What are some games with ridicilous plotholes?

What are some games with ridicilous plotholes?

Why is the bus a plthole?

what's the plothole?

Any game based on the Jurassic Park movies.

Probably the fact the bus is covered in a ton of debris and shit that would make it obvious plus the fact anyone could simply follow the correct bus.

>Bus drives out from a fucking exploded bank wall
>In broad daylight
>With police 50 meters away

Are you serious?
What's the plothole????

>police dont notice busses covered in dust and debris
>other busses dont notice or report two busses wedged into the bank pull out and join them


The only problem with that is why would the other fence also be broken?

Ur mum had ridiculous "plothole" (if you get my meaning) when I was done with her last nite lol

>in a fucking series where a billionaire spends his nights in a bat costume fighting crime
it's comic book hyperbole you fucking dweebs

>shitting on my plan

tell that to my face

im retarded what is this?
I get its the first movie with the t-rex but what?

If I remember correctly the T-Rex pulled out some of the wires from the adjacent fences when she made her escape, that might just be my obsessive love for the movie speaking though.

It's the T-Rex's paddock from Jurassic Park, it's kind of weird when you're watching the T-Rex escape and attack at first because there's that 100 ft drop that seems like it appears out of nowhere (which Dr. Grant and Lex use to escape while Tim is thrown into the tree down below by the T-Rex).
The 100 ft drop is actually directly next to the T-Rex's enclosure (and across from the kids' car) to keep her from wandering into other dinosaurs' territories and to let the workers do maintenance on the fence without fear of getting eaten.

Hope my autism helped user.

It's america. They are all retarded.

ok thanks

giant cliff seems to be a better deterrent than a wall

like, why are there clones fighting themselves? and what the hell are Reaper's orbs, anyway?

I don't think that's a plothole just an overlooked error.

That's nothing, the plot hole in The Lost World was much worse, in the boat scene where they find all the crewmen dead doesn't make any sense since all they had in the ship was a T-Rex, like how the hell would a T-Rex manage to eat the people inside the ship, the control center, etc. Not to mention he was locked inside the ship.

Did the dark knight have as many plot holes as rises?

So why DIDN'T they just use the eagles to fly the ring to Mt. Doom?

The only plothole i can think of is from Skyrim. And its the obvious question: What crime did you commit that warrented the death penalty?

>hurr i dont know what suspension of disbelief is

Being Dragonborn.