So Sup Forums, tell me what's been bothering you

so Sup Forums, tell me what's been bothering you

I'm confused as to why Sup Forums hates cinematic movie games, but they give a pass to trash like Xenoblade and Senran Kagura and bayonetta, which are even more cinematic than garbage like Uncharted.

They always bring up the game time required to beat it, as if that means anything. If the game was so good, then why have cinematics? why shove cutscenes down my throat? The game is terrible if it requires such a crutch.

I'm bothered that the season started off so strong and got progressively worse and culminating into a giant lump of disappointment.

the ending of samurai jack

I work a job that isn't what I want to be doing. It's not terrible but a fucking monkey could do it. I went to school to be an environmental scientist and have my degree, but nobody wants to bite on my application. I've had lots of looks and people have done pre-screens with me. I've even had a couple of interviews with no luck.
Every day I go to my shitty job I feel a little more like I've failed. It's tough to talk to anybody about it though.

Video game related: I have to share my PS4 with my gf, so finding time for Persona 5 is tough when she's balls deep and over halfway through.

Sup Forums derailing every fucking thread on Sup Forums, they literally can't shut the fuck up about politics

Well you see doctor, it's been 5 months since I actually played an actual videogame.

There are a few specific users on the site who have been harassing me for over a year or so and they haven't been rangebanned yet despite being proven to ban evade numerous times.
Fucking mods aren't going to do anything about it.

ur mom won't stop calling me cus the dicking last week was too good lul

I don't understand people who """play""" visual novels in order to fap. Either fap, read a comic/book, or play a game.


Hollow Knight fucked me out of 100% by bugging out at the colosseum, which happened shortly after a reset was required because you can get stuck in a room that requires double jump even though double jump isn't required to get to that point

I was probably going to buy it but alas

I know that feel bro. Years or work for a degree in computer sciences and noone cares because fucking primary school kids learn that stuff now. So I work as a barista.


Hang in there user. Know that the fact alone that you have a degree and a job means that you've succeeded in some aspect of your life. Someone will bite eventually.

>no degree, too poor
if you guys can't make it what the fuck am i going to do

>pirates game
>complains when it has bugs
Guaran-fucking-tee the bug was already fixed by the time you played, but it was an older version

I started doing a Bayonetta pure platinum run on Normal after beating the game because I really wanted to unlock Jeanne. After spending about 11 hours trying to pure platinum the very first chapter and failing, I gave up and was left feeling suicidal.

>I'm confused as to why Sup Forums hates cinematic movie games, but they give a pass to trash like Xenoblade and Senran Kagura and bayonetta, which are even more cinematic than garbage like Uncharted.
What? Did you just say Xenoblade and Bayonetta have more cinematics than gameplay? Just to confirm because I want to know how hard I should laugh at you.

I died in a game and lost some progress.

Thats okay though, whats really bothering me about it is that no one cares about shit games enough to find all the secrets and put it on a wiki so I can tell how far I am for completion

Thanks guys. I still apply every day. Everyone is super supportive but I'm my own worst enemy.
Don't worry user. I know friends who came out of university with 70k a year jobs. It comes down to a bit of luck. Mine's been shit, but yours could be better. Chin up.

I do still like my hobbies, and get a dozen or so hours out of vidya and anime a week, but for a while now I haven't been able to find the sort of magical thing that -captivates- me. There are some games/shows that I used to be able to binge play/watch for days, but now most of what I'm doing is 'a few hours, every few days'.

It doesn't help that life is starting to rev up and take more of my time

They arent Sup Forums problems so I wouldnt post them here

Smart move, user. We don't care about your personal problems.

I hate when games from devs who focused on gameplay start having a bigger emphasis on cinematics/ story etc.
I like Naughty Dog's games because they can pull them off well, but shit like Horizon just pisses me off. They know they can't write for shit but they still force hours of cutscenes down your throat. I just want to play the damn game.

Retards using the term "SJW" deliberately incorrectly to mask the fact that their hatred of some mundane shit is boring and not worth discussing. By saying something is SJW, they make it seem their hatred is significant and worth talking about.

Westernfags and their obsession with realism, especially in artstyle

The show actually addressed the paradox Ashi created by existing without Aku but completely ignored the 1000 other paradoxes created when they killed Aku.
The ending was trash

How a 10 episode series can go from being the savior of western cartoons to complete dogshit

I have a year and a half on my electrical engineering degree and I'm frightened as fuck that there'll be nothing for me after. I honestly don't like this degree that much but I need to finish it at this point so I at least have something, maybe I can spin off it into law.

