Explain why this game isn't shit
Explain why this game isn't shit
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a lot of people like it so that means its not bad
I could but I don't want to lie to you
I enjoyed myself, so it's not.
can't be arsed
Play it yourself and find out.
Explain why it's shit.
Why would I play a game that doesn't even work
Look at the screenshot
It got too popular
popular videogames on Sup Forums = its shit
Redditor logic.
I'm not understanding. What's wrong with the screenshot?
What am I looking for?
>fast, fluid and responsive gameplay
>brilliant music
>60 fps mostly
>interesting story
>side quests are interesting
Have you been in recent Automata threads?
It's not shit but I feel like people are going overboard calling it a masterpiece.
Oh? So it doesn't work? You playing on PC or something?
>a lot of people are dead so dying must be pretty cool
Haha good jokes guys
well yeah 100 billion people can't be wrong
All me
Isn't the combat really simple? The demo turned me off buying it.
Gotta love how noone can make people hate Nier
It gets old after about 10 minutes, and the game is about 20 hours long
I would call it a flawed masterpiece. From an objective standpoint there are many flaws but for some reason the end product is far greater than the sum of its parts.
What did you expect? Put DMC or Bayo combat into a 30 hour RPG and it gets boring and simple too
>objective standpoint
Get fucked dork
Didn't stop people from buying and enjoying Skyrim which has one of the worst combat systems ever
This man is right.
If only we had a few more fights like simone
This game's combat is shit compared to DMC/Bayo
And here we go./
The combat isn't the primary focus because it's first and foremost an rpg and Platinum aren't the directors. If you go in wanting bayonetta you'll be disappointed but otherwise it's bretty gud.
And they won't give up, it's sad
The combat is supposed to be monotonous.
Nier doesn't heave nearly as big group of autistic man children as it's playerbase as tes does
>dude just abuse dodge gltich muh rank so high
You can make every game look more simple or deep than it actually is
>he fell for the life meme
Cackling from my dungeon, flesh head.
>than it actually is
I think it's just a case of a niche series getting too much attention. People see fans of the series praising it and people that never gave a fuck go full "what an overrated piece of shit" when they have no fucking idea that it is a "Taro game" like all the others in the series and not a "Platinum game" like people, for some reason, think it is.
Yeah i can also juggle enemies in DMC and Bayo for hours that won't fight back because they're not balanced with proper damage floors, man what an amazing combat system
The story is filled with half assed metaphors and not thought out concepts picked up by better works. Style over substance, and the style isn't even great. Taro is a hack but got away with it because he's so whacky and cuhrazy XD But now he bit off more than he could chew with the theme of what it means to be human. This idiot believes he is a decent writer and weebs suck it up because they have no standards.
Also literally final fantasy xiii tier writing. Dialouges are shit and cringy. Just look at adam and eve.
Gameplay is a step down from every platinum game. Mash x to win. Rest is gimmicks. Refreshing yes, but not deep.
The only thing that makes it interesting is that it different from your usual square enix trash. But that has nothing to do with the developers. Everyone could come up with anime-tier shit like that. The only thing that is interesting is that square gave this game a budget, which is a risky move for them, since they don't put out much besides endless FF and DQ spin offs.
The first nier didn't act like it was more than it really was. This one does. If you are older than 18 and enjoy this story unironically, I have bad news for you. If you play this because of the gameplay, okay. But you should know that there are better alternatives like DMC3.
Ah yes, the damage floors....the downfall of every great action game.....
Why is DMC combat so good though?
It's a mediocre action game and a mediocre nier game.
>its first and foremost an RPG
Having a leveling system that does nothing doesn't magically make something an RPG.
If you'd put Bayo in this with leveing up and no rank system it would boil down to the same shit, just doingthe same OP combos, noone would bother with juggles or anything like that.
>so good
>with those damage floors
Don't make me laugh kiddo
When was Taro ever "cuhrayzee" besides Automata?
So a Nier game?
Having flashy animations doesn't make something DMC or Bayo either
Nier had way better story, music and character dynamics. No one liked Nier for it's combat and since automata has a shit cast it's a mediocre Nier title
I'm waiting for the PC version to not be fucked to play.
Is it patched yet?
Official, not that gay mod.
Not an argument
....I wasn't saying that though.
Deflect harder please.
I liked it's combat system, it's certainly better than Nier Automatas, it just doesn't look as flashy. At least you have to actualyl dodge and can't shoot and attack non stop in that one.
Get laid dork
Is Platinum/SE known for their PC support?
>mediocre action game
>mediocre nier game
>mediocre """rpg"""
>mediocre story game
>mediocre mix of fuckloads of genres
The game is good for ass and music
I wish I could replay it for those things alone but nope.
I don't think you actually played Nier
What is a game that you guys feel handles the themes of Automata better
I enjoyed the music and the gameplay while it's not the greatest thing ever it's still decent.
The themes and the plot is kind of on the side for the first hours of the game but if you pay attention it speaks a lot through the characters so it's not hard to get immersed in what is happening, all this makes the game to reach a nice conclusion in ending E.
I see myself replaying this game in the future but not anytime soon.
Holy shit.
This is literally the same list of pros and cons for Undertale.
Shit rpg, shit shmup, shit VN.
Good music.
What move is that at sec3 that propels you upwards once in the air?
Pretty sure I read the same list for Nier itself, and yet now "nier game" is a factor?
