So are you guys playing Battlegrounds? My buddy got me to try it out and after watching a few streams it looks pretty fun. Downloading now. What do you guys think of this game?
So are you guys playing Battlegrounds...
Desync: The Game
Good concept, horrible implementation.
>multiplayer-only games
I want this meme to die. If I want to be social I'll go to the bar or hang out at a friends house. I play vidya to relax alone.
Different strokes for different folks I suppose eh boyo
I mean I guess I get it, it's just annoying because it seems to be getting much more prominent.
No one's forcing you to buy it so it really shouldn't bug you.
It's fun as fuck with buds, just got close 2nd in a squads match
my roommate and i have been playing this obsessively.
Both duo and single we almost always get top 15.
Ive won twice in squad where all three teammates died almost immediately.
People are just fucking retarded in this, its great.
why is Sup Forums so tsun for good games with plenty of fun? is it console-onlys who are jealous they can't play it? isn't it coming out on consoles later?
not an argument. you don't have to be "social" at all during co-op like they way you're describing it. i actually play this game to relax, but that goes for every game i play
i find solo the most fun
It's fun, but runs like dogshit and has memory leaks.
I'll get it when they optimize it
How can people play PUBG with the third person camera, it has no place in this game.
Is the game balanced around 3rd person camera? It only gives people who are hiding more advantages.
This is dota level mechanics retardation, just replace "because it was like that in wc3" with "because it was like that in ARMA"
>playing PUBG to relax
Jesus how stressful is your life that THIS is what relaxes you?
because giant open maps dont go well with first person only.
I almost never first person or even look down my sights, the hip fire is decent enough with the rifles.
Do you really want to be limited to first person viewing?
>are you playing Battlegrounds
Not anymore.
Same. Shit is just streamer bait for underage screechers.
it's video games. you're supposed to relax. hell, i even find things like CSGO competitive relaxing
Lol dipshit
>I almost never first person or even look down my sights
well of course you don't, you'd be gimping yourself if you didn't abuse 3p camera.
Right now, the game is centered around 3p camera abuse, I think it's fucking stupid. Do you think that being able to look out the window without exposing yourself is somehow a good mechanic? Getting ambushed without even the slightest chance to fight back?
Do people actually like humping trees all day?
What you do friendo?
Checked to see if my lag switch worked in the game. Got banned 15 minutes later after using it for a grand total of 10 seconds.
what's the matter, Sup Forums? what's preventing you from trying out this game?
afraid of something actually good?
no PC to play on, ya console woman?
can't into simple, entry-level improvisation?
"afraid" you might be diving into a hardcore community/game? because it really isn't
need a story to hold your hand?
need everything shoved in your face at 100mph like your usuall AAA games?
dislike fun?
H1Z1 clone made by the Tera devs, now watch shills yell about how it's totally better.
Runs like shit, nigga.
>If I want to shoot someone I'll join the army
The shooting doesn't work properly, which is really the bare minimum for me to play an FPS game. I mean, it's the primary thing.
>I wanted to test if I could cheat
>I could and they banned me
I don't see any problem here
just won my first game today. this game is pretty fun if you have time to burn, but now that I won I have 0 motivation to play it again.
third person
>small gook company having paid shills
Sure, but every time I play PUBG it feels like my heart is going to jump out of my chest. I can't get through a night of playing it without almost eating my teeth.
>go into empty house
>get rifle
>check out two more houses
>full stocked with no reason to move around anywhere
>wait for map change to see if you need to move
>if so, move
>if not, continue camping for another 10 minutes
>repeat as needed
It feels like an unpolished mess that pc gamers have decided is the new standard for multiplayer games. This is a game that while not necessarily a steaming pile of shit, its not exactly deserving of the praise it gets. Woah someone took a buggy mess game and made a different buggy mess variation with terrible optimization
Gook companies are the ones most likely to use shills. They can probably pay other Gooks literal pennies to shill for them.
>bullet spread doesn't real
You were going full auto when being shot at and taking damage. You can see the bullets kicking up dust behind the target player.
gooks are way too prideful to shill for pennies
who's playerunknown
cept it's not, there's never a shortage of single player games to play. It's just confirmation bias
a guy that thinks hes tom clancy
pennies is a livable wage in much of gookland. It's either that or make iPhones for pennies.
They're going far above the reticle, it has nothing to do with bullet 'spread'. They would be going all around him, not only above.
The bullets not going where the reticle says they go is unacceptable in an FPS.
That's realism.
t. someone thats never shot a gun
I will tell you why. They are jealous of the Playerunknown guy. They are jealous because he was the first non-gook to lead a gook video game team. He was called over to Korea, and people hate that because they wish it were them, thinking they can land a Korean "qt" plastic surgery girls. It's not about the video at all. It's about "muh Korean waifu"
servers are almost dayz tier bad at some points, I look at my ping with a network monitor and I got like 60 ping, but someone teleports around a corner and dumps an entire mag that sounds like only one shot was fired because the server didn't have another tick for like an entire second
how the fuck do you get a ban for lagswitching. That shit shouldn't hook the actual game itself, should it? Aren't lag switches just software that cuts outbound packets (or a literal switch soldered onto the ethernet cord that does the same thing?) How would they ban you for lag when you can hop over to an EU server with 800 ping and no issue.