I'm sure there's going to be something for you user, just keep at it

I feel like this season was them wanting to wrap it up without as much resources or time as they wanted to. I also feel like it no longer being restricted to being safe enough for kids allowed hem to add elements they wanted from the beginning but just had to force in since it was their final season.

Nope, it's fucked on other platforms like GOG as well

>without as much resources or time
>over 3 hours isnt enough time

It was way more than a movie could have done and that tried and failed 3 times before

of course cause I feel the same way about anyone else.

Jack should of stayed edgy and go nuclear

Quantum Chemistry is my most beloved subject and I want to devote my life to it but I am terrible at it.

I'm anxious with occasional bouts of hendonism but I feel like I should be more miserable because Sup Forums always talks about how depressed/suicidal they always are.

>Sup Forums can't shut up about politics

you don't say...

what paradoxes? Ashi being in the past and getting erased was the only paradox and they fixed it, nothing else in that timeline was influenced by aku except maybe the scared sword and jack traveling through time. The only paradox I can think of is jack not accel aging when the future catches up to aku being destroyed.

I play video games too fucking much and it's been really hard to change that.

The thing is, you need to take in the gameplay/cut scene ratio.
The Last of us is a 10 hour game with 4 to 6 hours of cutscenes.
Xenoblade Chronicles is an 80 hour game with 10 hours of cutscenes.

>I want to devote my life to it but I am terrible at it
Oh God, I know this feeling too well.

>just graduated from engineering physics last month
>loved every minute of it
>but was still absolute shit at it
>somehow graduated with a GPA of 2.74
>been applying to jobs since last September with absolutely zero luck
I should have changed programs in my second year. I can at least say I endured one of the hardest program in my school, but that won't get me a job.

Jack going back to the past and killing Aku is a paradox in itself. If Aku didn't exist then Ashi didn't exist, if Ashi didn't exist Jack would never have been sent back to the past and thus would never have killed Aku.

>Jack kills Aku in the future and goes back
>Gives the hope future without Aku and creates a new timeline where Aku never existed
>Jack goes back and leaves all his friends to die
>Ashi disappearing means the future was probably erased with Aku

Shit ending. Thank goodness I never believed Jack needed an ending in the first place after the Guardian episode shit.

almost two years of working multiple part-times to make a living. I'm starting to lose motivation at work because my contracts all conveniently expire this summer.

Also, new Twin Peaks is missing the warm characterization and humor of the original, which is making me sad.

That's not actually a problem you fucking dumbass

Jack in the future is already a paradox, he doesn't age, all that actually happened was he moved a few seconds into the future

Well after the last few weeks of being disappointed by Overwatch I've been getting the urge to go slumming it in TF2 once more. Whereas TF2's fault is in its decreasing developer support over the past 11 years, Overwatch is an inherently faulted game that will never have its problems fixed because they are part of the core. This is the realization which is making me want to go back, and I don't know if I should feel guilty for wanting to go back in the first place.

>I want to devote my life to it but I am terrible at it.
I know how it feels

>been applying to jobs since last September with absolutely zero luck
I feel my future is this and the only thing that keeps me going is the fact that my moms bar will always be there if I wash out.

Without aku there is no Ashi. Without ashi there is no one to bring jack back to the past. Without jack back to the past he cant kill aku. Paradox.

Its that simple. The very fact that aku "was the future" implies he never actually went back, otherwise aku would just have flung him into a peaceful future where aku got killed centuries ago by a brave warrior, would find some portal or magic and would return to the past, kill aku and close the cycle.

I've seen more people complain about Sup Forums this last year than actual Sup Forums related posts/threads.

I'm more sick of you guys and your inability to ignore and report them like everybody else.

You're getting your cause and effect mixed up, since he's going backwards it doesn't behave that way

the series ending of Samurai Jack was fucking shit.

See, this is what I mean. Ratio means absolutely nothing. If taking out 10% of your game ruins every other part, then the gameplay in your game sucks horribly.

and here they FUCKING are


I thoguht that, eventually, over time, Randy Pitchford would just DIEEEEEEEEEEEEE

But he hasn't even aged! He just grew that stupid beard!

