Fallout 3 and New Vegas are millions of times better than the absolute trash that is Fallout 1 and 2

Fallout 3 and New Vegas are millions of times better than the absolute trash that is Fallout 1 and 2.

Prove me wrong fags.

all fallout games are shit except for NV

Idk about one or two but I enjoy New Vegas over 4.

If I want to role play as part of the legion should I attack anyone on sight?

2 is cool shut the fuck up nerd

whenever i play legion i kill every ncr i can find on the map

Got BTFO on the other thread OP?

be a Legion Frumentari, lets you do more quests for the legion because you can do NCR quests and then purposefully pick the outcome that fucks over the NCR. also some quests like the ones at McCarran actually have built in ways for a frumentari member of the legion to act as a frumentari

lol no

list one thing fallout 1 and 2 did better than fallout 3 and nv

Imagine having taste this bad

end of thread.

toppest of my keks, ebin bait

didnt new vegas have prostitutes in the atomic wrangler or some shit?

>implying fo1 and fo2 were good

and Gomorrah

OP you never even played Fallout 1 and 2. Don't even pretend.


Iv put nearly 50 hours into fallout 1 and it is a legit bad game. also fallout 4 is garbage as well.

>Shit > bile

And you have the prostitute in the first city in FO3 as well. If you count in mods the new games have infinitely better prostitution too.

Shit b8

Hmmmm I like Fallout better than Fallout 3

>one lone nuclear attack would have the same recovery time as full blown nuclear war


We can't if a game similar to f3 was released during the real f1 or 2 they would be absolutely destroyed

>Has the rest of Japan intact to repair

>Diamond City
>Doesn't because entire country got nuke-fucked

The best FO is FO4 you un-cultured faggot

FO:NV > FO3 > FO4 > fifa > dogshit > FO1 and FO2

>My subjective tastes are better than your subjective tastes
>Give me (You)s which won't change my opinion, homos
Why can't you be more direct in what you're asking for, user?

im asking how people can enjoy these games, they are garbage

I like them a lot :)