>none of us will ever get to BE Samurai Jack
What games capture the art, sound, and feel of samurai jack? What's the closest I can get to being the wandering samurai?
>inb4 ps2 games
They were shit
None of us will ever get to BE Samurai Jack
>>none of us will ever get to BE Samurai Jack
Good I actually want a wife who exists.
Show was only ever good when it had punished jack
babby tier romance shit was garbo
Nothing beats the first couple episodes.
After that it went downhill. Ending wasn't terrible, but the action after the first 2 or 3 episodes was certainly not as intense or choreographed as well.
They didn't even do anymore panel splitting beyond the first 2 episodes.
Way of the Samurai
Shiren the Wanderer
Furi if you want the same feel
Breath of the wild, hyper light drifter, witcher 3
/tg/ material but DnD can fill that void in a sense.
I ran a single person campaign and made every session like it's own little episode, that was pretty close to how Jack does it. Assuming you can find another person and be alright with, well you know not an actual game I say give that a shot.
>They didn't even do anymore panel splitting beyond the first 2 episodes.
Holy shit youre right. That guy was rushed for a plot and didn't want to make it good
That was maybe the worst ending I've seen in years. I'm still ass mad about it. Not only do thy shoehorn a terrible romance into the story but then say "fuck it" last second and make all those people Jack helped not exist? What a fuck you to fans.
>Plot point revealing that the only thing barring Samurai Jack's success was his insistence to work alone
>Everyone not directly related to Aku get a happy ending in a saved future.
>Jack gets back home at last
>A fuck you to fans
I think that's just you.
>j-just play pretend
Fuck off back to your hole /tg/
That's cute because you're basically describing the intended comic book ending
Which is nothing at all like S5's ending
I won't but I'll say I am, have a picture before I go.
Then I just described both endings, because essentially the same thing happens, it's just that the show doesn't shove it in your face that Aku's defeat fixed everything.
With Aku dead all those aliens/robots would never have come to earth. Literally every character doesn't exist now that Aku never colonized the ending.
You know what would have been a great moral dilemma? I f Jack questioned if he even wants to defeat Aku and reverse the life he has lived. What if he didn't know if he actually wants to return to the past with his family or stay in the future, defeat Aku there, and live with all the people that loved him him. That would've been interesting.
But no. They added a terribly developed romance then just leave it on a bitter note for what felt like nothing more then a dumb twist.
>everyone dies
>then didn't exist at all
>ignoring the giant pink ape that is Ashi
Fuck off to your denial faggot
theyll probably still exist but just not under Aku's thumb
We never did see Punished Jack all bloodied up and wielding the sword.
See They never would have come to Earth. Literally everyone Jack knew doesn't exist anymore.
Why would everyone just no longer exist just because the world isn't shit?
Best Jack simulators are MGR for slicing robot people into a million pieces and Ninja Gaiden Black for having a character with a magic evil-killing sword that starts in a feudal japan (looking) prologue before moving into a fantasy-futuristic city environment for the rest of the game.
>lol gurren lagann ending except Ashi doesn't even get to the altar
>Doesn't get to say a happy goodbye, just "I'm a paradox, shit" before disappearing
>Jack doesn't disappear despite the specific instance of him also being a paradox
Yeah, if they wanted to do the bittersweet ending they should have done it the other way around and have Jack stuck in the future forever but he gets to live with his waifu and all the friends he made in a liberated future.
If that's the worst ending then you must not watch a lot of shit in the first place. That ending was *just* okay. It was an ending. I'd say it's one of the most disappointing endings ever if this show was never cancelled for years and thought to be completely dead.
If this ending made anyone realize anything, it's that who actually gives a FUCK if Jack is ever going to beat Aku. The episodic stories, artstyles, and direction were the best part about the show. When it now focuses on the plot, it needs to have an ending that does the show justice. Which it didn't. All it did was end the story.
>>inb4 ps2 games
>They were shit
Just like Samurai Jack
or at least literally copy the gurren lagann ending 1:1 instead of only sorta and let him have a sappy goodbye with Ashi knowing she would disappear instead of having her explain it in an exposition 2 seconds before she was time deleted
Or, you know, not have her disappear at all and let jack be happy with his aku waifu
Jack needs to suffer though.
>jack doesn't even say goodbye to all the friends he's made over the years
>Ashi, you have Aku's powers!