Do you just redefine what 'mediocre' means whenever you want to berate a game?
Sure bud
I guess i only imagined getting the Pink Moonflower trophy twice
>I enjoyed the music
>I like listening to computer game OSTs, unlike those stupid normies and their top 40s and what have you
Get some taste you absolute fucking pleb
One of the pod programs.
Oh Nier is a genre now? Guess it's that time again where the horrible Taro fanbase strikes back and now hates everything that is too popular
So you're a contrarian? Okay
because 2B is sexy? are you fucking dumb?
>that cheeky hack at the end just for bm
Undertale has no ass though
The original Nier, for one, had a cast of characters that you could actually give a flying fuck about
I don't understand how anyone is supposed to give a shit about 2B and 9S' """romance"""
And no, outside information in fan translated fucking pastebins doesn't count for actual storytelling.
Pretty sure its not, I don't mean the grappling hook
What makes listening to music from video games outside of video games unacceptable?
not good enough reason for the rest of your points
I've been listening to Sup Forums saying how Nier has mediocre gameplay and agreed, apparently Automata's gameplay is mediocre now, everything just redefined like that just so Sup Forums can shit on it.
Your opinion is mediocre.
get on my level faggotron
The launcher i think, if you cancel your first launcher and pull yourself towards an enemy in the air you can do a launcher in the air
This is the fate of all popular games, doomed to be shitposted because a judgement was made based on the fans, and those who have played it went into the game specifically to nitpick at the flaws and use the fact it's not perfect as a reason why it's the "worst game ever."
That it's for fucking autists. Try telling any girl that you listen to video game OSTs and see what happens. You'll get no pussy, because you are fucking autistic.
If that makes you sleep at night. So first you say Nier is better and when i tell you that i also like it better i'm contrarian? Make up your mind
The "fans" aren't any better at this point honestly. They slowly start to hate it just as much and just call every a secondary if an opinion shows up that they don't like
I should mention I never said Nier was better. Thinking Nier had better combat than Automata is comical when it Nier was just slightly better than Drakengard
Two main characters are dumb as rocks and also annoying
>Relying on the flesh of others to provide pleasure and self-assurance
Honestly it's up to those who don't like the game to at least state their opinion in a respectable manner.
If you come into a thread on a videogame with the intention of calling it shit and how you hate everything about it, the fans will call you a faggot. You can't get angry at them for that.
Likewise if you start a thread with the intention of getting a bunch of angry fans calling you a faggot, you have no right to bitch because you are in fact a fag.
What does Automata do better then?
RPG with a garbage story and not a single actual character. How is that good?
>implying I don't fuck your mom every night with this at the background
The combat is mediocre because the enemy variety in both types and movesets is dogshit
Dodging is infinitely spammable and ruins any challenge
The boss fights peak 3 hours in with the opera singer
Higher level enemies can't be juggled and thus ruins any fun you could have had with all the abilities
Its only good for getting pointless muh ebens combo videos
How many daily Automata shitpost threads have Sup Forums? Just go fuck yourself op.
>s-see i-i-i d-dont care that im a....a v-v-vuh-virgin.....got you haha
You are a fucking loser. No one will ever love you because you have autism.
Yeah because you know, it can't possibly be true that someone bought the game wanting an enjoyable game and left with a massive sense of disappointment without any preexisting bias or agenda.
No no no, everything has a reason now. If you dislike something, thats because you are a big willy meanie and you're just wrong :)
>the end product is far greater than the sum of its parts.
You might call it a gestalt game.
+Good voice acting, surprising for an English dub.
+Nice environments, atmosphere
+Great soundtrack
+Great story
+Some boss fights are pretty fun
-All of the QoL things that have been implemented for the past six years of Platinum games (Ninja run so you don't trip over every little rock, a healing mechanic that isn't just mash the Start/Quick Heal Not Die button such as the Zandatsu from MGR, having increased speed after you've been running for a while be interrupted every time you jump/need to climb, etc.)
-No real combos to speak of besides light chain, heavy chain, light then heavy, launcher, and that stupid Pod kick that does fuck all damage.
-Weapon types give a bit of variation to the movesets but no real advancement in the combo department, and some weapons are just better than others no matter how much you upgrade
-One character who you spend probably more than half the game playing as completely removes the heavy button to replace with Hacking (Yes you can still get heavies by waiting after you've input a light, but that's still severely hampering the playstyle). Hacking is also the best way to do damage, and becomes incredibly boring after a while
-Open world does NOTHING for the game besides waste your time
-Side quests all have some good writing, totally hampered by awful fetch quests. Very few side quests that aren't just "go here collect trinket come back"
-Enemy designs are cute but boring to fight against, 85% of enemy encounters are just useless fodder you have to mash through, with the occasional big guy/ bullet shooters to liven things up
I mean it's a solid 7/10 on my own not-retarded game journalist meter, but I think people are blowing this way out of proportion. I enjoyed the Yoko Taro portions of this game WAY more than I ever did Platinum's, and I fucking hated Drakengard and could barely tolerate Nier.
Too much for this thread
Pretty sure this is some HZD or ZBOTW posters.
This thread is getting too deep for me.
I knew you'd start crying
>open world
Man people always act like this game is fucking huge, but it's pretty small it's just a few big hubs and you run fast as fuck and can even ride animals like in the first Nier and can even teleport midway thourgh the game