What are some games where I can play as a big booty black chick
Hard Mode: Nothing with a character creator
What are some games where I can play as a big booty black chick
Hard Mode: Nothing with a character creator
I'd like to know this too
Why does Sup Forums keep saying she's black?
She's obviously not black (based off her appearance)
>Hurr I'm a dumbass that thinks black people only look one way
One day you'll leave America and see the world is much bigger than Fox News tells you
Dragon's dogma has a top tier brown
since when do japs draw all their characters with irl features?
Is she supposed to have a wide nigger nose, and dreadlocks?
first of all im not american
second of all she does not look african at all
Tell me, what does an "African" look like to you. It's a continent with over a billion people cut in half by a fuckhuge desert, facial features vary widely on the continent.
>B-but she has white features!
Blacks are more than just wide noses and big lips.
Why am I even wasting my breath on Sup Forums with this. Just post thiccs.
It's 2D dipshit, learn the difference
she doesn't look like your pic for one
she's made up of polygons you moron. she's not 2d
Remember Me?
donkey kong
finally my fetish is being catered to me
this is a negroid skull according to Sup Forums
yup definitely a negroid skull
woah, hold on. I thought you just meant her skin was black, which it is, she's French. This is confirmed
>she's made up of polygons
Holy shit you really are a fucking retard.
Are you new?
its..almost...like...its..not a real..personl!!!
What does her butt smell like?
french isn't a race
Yeah, because 'Japanese' characters definitely look Japanese and have Mongoloid skulls.
>Anime face
>"She's not black guys!!!11"
I swear racism is a mental illness
looks accurate
Fucking what? lmao what?
Diddy Kong
Japanese characters have flat faces just like real mongoloids
Having trouble reading idiot?
Learn what race is
she doesn't even have an humanoid skull.
she's a cartoon with non realistic human feature to begin with.
I know you're baiting but here's the official definition
>a group of persons related by common descent or heredity.
>Americans are exposed to a rather small group of Africans off the western coast due to the slave trade
>"This is what all Africans must look like"
>"Also everyone that isn't white is now black, regardless of nationality, origin, or genetic make up"
>"They also are inferior, except for when we need things done we can't do ourselves"
>Hundreds of years later dumb whites still believe this thanks to systematic racism
Being white must be something else, I tell you
Fran is a pretty top tier brown, she really charges my ATB gauge even though the booty lacking
french is an ETHNICITY you stupid fucking shit!
good god, just fucking kill yourself kid
Enjoy your Wii 3.0
French is a nationality, not a race.
>This is a post that was made on the website Sup Forums in the year 2017
No it isn't? Many French take pride in not having Moor blood, even though 90% of the population does. They take pride in their white, European ETHNICITY (read: race). There is no "French" genotype of humans
>it's an ethnicity
>it's a nationality
the truth is French could correspond to all 3 and we're all just playing semantics. The main point is that the only reason anyone wanted to know where she was from was because we knew the other characters came from egypt, america, etc. We know she's from france so that should be the end of it.
Not even 30% of those games are worth $60, much less even playing. Having shit taste is no better than having a Nintendo system
half those games are better AND cheaper on pc
nationality is tied to ethnicity, not race so no they can't..
pick up a book retard, I bet you think American is race too
he probably didn't pay $60 for them
console games go on sale all the time, unless it's nintendo cause they're jewish
I know thicc browns are all the rage but how about some thicc Asians
>a socially constructed category of identification based on physical characteristics, ancestry, historical affiliation, or shared culture
>socially constructed category
>social consruct
Kek, sure thing tumblrina
>social construct
gb2 tumblr nigger
I've got a hard mode for you fairies, no fanart.
Kek nice one smartass. I pulled that straight from the dictionary definition. My point is that race has multiple definitions which can correspond to many things. She's french. Was probably born in france and has french parents. Get over it
ITT: sjw tears
give up social outcasts
blacks are different
just deal with it
Kat isn't black she's just a dirty bum.