>lol cya fags
Literally Ashi's fault. Bitch just time portal'd herself and Jack as soon as Jack told her she had Aku power in her.
Okami Maybe?
PS2 games are great, Fuck you.
What wasn't show onscreen was literally everyone but the Scotman's children dying in that spike rain.
Well that's because she knew what to do.
Still the finale should have been stretched over two episodes at least, I think. It felt way too compressed for one.
only the robots died because they're robots.
Everyone else was like "ow shit" and got knocked off whatever they were riding instead of being visibly impaled despite the ratings allowing it.
Shit. The future that aku created is no longer in existence so jack couldn't have traveled back in time with ashi to kill aku.
Note that said people weren't show again afterward. The show likes to do that when good guys die unless it's the Scotsman. They dead.
Take a look at these fight scenes.
Notice how in all these fights Aku changes form a lot, which makes for a very great fight. People expected the final fight to be even better, but instead we got Ashit taking up all the screentime, Ashit fighting Aku instead of Jack, and Ashit sending a time portal before Jack even had a chance to fight future Aku like we all anticipated.
When Jack finally got to fight Aku, it was very anticlimatic. The whole 'YOU'RE BACK ALREADY' and the fight being over in 30 seconds made the whole scene a joke. I truly did expect a fight akin to the graveyard Aku fight scene since Jack lost his sword again, but instead we got a bunch of lousy fanservice and power of love moments. And on top of all of that, Jack's father and the people who trained him didn't even age like how they did in the pilot. Wasn't Jack's father supposed to be really old?
The ending is complete shit. Samurai Jack deserves better. I'm so fucking angry, the whole thing was like one big fanfiction, minus the first few episodes.
>Stealing your ending from the medium you and your fanbase despise so much
>and doing it worse because no one liked Ashi so there's no emotion when she goes poof in literally one second
>there will never EVER be a good samurai jack game
>if there ever was one it would probably be one of those stupid typical hack and slash games
Feels bad, babe.
Why are samurai jack fanboys such sad fats?
Hyper Light Drifter for sure
has kind of a similar art style and there is no dialog at all which reminded me a lot of the episodes of Samurai Jack that were mostly silent where he's just kind of wandering in this strange world and fighting freaky enemies. And that's pretty much what you do in HLD as well
>post yfw ashi disappears
>They were shit
So is Samurai Jack, you Sup Forumsmblr fuck. Go read a book or watch a movie.
What? Samurai Jack fans hate anime?
Them and western animation fans in general. Like you have no idea.
>he didn't watch the second episode of the fifth season
Easily the best episode in the entire series. It doesn't use any dialogue at all in the entire second half and it still got its point across.
>Korra season 1-4 exists
Found a contender mate. One shit season vs fucking up every season except a rushed third. Plus lesbians and shitty romance. And poor character development. Every season.
I told you dumb retards that the ending would be worse than ME3's, but none of you believed me. God DAMN do I feel vindicated. Love always being right.
By the way Bitcoin's going to drop like a stone in June. You're welcome.
Actually witcher 3 does kinda give that feel. Except everyone hates you
>>none of us will ever get to BE Samurai Jack
most of Sup Forums would have just gave up going after Aku after 2 years and would just hooked up with some 3 eyed monster girl instead.
>Bitcoin's going to drop like a stone
But half of my coworkers are trying to get rich with it!
They're going to get fucked. China halted all bitcoin (and many other popular cryptocurrencies) exchanges for the moment so when they resume there's going to be a mass cash out.
>tfw after the Goku Black arc in Dragon Ball Super this didn't phase me nearly as much because I already was a victim of an amazing arc ending horribly and shitting all over everything the fans loved
The tomb scene was still one of my favorites
>I told you dumb retards that the ending would be worse than ME3's
They could have had a last time portal aku lied about instead, the one with the guardian. He hadn't actually managed to kill him, just hide him away.
To get to it he has to beat future aku with the help of all his friends. Then he has to 1v1 the guardian and go back and fight Aku in the past with Ashi. Then the future gets to live without Aku, and Samurai jack starts a new timeline without Aku.
>When you kill Aku, reducing him to nothing more but the Dark Soul and now you have to finish up every last bit of him
>Wasting an entire season on a half-assed love story between Jack and a plot divice with a vagina
God damn what a disappointment
>no one remembers how good ep 7 was
>people just talk about le epic first 3 episodes with le ebig bearded jack because its 2dark4u
To be fair, Guardian's fucked if Aku finds him. Doesn't matter how good you are, if mundane weapons are all you got there's just nothing you can do.