Nice falseflag, Sup Forums.

>so Sup Forums, tell me what's been bothering you
Well, the fucking ending that erased everyone we come to like in the series in such an underwhelming and poorly executed way. Everyone is fucking GONE. I remember exactly the last time i felt so mad. Pic related explain it well.

I assume people who make this claim either very casually browse or are deliberately ignorant. They pretty frequently do actual raids, and I can't remember the last time I saw the front page without some shitty Sup Forums thread. There's also some topics you just can't discuss without Sup Forums losing their fucking shit.

They've spread to nearly every board I browse like fucking cockroaches when food's left out. The one exception being /cgl/ because I guess high female population boards aren't as easy to "redpill".

Where do you live? I have a CS degree in a small midwestern city and if you walk into any employment agency with a CS degree you will basically leave with a job

Ashi ruined the story
Samurai Jack is a man's story
Not a love story

It does in any closed loop story, which is strongly implied otherwise ashi wouldnt have disappeared.

Ashi stopping to exist and jack dont suffering any effect at all (i mean, she SAVED HIS LIFE) are conflicting. Either both survive, or both are gone.

How in Persona 5 they jump you straight from Christmas to Valentine's.

That and why the fuck the protagonist had to leave at all.
There was nothing back home for him, he's got friends, a nice place and a waifu in that town.

yes but the past was jack's original timeline, in short the series was only 1 episode because jack "theoretically* never went back to the past. Aku showed up, jack fought and got teleported, ashi teleports him back and he kills aku just like he was about to the first time, kills aku and ashi vanishes along with that future, jack goes back to his original life. I'm not catching the paradox guys. Jack literally went full circle. Had aku not cast jack into the future then the EXACT same thing would of happened and aku would still be dead.

I'm 25 with a kind of dumb programming job and their is no obvious career path for me to make video games like I want to

Outside of the first episode the rest were progressively worse. The season was severely crippled by only having 10 episodes.

go indie with me, user

i like to write and i think ive got some good ideas

Me too, friendo. Me too.

I can't see my forehead

How else was it going to end?
Nevermind Ashi, what if Jack just found a time portal (finally defeating the Guardian, for example), went back to the past, and killed Aku.

It still would have undone Aku's future. This was the plan from the beginning.

I think it's because nobody expected it to be an actual final season, just a continuation of the series.
Personally I didn't like how it broke a lot of conventions that were established in the original run (Little to no dialogue, self-contained episodes, elaborate and visually captivating fight scenes).

>nobody expected it to be an actual final season, just a continuation of the series
Speak for yourself. Everyone knew it was meant to wrap up the series. You can't afford self contained episodes with such a limited amount of air time.

That being said, there were still a TON of scenes that lacked dialogue and focused on the scenery. Jack's inner mind and the whole Daughters of Aku chase scene come to mind

Behold Sup Forums, THE FIXED ENDING

>how it should have ended
That's the multiverse theory; what DBZ does with its time travel. What it would imply is that everyone Jack knew in the past are still dead and everything's fucked up thanks to Aku. None of the damage he caused was reversed, and the scars are there to stay. Only by travelling back to the past, he would have created a new timeline with identical people (his parents, people, etc) and lived with those. That's hardly better.


Nobody really cares about pre-order perks damaging the industry.

I just had a conversation with a friend about pre-order DLC and they brought up Eminem's latest CD having exclusive tracks "for the fans." It didn't matter what examples I used. It didn't matter how DLC was created and marketed. According to him, buying a game from multiple retailers in order to get exclusive DLC is fine because real fans of a franchise are the only ones willing to do that, being only ones who deserve the DLC as a result. It doesn't even matter if a game is unfinished or has review embargoes, promoting the sale of pre-orders to clueless consumers. He's just completely brainwashed into believing pre-order exclusives are meant as fan perks rather than the anti-consumer marketing tools that they are.

I didn't know the last season of Samurai Jack was only getting 10 episodes and am beyond disappointed.

I don't understand this complaints about the future:
>"Jack should've stayed in the future so he can be with his friends!!"
Yeah lets just abandon the whole point of Jack's entire journey and make him learn a life lesson. Grow the fuck up, no shit all of his friends would be gone once he kills Aku in the past because they would've never existed because of Aku.