Fuck off back to /r/eddit
>Still doesn't know the difference between race/ethnicity and nationality
What country you from son, lets talk about this
She's too thicc to be anything else. I doubt she's asian
If anything she could be latina or something, but that still doesn't cross out black
holy shit you autists are insufferable. You want to play semantics without realizing definitions are added over time. Either way, I'm done with this bait and faggotry.
sure you did dipshit
No, she's black
her hair type and facial structure crosses out black
pic related is a nintendo black character
The butthurt from white people desperately trying to justify how a clearly black character isn't black is just delicious. It's okay to be attracted to the brown, you guys know black means more than just American blacks, right?
too many ppl ITT have failed to realize Black & French are neither mutually exclusive.
Hmm makes sense, guess this African must be white then.
Damn, you learn something new everyday.
Don't tell the autists that. They'll freak out. Seriously, this thread is cancer
fuck niggers
She is a black French woman and it's been confirmed a hundred times over. Lets drop the discussions on race or whatever and just enjoy that ass.
Is she black?
>a black person born in france is not black
>tt's been confirmed a hundred times over
give me a source
Why is it that every single time anyone posts a picture of Twintelle, the thread immediantly devolves into race arguments?
Everyone needs to ignore anyone who mentions race in an arms thread from now on unless you all want endless shitposting
I just wanted to know some games with big booty chicks to play as, preferably of a darker shade. I didn't mean for this thread to happen.
Sup Forums was a mistake
She's Brazilian, Brazil is made up of mixed mutts
Sup Forums needs to belittle innocent blacks as much as possible
Because faggots from Sup Forums can't handle that they like a black woman so they try as hard as they can to claim that she's not black.
More than likely identifies as Latin. South Americans try very hard to stay away from being called black
You knew exactly what you were doing you little shit; take responsibility.
no reddit is basically Sup Forums.
Ha! I get it now!
I can't fap to it if she's black desu. That's beastiality.
She's French-Arab like Mistral. Or the more realistic option would be a Ganguro girl since the devs are Japanese and her style is like that. But I'm sure anyone with a brain knows these "Twintelle is black" threads are just shitposters fishing for replies.
Read the OP
some people just can't stick to their containment board
okay someone tell me, what exactly does "black" mean? african? african american? anyone with skin color i don't like?
Latin isn't a race either idiot, why the fuck are people so retarded
>posts a gift with.a black girl with Twin's skin color
Played yourself Sup Forumstard
Brownie huntressess best huntressess
I know a Dominican guy who's obviously black but hates niggers and always says he's latino lol.
Somebody said this out the other day and it makes the most sense. She greatly resembles a ganguro, all of her features point to it.
You guys can scream that she's black all you want but you can't overrule hard logic.
At most I was hoping for more lewd pics. I forget where I am sometimes.
we know it's you, Sup Forums. trying to stir shit up from the very beginning. kill yourself
japanese character designers find subsaharan african, negroid facial features to be ugly, but they quite like tanned and dark skin now and then for novelty.
so they take the same pretty, feminine character designs of east asian and caucasian people and apply tanned skin to them.
because they don't want to draw an actual negro, they want a pretty brown girl. like an arab or an indian or a hispanic or a south east asian (although the brown SEA people are hardly ever pretty)
>still bringing up ganguros
Keep fishing user, might as well call all japanese characters white too. I mean the resemblance is uncanny amarite
Iris is actually southeast asian, no joke.
Lenora is black, though.
it means some sort of african, but there are so many different africans it's just a catch-all term because a lot of blacks don't know which ancestry they are from because their ancestors weren't allowed to write or anything during slavery.
Dominicans are the biggest hypocrites of them all. Arguably the blackest Hispanic outside of Panama, yet they all try so hard to deny that and claim their "Spaniard conqueror's" heritage. They run up and down the block shouting nigga this nigga that with nappy hair and wide noses but think they're European.