Well H1Z1 is a clone of the arma 2/3 BR mod made by the same guy, and the same guy made the H1Z1 gamemode too. It's a clone, but it's not really a ripoff since he's really just copying his own work.
>fully auto guns are completely inaccurate at 30 feet and the bullets shoot out like a cone
If you're shooting from this, maybe.
so he thinks he's an author of military novels? really makes you think
>I would be 100% accurate jumping out of a moving jeep and going fully automatic from a standing position while being shot several times
The reticle is just where the bullet will land in ideal conditions.
t. someone thats never shot a gun
I flooded my whole network with traffic in the hopes that I could lie and claim it was my shitty connection if caught.
Emailed the game company and Battleeye to try and contest it, the game company emailed back saying "We don't deal with bans, you're not banned on our system so we can't do anything, contact Battleeye". Battleeye said "We don't deal with bans on our end, contact the game company".
he thinks hes an auteur of video games when he is really just a literally who mod dev
ACOG scope was bugged, it's getting fixed next patch. I don't blame you for hating the gun mechanics as are now, they are fucked, and so is Zeroing right now.
Bullet spread isn't realistic, neither are bullets going off the Chevron of the scope. The scope stays parallel to the rifle which means it should be parallel to the path the bullet travels, but in the case of the bugged ACOG that isn't how it works until this month's patch.
In a properly designed shooter game, the reticule is where the bullet should land every time (except when you take rifle zeroing, wind, and gravity into consideration, but that wouldn't matter at the range of the webm.) If you are going to design difficulty of aiming down a scope after jumping out of a car, you don't artificially make the bullets inaccurate, you would make the gun harder to sight in and add sway until you can get the rifle into a comfortable position to shoot.
icycalm's 3rd favourite game ever
I know how you feel
>parachute down
>get near some houses
>they haven't even loaded in yet
>just lay down and wait for three minutes until they properly load in so I can actually play the game
This shit happens so often.
The three things they need to fix are:
>server connections
Everything else can come second.
Also why do drop crates have great guns like the bolt action or the heavy machinegun, and then just have the shit tommy gun
>tommy gun
That thing shreds. It's like a Vectra with 100 round magazine.
t. someone thats never made a good post in their life
t.still shitposting
I don't know who this guy is at all -- nor are TC games any good -- but you just have a hate boner for this guy. But let me just tell you that he's definitely doing something right while you aren't ;)
t. still posting shitty posts
looks shit, wouldn't even consider it ever.
Tommy gun is actually amazing, Exceptional building clearing tool, great damage, low recoil, and massive magazine to prefire around corners.
It's great for lategame circles where you need to push short distances quickly as well because of the SMG movespeed bonus.
fuck off playerunknown
playerunknown wouldn't post nozomi, he's a maki fag
just go out and do something instead of feeling sorry for yourself. go play some basketball at the park or something. it'll make you a little better
fuck off weeaboos
You know what's crazy, the mounted .50 cal I fired didn't go precisely where the sight was, it deviated.
But what would I know, I've never fired a gun before.
i love her !
Was that at 30 feet?
That's so retardedly wrong.
The reticle shows where you're shooting. The difficulty comes from getting your reticle on what you're trying to hit and holding it steady through the pull.
I wouldn't know user, you told me I've never fired a gun before so it must be true,
should have bought a glock kid
if your weapon was zeroed for a range that is different than the range the target was at of course it is going to deviate
this was me
that was him
this is a weeb
this is (You)
In that case the shots would have been consistently in the wrong place. I was aiming dead centre of the target at around 100m and firing several second bursts.
One of the few games that gives me an adrenaline rush. Fucking love it.
Fun but it's too hard for me. Plenty of times i took 2nd or 3rd place, but never was able to win.
fotm streamer bait, i expect it to die out in 3 weeks or so
>last said 3 weeks ago
Fired the Glock 17, standard issue.
I'll play it if it releases.
who /invested in trenchcoats/ here
I bought 9 of these fuckers when they were at 60-80 bucks, now they are at 200, plus the set I got for pre-ordering
Literally got paid to buy the game, plus got several hundred bucks out of cosmetics
>4x Acog
>surprised it's shooing high when a guy is 10 feet away
You're a big dumb
It's not that it shoots high, it's that it's literally bugged as was shown by
who else trying to save 3000 points? what's in those crates? i have like 2000
stay banned you filthy cheating faggot
Family share works m8. Been playing it on my twink account.
That's silly.
I'm pretty sure all crates are the same
Pretty random, best is to wait for the weekly reset and buy more lower level crates. I think higher level crates offer a slightly better chance of a rare item but not by much.
I bought up to level 4 in my first week and got the following
Red T-shirt (Lvl 1 box)
Brown Pants (Lvl 2)
Vintage Baseball Cap (Lvl 3)
Bloody Shirt (Lvl 4)
tommy gun is terrible
in a weapon tier listing i'd rate it slightly above the pistols and below the frying pan
then play a different game retard
this will have a much much longer expiration date
like dayz and h1z1 before it, it will stay active and popular until a game of the same genre comes out that is better, which is going to be a long time
Last time I got it I killed 17 people in the space of a few minutes since the circle ended up closing in a town. It hits so hard at close/medium range that it basically erases them from time. It behaves exactly like a Vector in terms of damage. range and accuracy with the bonus of having a huge magazine size.
In open ground of course it's terrible, but for building clearing and other closer range battles it's king.
Who smg > shotgun here?