Western people will call this "plastic, not realistic and generic"

Western people will call this "plastic, not realistic and generic"

Western people are literally everything that went wrong with humanity. Sometimes I consider abos and serial killers more decent than the average Sup Forums user

And they are right.

I don't see anything wrong with that myself though



So this is the true face of Sup Forums

>I'm into chicks with downs

Why don't weebs admit they're homosexuals who hate feminine qualities, and want all females to look like prebescent boy who cross dress.

>Western people will call this "plastic, not realistic and generic"

That's a funny way of spelling feminists & their omega orbiters.

>attractive people aren't real

I don't understand this reasoning.

>Western people
So you recently bought your Katana to sever the ties with your single mother household?

But she does look like a plastic doll. The thing is, I would rather look at this than the women in most western games.


If game developers listened to Sup Forums - every game ever made would consist of six fat prematurely balding men sitting back-to-back in a windowless basement whining about how much they hate women in a nasally deadpan monotone.

Consider this.

>chink eyes
no thanks faggot

>she doesn't look like a man therefore she looks like a boy and that's gay

Westcucks are something else.

I get what they mean
Tecmo characters really have style to them. The designs are very porcelain
I suppose that's the appeal, but not my thing

While there is nothing wrong with a plastic girl or two, I will make the case that a lot of those "super hot perfect animu but not really" style women can get pretty generic.

There is a certain beauty that flaws bring out. Even though it might not be a "beautiful" feature the fact that it makes the character stand out a bit ends up making her feel more noticeable and thus, more attractive.
Sort of how seeing a lineup of playboy models will just bore you but seeing a picture of a sort of plain but still cute girl might make your heart flutter uncontrollably.
Granted that's no excuse for the western goblin-manjaw problems we have faced lately.

You need to merge both of them to create the perfect waifu.

>Anything that don't look like a boy is a man

Stay delusional virgin liberal fag

So that person doesn't watch a lot of movies I take it.

>JRPG character made to look more realistic so as her appearance reflects what she is going through in-game externally and internally
>she's ugly

>Western character looks ugly yet is realistic, also fitting in with the setting and her psychological torment
>She's okay.

>sjw westcuck calling anyone a liberal

Why do western gamers want everyone to look ugly?Why do they want to play games that look like movies? I don't get it.

Yes, good goy. White women with any discernible jawline are disgusting manfaced hags, masturbate to cartoons of little boys dressed in women's clothing. 2D>3D is the real redpill. Don't have kids.

I don't understand your post. You think they would make games about fat men playing games?

I feel sorry for those average/ugly people who think like this all the time.

They hate beauty because they can't have it yet crave it at the same time.

West is obsessed with cinematic realism

The mmo genre is actually kind of popular.

>Says liberal fag who hates western beauty because feminists told you to like gooks


Not all of us are like this, trust me.

Who is that ugly ayy lmao?

Yeah, but I'm not playing as a fat nerd sitting in his basement playing a game. I think you just worded your post badly.

Is there any evolutionary reason for it to fucking breathe fire?

>being a bigger cuck than everyone in this thread
>liking a cuck anime


>evolutionary reason
>applying the concept of evolution from our world into a fictional one

Soldiers have armor that isn't digestible. Dragons become capable of breathing fire, thus heating up the contents of the armor until either the armor comes off from burnt straps, or the wearer removes it in a pained hurry. It's like crows and how they can problem solve as well as a child.

I like Grigori's design the most. Dragons casting magic is cool.

>in games the preach what they should like and why they should feel guilty
>calling anyone cucks

Those screencaps are from NeoFag.

>she doesn't look like a human

Fixed for you, Ken-Sama.

But it is plastic and unrealistic, almost in a unsettling kind of way

>beauty is unsettling
get a load of this faggot

>complaining about Musou
The west will never "get it" and the franchises are way too long now for normies to try. Fans should just be glad Omega Force continues to localize em.