My main gripes with the finale come with how it was executed
>hey Ashi you can learn the time screech so instead of Jack suggesting you to attempt doing that you just do it instinctively and abruptly
>Ashi doesn't die instantly once Aku dies and drags on a pointless marriage and die by saying exposition instead
>instead of playing the original opening at the beginning and skipping on the new intro, lets just sacrifice potential time to alleviate pacing and play both openings instead.

>it didn't end at jack committing seppukku

Nintendo can do no wrong not even when they sell a empty box.


>Jack seals away Aku
>Ashi doesn't disappear because Aku is still alive
>She gives birth to his child, who will eventually grow up to fight Aku after he breaks the seal
>The fight goes on for generations until it reaches the future Jack was sent to
>Aku takes over the future just like the first time
>It cuts to Jack's great great great grandson, the scotsman, and all the others getting ready to fight Aku
>The end


All MMOs are shit. I fucking love the concept, I loved them a few years ago, but now all MMOs are watered down, arcade bullshit garbage and I can't find one worth playing.

BDO probably comes the closest. EVE was alright for a while but the skillsgap was just too much, and BDO's lack of player freedom is almost insufferable.

Is there any hope for bestgenre?

Every Jack season has been 13 episodes. I just never expected Cartoon network to be so stingy to only give Genny 10 episodes in between 20 hours of Teen titans GO.

t. antifa

I wish I didn't live in a shit country with monetized healthcare so I can get the help I desperately need.
I wish I did not have brain damage and could understand maths.
I wish I were not in a "right place, wrong time" situation with her

I'm worried that Mighty Switch Force 2 is never gonna be ported to Steam. I don't care if they give it the remastered graphics or not, I just want to play the damn game. I love the series so far, but I'm not going to buy a 3DS for one game.

Getting pwnd by kb/m users on console

>Not willing to provide for yourself so you'd rather steal from others

>Instead of Aku being dead and the land being at peace, thousands of years of battle, grief, suffering and war against an evil that won't ever go away happen.


Are you one of those of people who cry Sup Forums at any hint of political incorrectness, or do you mean actual threads about politics?

why was the ending like Gurren Laganns?

I've got a month tops before I need to get a job and lose almost all time for vidya

It's better than Aku just dying for no real reason.


I feel like I'm getting old way to fast and my best days in life are behind me.

I am single, have a Master's Degree, a six-figure salary, am relatively /fit/ (I need to lose weight but I can lift more than the typical gym rat) and yet I find little fun in most games recently outside of Fire Emblem Heroes.

You're that faggot that's been showing up in all those thinly veiled lewd female protagonist threads and complaining about the invention of cutscenes, aren't you.

>ratio means nothing
That is objectively wrong, you can't compare a 10 hour game with 5 hours of cutscenes to a 100 hour game with 5 hours of cutscenes.

As a sign of good will for the April Fool's day joke, Rick fixes everything

>went to RIT for two years before realizing I couldn't fucking stand the classes and dropped out
>Spent the next summer being a perpetually tired NEET at my parents' new place (they moved during my second year)
>location is shit, house is shit, all my friends are back home
>go get a job at Wendy's to stop my parents from bitching, nowhere else would hire me
>it's fucking terrible, constantly understaffed, basically asked to do the work of 3 people at all times, coworkers are all sociopathic pricks, even more tired than before
>go attend classes at local community college, fucks up my energy even more
>manage to pass my classes, but they're all artsy fartsy bullshit that would be a complete waste of time to get a formal degree in
>quit my job because I've fucking had enough
Now I'm back to square one trying to find a job that won't kill me on the inside and out. And I keep wanting to devote some time to finding a skill that I can eventually make a living off of, but I'm too paralyzed and embarrassed to do so while my parents are breathing down my neck every day, on account of raising me like a total sperg and constantly trying to guide me and judge me (they say they aren't but they totally are).
I'm seriously contemplating just moving back to my hometown where I can get away from my family and be around my friends who actually have a modicum of respect for me. I don't care if I have to room with 3 random fuckers. I don't care if I have to work 50 hours a week, because my hometown was a tourist town that was well-kept and the businesses there weren't run by literal monkeys. I just need to fucking get out of this town, ironic since I went all the way to Rochester because I thought I wanted to get away from my home, but I really appreciate my old home now.

Also I want to get Fire Emblem Echoes but I have this shitty problem where I just can't touch vidya when I have stressful responsibilities that I feel like I have to take care of first.