it.

I'm a huge sap so I cry at everything. But Majora's Mask comes to mind. Most obvious ones being getting Darmani and Mikau's masks. When you're sending them off with their last regrets unfulfilled and you see the scenes of everyone cheering for Darmani and Mikau walking off hand in hand with Lulu and this track's playing, I start welling up.


There's also a couple other oddball moments, some of which I can't even explain. Curing Pamela's father, and sending Skull Keeta off with a salute.

Kirby's Epic Yarn made me cry manly tears. Fucking epic game.

I did play it and I wasn't cynical about it just yet. People die, maybe I would shed a tear if they had more than 10 minutes of screen time.

Even Christians think that most of the shit in the bible is fictitious right? Especially all that Old Testament stuff.

The cool thing these days is to claim that games have no business having stories, either because the author is trying to imply either that they're >to intelegant for games or that they're tired old "" hardcore"" gamers who remember the supposed good old days before SJWs and cinematic walking simulators


depends how good of a christian you are

the more literally you believe the bible to be true, the better your status in heaven will be

The worst part is he probably wasn't even trolling. I will never understand how so many people can completely write off games as a medium to tell stories.

>Catch a riiiiiiiiiide!

I want to stay longer...

With my invaluable...



In Water ending.

You're probably just autistic, user. It's okay, you're among ffriends

I'm 25 and in all that time three got me FF8's ending, FF13-2 ending, and Route E of Nier Automata after you find out the gimmick.

undertale the TP final segment

"..maybe you can SAVE something else..."

im not a bitch, but i cant even hear some of the music without getting that heartache

Any time link puts the Master Sword back in the pedestal, no joke.


No, but some moments came relatively close. The one game with the most moments was Persona 3

>Sun, Hierophant, Hanged Man S.Links
>Junpei and Akihiko's 2nd tier Personas
>The last 2 hours of the game

I choke up a little at the entire ending sequence of MGS4. Everything from the microwave hallway onward is so potently emotional for some fucking reason.

Why does everyone link that song or the one that plays when he goes to Mexico.
This one fucking broke me: youtube.com/watch?v=0wfNjf1cWRs

>the funeral scene was supposed to make me feel sad about Chloe's dead

For some reason I cried a little with actual tears while playing Tales of Berseria due to one of the most fucking annoying characters in the game. Little dumb crying demon girl.

Other games that made me close to tears: The Walking Dead season 1, Attack on Titan WoF, Bastion and maybe a couple others I'm forgetting.

I disagree, I've cried about less. Like Dom's death in Grunts of Battle. Maybe it's affected by my hatred of women.