And the Guardian doesn't seem like the type to bail on the portal.
>amazing anything
Fuck off.
The 4th season started off amazing. Everything up to episode 8 was really good. But 9 and 10 ruined it.
I didn't mind jack falling in love or any of that. But I would have wanted jack to be married and live happily or be miserable. Not this weird in between thing.
The last 10 seconds could have been a much older jack going to go fight the Guardian of his era to go to ashi. Or something I don't know.
You don't have to be able to kill aku to make him fuck off. Also we know the portal can relocate itself, why wasn't guardian in hiding from Aku until jack beats him then he instantly appears because he no longer has to hide.
I'm still mad Aku lost in the end. Series should've ended with Aku laughing over Jack's corpse. Would've been kino as fuck.
>You will never be this edgy
>people watched for the plot
The main reason the show was good was that it was episodic. Gave a good world to develop through stories and interactions
The moment it was revealed to be an arc should've been warning bells. The main reason people jerk off the first three/four edgy eps was because it was still somewhat episodic nomadic samurai jack that we enjoyed, just now with punished jack.
Transitioning back to plot was done bad, not solely Ashi but damn pacing too. More episodes to do final fight and develop Jack losing his grit+justify romance
Still was a fun ride with Sup Forums no matter how disappointing ep 10 was. It was fun.
The call back one too?
Thst stuff was good too. Got to see older characters, see how Jack was influential to them, had some charm even with the female plot device.
It should have ended with Ashi turning into Aku in a wedding dress.
>You don't have to be able to kill aku to make him fuck off.
You absolutely have to be able kill Aku to make him fuck off. He just tanks it otherwise.
As for the portal, it really depends on when Aku got to the Guardian. We know he obsessively monitors Jack for the first four seasons so that's probably how he found out about the portal & the Guardian to begin with. Is that something you'd just leave laying around?
Just realized this scene didn't even happen
It's called art, retard.
>Samurai Jack game
>When at 5% or less health you do 5x damage.
You mean watching Ashi go from Mary Sue to Dragonball Z character with a worthless fight against an army that didn't matter just so the fight of Ashi vs her mother and Jack vs himself are way too fucking short?
I could do with a Jack game, but only if it's made by based Kamiya-san.
>haha what if the bad guy one haha that would be like so cool haha
Sure user. Art.
I don't know if anyone felt this way. but it felt like the writers putting Aku in a slump would later reveal a side to him that would eventually evolve to a more hot blooded final boos.
He still didn't really seem to take thing serious, it sort of took the gas out of the ending battle.
Yeah everyone is fine, they'll just get back up right?
>Aku never mans the fuck up for one final showdown with the samurai now that he's pushed into a corner
>The fight between Jack and Aku in the graveyard was far more climatic and intense than the season finale of the show
Fucking sold
>Nothing beats the first couple episodes.
How to safely disregard someone's opinion on the new season.
fuck i forgot the pic
Congratulations on being the only person in this thread who knows what they're talking about
Is that game really good? Been meaning to get it.
Why did Jack's parents look young during the wedding scene?
you seem angry, it has consumed you for too long.
He's fiiine.
I'm still never going to go to reddit, even if it let me understand this response.
>manning the fuck up against a guy whose sword was literally created to kill you
>Who you've sent thousands maybe millions of people to die against.
>Who only gets stronger the more you hit him
Would you pick a fight with Jack?
Pic related, its Aku
> The whole 'YOU'RE BACK ALREADY' and the fight being over in 30 seconds made the whole scene a joke.
It was a joke. That was intended to be hilarious and it was. Aku was also completely drained from fighting Jack so it made sense.
You, and people like you, need to get over the fact that your headcanon for what Jack was supposed to do didn't end up happening.
With other stuff I might have agreed.
But you can't even deny that there was a visible dip in quality as the episodes went on. But please do tell me on how what that user said was wrong.
I just don't get the whole "Aku getting sucked into the sword" thing
why does that keep happening
I don't know why you fucks are focused on the existence of the people. What the fuck do you think was going to happen when Jack went back to the past?
Why not talk about HOW he went back to the past was fucking done by some Mary Sue that was forced in outta no where?
Jack should have had to kill Ashi, that or she dies trying to save him.