Plastic looking barbie dolls are unsettling, faggot.

>attractive people are unsettling or not real at all


Of course it is. It's beautiful, but not in a human way. Isn't that off-putting?

That's a beautiful woman, sorry you're too much of a sissy and can't handle looking at attractive girls.

Go live in Japan then, you fucking weeb

I don't know about the average Sup Forums user but this might be one of the more typically Sup Forums OPs in a while if you consider Sup Forums some kind of weird Japanese otaku things first, video games second hivemind like I've kind of come too. I assume there's supposed to be some sort of humorous content in this whole let's pretend Asia has the greatest everything and all Western civilization sucks role play.


It's probably some san francisco, pink-haired hambeast

She does like uncanny to me. Something about her is off.

Thread could've and should've ended with this post.

Or about how everything except corporate mandated and focus grouped waifu characters in games are the worst thing ever and that that's the only way to make anything good anymore.

>OPs image

t.basement dwelling virgin
>He thinks this is attractive
I know you can't tell the difference between your anal hole, but c'mon

Every character being from one of maybe five templates of "pretty girl" archetype with almost no personality or anything going on outside of those tropes definitely gets old but try telling that to the majority of Sup Forums which has been engaged in what I can only describe as a thing for years now. You can also tell most of Sup Forums really doesn't get out much or absorb anything from outside of shitposting forums.

Nah, i'm just fed up with your "gooks can't do wrong" mentality. Also, the face in OP pic is generic anime shit. All that is needed to please you weebs is no having facial features.

>All that is needed to please you weebs is no having facial features.
And the only thing westcucks need to be happy is manface.

They don't, they just aren't obsessed with every character being a design by committee perfect fantasy anime waifu to jerk off to because why would they be specifically. A lot of them probably even have actual girlfriends and lives and things like that which I gather we're supposed to be making fun of somehow even though they can't here us, don't give a shit and the joke isn't actually on them no matter how hard Sup Forums and the like tries to convince itself it is.

You mean just like the gooks you jerk off too?

Really makes me think

>beautiful character is a bad thing
lol, why would anyone even think this, if you're going to play a game with characters then those characters ought to be beautiful. There's no reason to make them any other way.

This honestly. Nobody is ever going to convince anybody that isn't already far enough down the rabbit hole to believe that animu waifus are the greatest thing ever and every game should use that kind of art style for it's characters. Just never gonna happen.

>making girls uglier makes them more attractive
I'm glad I don't have this brain problem

>western beauty
>implying the ugly fucks on the average sjw game would be considered western beauty
they actually take attractive models and make the characters based on them uglier.

They'll be shunned by japs.
Nobody likes weebs, all that otaku shit is made for making money off lonely japanese basement dwellers.

>He plays a fantasy to escape the real world.
>But wants the characters to look realistic, so he feels less pathetic.

Nigga you're a weeb you have one of the worst brain problems a non psychopath can have.

Truly, the main failure of Western society is that is allows these fucks to live among us.

>feminists told you to like gooks
If only

Still better than jacking it to cartoon girls.
Also why do you assume everyone wants to escape reality?
Maybe some people play video games because its fun.

>western beauty
Case in point.

She's central asian though those people aren't as fucked up or autistic like east asians.

>We want the teenage audience
the witcher had plenty of ulglies, and was still easy to get lost in that world

>implying dragons would survive a thousand years against humans
>it takes millions of years for evolution to take place
kys westfag.

>He plays a fantasy to escape the real world.

No, i'm just playing some videogames. Stop projecting, Sup Forumsutist.

You'll have to define what "central asian" is because she clearly has east asian feature.

Classic Sup Forums taking an argument that clearly isn't actually saying something and making the very definition of a strawman out of it. Obviously beautiful characters aren't a bad thing, being a fucking retard and trying to start these memes that Western SJW devs are trying to foist "ugly" characters on people via a narrow definition of beauty that just means designer anime waifu is a fucking joke though and just one reason why anime otaku types are barely taken seriously at large.

