Fromsoft Souls game for Switch?

What if Fromsoft created an original Souls styled game for Switch?

The way I imagine it is they could make it a futuristic setting for once, perhaps cyberpunk or mecha style.

>Cyberpunk souls game
>has a focus around ranged combat rather than close up
>When you "Switch" from portable to docked the graphics change, as it's like "upgrading" your internal hardware, the graphic style because more realistic
>They could also have in-game effects of playing in different modes for the first playthrough, such as playing in portable mode turning you faster but more fragile, while being in docked mode makes you tougher but slower

Would you guys want an original sci-fi souls for Switch?

>What if Fromsoft created an original Souls styled game for Switch

I doubt From would commit to something like this unless they were commissioned, though that's not outside the realm of possibility

Still waiting on an Armored Core first personally

Why are you making this thread as if it hasn't been discussed a trillion times?

So you'd prefer wanking in waifushit threads instead?

it's called Surge, go play that shit already nigga


I like the switching concept, there's honestly too much complaining in games these days to have every possible option available to you.
If they designed something well that forces you to change your playstyle, I'd enjoy it.

Not with the Switch's hardware. From's shit at programming I can't imagine what it'll be like on the Switch.

>The Surge
>Literally just shitty Lords of the Fallen type shit

DaS3 isn't badly optimized from what I remember, though I'm playing it on PC... Couldn't Nintendo help them with something like that? FROM being bad at optimization hasn't stopped people from crying about how they want them to make the next 3D Metroid game..

>laughing girls meme
who posts this faggot ass shit jesus


Kill yourself drone

The Surge is good, quit falling for memes on Sup Forums

It really isn't discussed that much, at least not from what I can see. Sup Forums really doesn't talk about video game ideas that much.

>It really isn't discussed that much

Sci fi souls is discussed in every souls thread ever.

Even after 3 months you Sonyfags are still buttblasted, stay fucking mad lmfao

It really isn't, man. It might get a post or two occasionally, but unless OP hangs out in every souls thread then he probably doesn't see it often. It's certainly nothing new as far as ideas go, though.

How would FROM balance ranged combat anyway? Not sure how they can make ranged combat "souls".

Souls games are about reading patterns and dodging attacks or exploiting parries and openings, no? That's what it's about at its core IMO. I don't think ranged combat is too difficult to balance in those terms. Might get bullet hell-esque though

PC is the better platform but yes, everyone and their mother wants a cyberpunk Soulsborne game..

I'd rather have a cyberpunk Dragon's Dogma

>Dragon's Dogma

The Switch doesn't even have enough buttons for a souls-like game.

It has the same amount of buttons as a PS4 or XBOne controller??

>focus on ranged combat rather than close up

Somebody is ass pained they suck at melee combat.

There's no reason you wouldn't have both melee and ranged combat.

Yeah, but guns is better for a sci-fi setting don't you think? I'd rather it not be a complete clone or reskin of what souls games are right now. Maybe melee combat will be as difficult to use as magic currently is in Souls versus ranged combat?