The problem with the type of fanboy that is doing the most talking in this thread and really on Sup Forums in general is that they basically have to retreat to hive mind communities to convince themselves that it's everybody else and the "casuals" and "normies" that have it wrong and that they're the super cool ones that have all of life's mysteries figured out and the best taste around yet because they're stuck listening to an echo chamber most of their lives they can't comprehend simple things like Western devs aren't going out of their way to make characters "ugly", they just don't care about placating bitchy anime fans sensibilities on beauty cause they have plenty of other things in mind in marketing a game (like say Season Pass scamming the snot out of players, but Japanese games do shit like that too with costumes and such) and aren't really forced to rely on waifu imagery to sell games like most Japanese devs have become this generation of gaming.

Incidentally I actually prefer Japanese games and artstyles to Western ones historically to the point where in my inner circles I'm the "weaboo", but even I can see most of what people are on about here is a joke based on incredibly narrow standard and definitions that I cannot take seriously.

Meanwhile, over at Japan...

>Maybe some people play video games because its fun.

And where is the fun in ugly people?
If it was only about fun, you wouldn't care how do the characters look like.

Still better design than making a shitty plastic doll and naming it a dragon/vampire etc without any of those species' characteristics.
Lets be honest weebshit games are basically fap material for weebs its their biggest purpose story and gameplay come second.

The very concept of fun, entertainment or even art is escapism.

Central asia is everything from kazakhstan till afghanistan.
Also are you an american or something?
Not every asian is chinese japanese or korean.
Central asians are a mix of asian and caucasian and have different facial structures like more pronounced cheekbones while east asians have those fat looking faces.

>a man can put on a wig and he's now a female

Westcucks actually let this happen. I would hold off on the concern for people who jack it to cartoon girls, and be more concerned with your own society

Why do westfags keep posting images of ugly asians as if that proves a point?
The whole argument from weebs is that games shouldn't include ugly people, whether it's realistic or not

So no, weebs don't want "realistic" asians or "realistic" whites or whatever

>Being so autistic you can't enjoy a game without every character being gorgeous
And where is the fun in beautiful people?
If it was only fun, you wouldn't care how the character looks like.

Its not that user that made this thread.
Also of there are people woth actually different looks instead of the sameface plastic looks japanese game characters have the game will be more believable.

it's all insecurity. playing games with attractive characters makes them feel ashamed. they're afraid their normie friends will accuse them of fapping to video games.

My point still stand: she looks like east asian.

whats the point of taking an attractive woman as model and then making her ugly in the actual game?
Or taking a character from a comic book that is attractive and usually wears revealing clothing and then making her ugly and showing no skin?

Normie friends>weeb friends
Also stop samefagging you faggot.

Literally looks like a doll, OP. The eyes even look painted on.

No she doesn't.

>people still think Miyazaki said this

Go to the JAV thread on /jp/ and tell me if she doesn't look like east asian

The thing is that they only consider good looking the same featureless face with that classic alien shape head, just with different hair and eyes. Western devs add some distinguishable features to their characters, and weebs go with their "hurr, manface".

classic leddit claiming you aren't arguing something and then arguing it in the next sentence. you're literally making the tumble argument that anime character beauty standards are too high.

Instead he said that weebs have hijacked the industry and ruined it afterwards.

>The whole argument from weebs is that games shouldn't include ugly people, whether it's realistic or not
All that proves is how autistic and narrow minded you weebcunts are. There are plenty of games that put ugly people to good use in story telling, but you'd rather close your eyes than to see anything that doesn't look like an anime
>All games are made by Bio ware
There is no point, it's just bad modeling by the developers part
>Or comic books
I don't know, ask

Weeaboos are disgusting creature. Most of them are also pedophiles.

So... since the beginning?

looks like a doll OP, too much weeb games have altered your perception of reality